I must say that yesterday's Green Lantern #3 Surprised me very much, and in a good way. I had been a little curios but not too interested in why Sinestro was now a GL once more and why he needed Hal's help.
At the start of the book it continues from where we left off from #2 and Hal is still a little skeptic of Sinestro's Motives as even the reader too is. The writing was very well done and I was very Impressed with the art.. Specially at the part where it perfectly depicts the weirdness of seeing Sinestro Laughing hard at Hal Jordan.. it was drawn in such a way that you could actually tell that Sinestro genuinely thought what he was laughing about was funny. Which for that character is quite unusual.. at least to me since I have only started paying close attention to him in just last year or so.. But back to story..

The book successfully took the story in a direction where I am actually looking forward to the next issue now with a lot of anticipation to see where it goes. Since i will not give away any spoilers I will only say that the cliffhanger is very smartly done that it leaves you not knowing what to expect. Are they going to go with the comicbook cliche' of making any danger to the hero not much of a danger or, is he really in trouble this time?
This brings me to Sinestro.. At least from the way he was written it is quite clear that the villain is genuinely reformed. At least while his ultimate goal is to save his people who in a heartbreaking scene, run away from him when he arrives to save them. That scene goes a long way to show just what Sinestro is going through emotionally at this point. He controlled Korugar with fear and now even after his creation has turned his homeworld into a slave rock, They run away from him despite his going back to being a green Lantern and his sincere hopes to save them.
I also find the subplot with the Guardians and Ganthet very intriguing.. Is this a tease to the introduction of another corps? I can't wait to find out. I can't talk about Hal Jordan without revealing the massive spoiler that involves his Character on the final page of the book.. but i will give you this.. This issue and the next are a definitely must read and I cant wait to see where the story goes!
As usual, sound off your thoughts in the comments section.. Thanks for reading!