In the upcoming Flash series there will be a dramatic change to the life of Barry Allen. Barry will be with out wife Iris! According to series writer Brian Cunningham, courtesy of
Bleeding Cool, not only will Iris and Barry will not be married but he will be seeing someone new altogether in issue one. The lucky ladies name is coworker Patty Spivot.
Says series Writer Brian Cunningham:

“Yes, folks — in the post-FLASHPOINT world, Barry Allen has not only never dated Iris West, but he’s dating someone else entirely in issue #1! And that someone is…his longtime coworker Patty Spivot!
“If that upsets you, sorry about that. But I make no apologies for opening up a traditional storytelling avenue with our hero’s romantic life, something that’s been shut closed for a very long time now. This is no indictment of marriage. I’m a married man and wouldn’t trade it for anything. But in the realm of fiction, I feel strongly that this change to Barry opens up fresh, new creative directions and exciting new storylines.
“But don’t fret—Iris West remains an active supporting cast member. And a wonderfully entertaining one, at that! Who else could possibly hit up Barry for anonymous crime-story tips to fill her blog on the Central City Citizen’s website? No one but the go-getter Iris could consume so much caffeine and live to tell about it.
“In Flashpoint #1, we saw Barry Allen recreate the whole of reality merging DCU, Wildstorm and DC Vertigo creating a new reality. But why does he seem to have created one without his wife – or his nephew and fellow Flash, Wally West?
“And who knows, maybe someday we’ll have the opportunity to see why Barry and Iris fell in love in the first place. Or maybe not! Stay tuned — I can assure you Barry’s love life will never, ever be boring!
So there you have it Barry will be living the bachelor life for his new series as The Flash. What do you guys think, does this really open up The Flash for better stories since he is not chained down by marriage? Pick up The Flash #1 in stores on September 28, 2011.