Many thanks to Ain't It Cool News for the following preview of Stormwatch #1, along with comments from Paul Cornell. I've included only a couple of excerpts below, so be sure to click on the link at the bottom of the article to head on over to the site where you can read much, much more. Do you plan on buying this comic book when it goes on sale tomorrow? Which other "New 53" issues will you be picking up? Be sure to share your thoughts in the usual place!
"New readers start here. There's lots of fun things I could tease you with, but as to 'need': nothing at all. We start with Adam, who's meant to be the leader, but whose brain is scrambled, and whose orders are starting to sound increasingly random. He's sent his people out on two different missions already when a third pops up, and it starts to become obvious that the next couple of days are going to be his biggest test, with something that's getting wildly out of control. You get to meet all our characters as we get into that and things fall apart. I think it's got a very different flavour, kind of Torchwood with super powers. It's got a science fiction feel to it, it does SF science. It's about big characters in suits trying to control alien mysteries while keeping it all hidden from an increasingly large hero community."
And many thanks to Cosmic Book News for the followng Superman related teaser which puts the spotlight on this months upcoming titles.