More From Chris Evans On Captain America: "This Isn't A Flag Waving Movie"

More From Chris Evans On Captain America: "This Isn't A Flag Waving Movie"

Speaking to CBR, Evans answers some more question on his role as Steve Rogers in Captain America: TFA...

By MarkCassidy - Jun 24, 2011 11:06 AM EST
Filed Under: Captain America
Source: CBR

We will of course be swamped with Cap stuff in the build up to the movie's release. But you guys don't mid I'm sure! I found some excerpts of Chris Evans' interview with Comic Book Resources interesting because as well as speaking about Hugo Weaving, he also addresses the ever controversial issue of Cap being seen as JUST a jingoistic flag waver..

CBR: What does it mean to you to basically be draped in the American flag for this film?

Evans: Ha, well, to me, I'm not trying to get too lost in the American side of it. This isn't a flag waving movie. It is red, white and blue, but it just so happens that the character was created in America during war time, when there was a common enemy, even though it is Captain America. I've said before in interviews, it feels more like he should just be called Captain Good. [Laughs] You know, he was created at a time when there was this undeniable evil and this guy was kind of created to fight that evil. I think that everyone could agree that Nazis were bad and he, Cap, just so happens to wear the red, white and blue.

Evans also goes into some details about his co-star Hugo Weaving who of course will portray Cap's nemesis The Red Skull..

He's just a good man. I mean, it's always disappointing when you work with fantastic actors that you respect professionally and then you meet them and realize they're kind of jerks. [Laughs] That couldn't be more opposite with Hugo. He's just the most... I'd say patient man because I can't imagine what it feels like coming in to work at 4:00 AM and sitting there for three hours of make-up and then having to stay in a good mood while shooting. He somehow manages to still be a good person, and he's still so happy to be here and he loves doing it. He's so good at it and he has no ego, he always listens to whoever's directing or whoever he's acting with, he never thinks he's bigger than the part, or bigger than the project. He's just a consummate professional. It's really impressive.

For the full interview click the link back to CBR below.



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crucifier - 6/24/2011, 11:31 AM
Here's hoping...
HelaGood - 6/24/2011, 11:58 AM
can't WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gelfling - 6/24/2011, 12:11 PM
iron man 1 was brilliant, Hulk was fantastic and so was thor! this is going to be superb and avengers will be totally amazing, Marvel dont [frick] about! without nolan dc would be dead and buried!
Gelfling - 6/24/2011, 12:11 PM
iron man 1 was brilliant, Hulk was fantastic and so was thor! this is going to be superb and avengers will be totally amazing, Marvel dont [frick] about! without nolan dc would be dead and buried!
DeadpoolJustice - 6/24/2011, 12:18 PM
I think i would be awesome if Wolverine made a small cameo since he participated in WW2 too. Even if they mention his name "James Howlett" or even "Logan" that would be awesome. Just a Thought.
GoddamnBatman - 6/24/2011, 12:20 PM
Ugh this picture makes his hair look even more brown
dmm5 - 6/24/2011, 12:31 PM
Haha Captain America has to be big, have to take all this Green Lantern taste out my mouth
TheMyth - 6/24/2011, 12:34 PM
Intruder, I was going to attempt to emulate him for laughs but changed my mind when I realized no one does it better than Jake.

CAP WILL PWN ALL!! After this movie, people will be saying, "Dark Knight who?"
Brashlight - 6/24/2011, 12:43 PM
I love that he understands Cap is more than just a symbol for America. Sure he was created for that but in reality he is the symbol for what is right. Thats why i love this character, Evans gets that and will do amazing in this movie I cannot freaking wait for this one!!!

Also, I reviewed Green Lantern if y’all care to read it. Here is the link. Yes i have become one of those guys lol!
MarkCassidy - 6/24/2011, 12:46 PM
Am I the only one that didn't think too much of the second trailer? I think the actual movie will be great but the trailers never made me think "Woah, awesome!". Just "Oh, ok."
Brashlight - 6/24/2011, 12:49 PM
I just liked the parts showing the purity of Steve Rogers. I loved the part where he throws himself on the grenade to save everyone. Those are the things I responded to. I really like those human elements of movies. I don't know about everyone else but that is what I responded to in the second trailer.
phenomenon - 6/24/2011, 12:52 PM
well ror....I agree.... lol....... it's not a movie which I'm holding my breath for........
Shaman - 6/24/2011, 12:56 PM
Ror- Personally, i just love where the character comes from and the second trailer showed just how much importance they give to that aspect of Steve Rogers/Captain America. And the fact that they added more action scenes and more meat to the scenes we had already seen, it just did a remarkable job at convincing me of this film's awesomeness. So i very much agree with Brashlight.

Oh and Brashlight, you've got to have the best damn gif avatar i've ever seen!!! Brilliant :))
Jakeroo - 6/24/2011, 12:56 PM
How very sad. In a time when our country is in financial debt. This is the time when we need most to pick ourselves up and have pride in our country and we cannot even depend on a superhero draped in our countries flag to be a real american. Yeah He's a great guy...we get that. Other countries could have made cap, but the DIDNT!!!

If the original source material (comics) were complete crap, then the characters would not be around anymore.
Stop changing so much about these charaters. PLEASE!

Did my head explode? no. The real question to intruder and everyone else is ...why didn't yours??? Am I the only one who sees that this movie is not only disloyal to the character but a bunch of anti-american garbage as well.
Jakeroo - 6/24/2011, 12:57 PM
oh yeah and sabertooth you are right Steve should be blonde, but then again thor didnt look all that blonde either????

