The Idenity of the New Iron Man is revealed to be...Tony Stark, yes unlike the other heroes Tony will still be Iron Man and no longer his Superior Iron Man Version which i personally liked but i can understand why they needed to get rid of it.
The New Upcoming Series for Iron Man - The Invincible Iron Man will have writer Brian Micheal Bendis and artists David Marquez and Justin Ponsor and it debuts in October with one of 55 to 60 No. 1 issues that are part of the "All-New All-Different Marvel" relaunch.
Bendis has stated that the new Invincible Iron Man series
"a futurist's look at what he has to do next as a superhero"
According to Bendis the series picks up eight months after the conclusion Secret Wars with Tony wanting to be a better man in every aspect of his life..So basically he is no longer the Superior Iron Man.
Finally one of the main plot points is Iron Man finding out who his real parents are as in the current run Tony Stark is adpoted and the Son of Howard Stark is Arno Stark. As Brian put it
"Invincible Iron Man ultimately is this adopted child's journey of finding out who they really are, he concludes. "When you find out what happens at the end of the first issue, he has to make a choice on what he's willing to do as a superhero to fix things for real."
There is more outlined in the interveiw which i won't go into but you can check it out if you so choose to. Personally i am exicted about this new Iron Man Series especially if they actually get Tony's charcter in a right place.