Brashlight - 6/24/2011, 12:59 PM
Shaman@ Thanks, not too shabby right! lol

phenomenon - 6/24/2011, 1:01 PM
how did we say it back than...... earn your shield boys..... well.... this movie is going to decide whether, he brings his shield home.... or comes home on top of it....I hope it's going to be a great movie...but...
MarkCassidy - 6/24/2011, 1:03 PM
Shaman, Brash..yeah I also loved those bits. I have no problem with how they seem to be portraying Cap, just with what they choose to show in the trailer. I mean was it REALLY epic? 4 or 5 shots of Cap jumping? This guy jumps quite a bit. Shield throwing etc, all cool..but there was no conflict. We see him going up against a few faceless goons, one quick exchange with Skull. They should have shown him angry and shouting something inspiring! haha, I dunno. I just like trailers that put the ol neck hairs u and this didn't.
Shaman - 6/24/2011, 1:03 PM
HERE's a way to fix economical problems as well as many others! Just food for thought ;)
JackBauer - 6/24/2011, 1:04 PM
@Ror - I really like the 2nd trailer. It's very linear, so to speak. I think that will help the general audience see what the movie is about.
Brashlight - 6/24/2011, 1:06 PM
Jakeroo@ Chill out dude, a 2 hour movie on a comic book super hero isn't going to turn our economic situation around...I am red blooded American and I don't want cap to be a flag waver. I hate that flag waving bullsh*t from Americans! Its pretty much the reason other countries hate us. It would piss me off too if a reletively young country like ours always talks about how great we are! And further more if they made it a flag waving, "America F*ck Yeah" type of move it would tank in the world wide box office. Smart move Marvel Studio's, Smart move.
Mugwamp - 6/24/2011, 1:07 PM
Removing the American overtones to Cap is like making Superman come from Mexico. His whole identity is that he embodies American ideals, not the "World Good Guy." Getting tired of Hollywood watering down anything truly American to appease the rest of the world. If they don't like it, screw them, tell them to make their own heroes. The same people who don't mind this bitch when any tiny aspect of other characters is changed. Hypocrisy run amuck!
Brashlight - 6/24/2011, 1:07 PM
Ror@ I get where your coming from, I would have liked more action too. I think the Epic terms were thrown around because we really hadn't gotten much up to that point. But the few action sequences that were there were pretty cool in my eyes. Obviously i loved the shield throw with some splosions!!!
AC1 - 6/24/2011, 1:08 PM
@Gelfling please tell me you mean Incredible Hulk and not Ang Lee's atrocity... well, of course you do ;)

Can't wait for this film

@teabag thats sad, poor Columbo. RIP Peter Falk

@JakeRoo really? You serious? This doesn't need to be a flag waving movie. Being that kind of movie might be nice to watch in America but it'd just look overly cheesey everywhere else. A little patriotism is fine, it's what should be expected of Captain America. But we want movies, and damn good ones at that. If you want over the top, "AMERICA RULEZ", really annoying 'let's throw every American stereotype in the audience's faces', blatent propaganda in CBMs, go watch the UN scene from Superman 4.
And, are you kidding me with the 'Anti-American' comment? This is about as Anti-American as Uncle Sam playing baseball around the Statue of Liberty with Abe Lincoln and George Washington while gorging themselves on apple pie. If it were 'Anti-American', it'd be called Captain Hitler.

phenomenon - 6/24/2011, 1:11 PM
well shaman....... I said that many times before.... communism did't work..... but this form of (cap)italism...(sorry coulden't get the cap out of my head) also doesn't.... and no matter how admirable it is to be proud of your country or western world..... it won't fix the problems.... not even a superhero can..... maybe star trek deep space nine....... season3.... saw the future how it's going to be they could predict the future back than...... scary...... lol
Ceejay - 6/24/2011, 1:11 PM
Well it can't make less than GREEN LANTERN is doing I'm sure. Currently every film in the top 10 has had an increase from Thursday with their box office no matter how small except... yes you guessed it, Green Lantern in the only one to still drop on Thursday continuing its decline from Saturday!

RottenTomatoes now scores it 26% critics score and 58% users score. Oooooh that's pretty bad word of mouth from the users!
Ranger14 - 6/24/2011, 1:17 PM
How anyone can watch the trailer and think they have taken away America, patriotism and the red white and blue is beyond me. Steve Rogers does everything he can do to serve and fight for this country. He subjects himself to an experiment to do so, not knowing what the outcome would be. He joins the mission to "send Adolph Hitler back to Hell". He's wearing the red, white and blue...along with the star. I don't know how much more patriotic you can get. I think they are just trying to say that they aren't getting on any political platform or direct pro-USA campaign with the film's content.

The whole tone of the film should be just fine for delivering a patriotic message without going over-the-top. Sometimes a stronger message can be delivered without someone beating you over the head with it and most people don't like to be beat over the head when delivering political propaganda.
Ceejay - 6/24/2011, 1:20 PM
Looks as Patriotic as it needs to be for a movie set in WW2 at the very height of patriotism having a greater meaning!
MarkCassidy - 6/24/2011, 1:21 PM
"We are great , and pukes like you are whats wrong with the country...if you actually do live here."

lmao at Sgt Slaughter there. There is nothing wrong with Patriotism, but there is with jingoism. And judging by that comment that's what you practice my friend.

Anyway, can't really put it any better than Ranger. How anyone could look at that trailer and think it was in any way ANTI American is beyond me.

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