Kevin Smith Reveals New Vigilante from Comic Book "Batman: The Widening Gyre."

Kevin Smith Reveals New Vigilante from Comic Book "Batman: The Widening Gyre."

Fans of the comic book will get a closer look at Gotham's newest vigilante. Spoiler Alert!

By Whispers68 - Oct 01, 2009 07:10 AM EST
Filed Under: DC Comics
Source: SplashPage.MTV.Com

DC Universe, thanks to Kevin Smith and Walter Flanagan, will welcome the addition of a new and mysterious vigilante in "Batman: The Widening Gyre."

"Issue 2, that's where you finally meet our character...the character that me and artist Walter Flanagan came up with. His name is Baphomet. I don't think you learn that until issue 3, but f--- it. I spoiled it," Smith told MTV News.

"Issue 2, Baphomet engages with Batman a bit more, and issue 3 is where I think they have their first conversation," said Smith.

It seems the character could possibly be Batman's replacement..."Gyre is a story about Bruce Wayne hitting that age where he's like, 'Everybody I ever trained in the war on crime is doing it, if they're alive... or if they've come back from the dead. But they also have lives. They also have personal lives and sh--, and I do not have one. Through circumstances, suddenly he's faced with the possibility that he can have the perfect life of love and happiness and still being f---ing Batman—split down the middle," he explained.

But there's no way Bruce Wayne would give up fighting crime forever..."He doesn't want to quit," said Smith. "But he's like, 'Why can't I scale back? F---ing Dick Grayson has a girlfriend, why can't I have a girlfriend? I f--- a lot, but why can't I be involved with somebody?"

The clip below is a video of Smith giving his thoughts about the new character and the direction of "Batman: The Widening Gyre." Issue two hits your local comic book shop on September 30th.

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Deadpaul - 10/1/2009, 8:00 AM
New to this.
Kevin smith rocks i think he could be a genius!
scapegoatjones - 10/1/2009, 8:39 AM
I'm Baman
LEEE777 - 10/1/2009, 8:43 AM
i'M rOBIN : D

Actually screw that lol.


Whispers68 - 10/1/2009, 9:23 AM
@ Everyone

Don't kill me for saying this guys, but I haven't read the first issue so can anyone give me a heads up on whether it's a good read

@LEEE777...came across the story accidently while reviewing a private wealth management position since I just graduated a month ago
TheGuillotine - 10/1/2009, 9:29 AM
Baman : and the fight for the missing "t"
Whispers68 - 10/1/2009, 9:36 AM

Is the art so bad that it causes you to deviate from the story and pay more attention to the artwork? I can relate on artwork not being the best feature of a comic book but I noticed once I get beyond thinking of the artwork, the book becomes more interesting. This happened with Watchmen...not to say the artwork was horrible but I had a different idea in mind so it took me a while but I eventually adapted to the artwork and the story just unfolded beautifully
MatchesMalone - 10/1/2009, 9:43 AM
I'm Batman.
Spada - 10/1/2009, 9:49 AM
baphomet? wtf
Whispers68 - 10/1/2009, 10:17 AM
@ BmanHall and Dellamorte

I definitely relate. That's the statement I used with my friend who has been collecting comic books on a serious level for maybe 12 years now and he didn't agree at first but suddenly he started checking out books and the story was good but the art sucked, so he couldn't finish the particular comic books and eventually caused him to no longer purchase further issues if drawn by the same artist. He says I ruined his comic book collection but I think I enhanced it by weeding out what he doesn't need to purchase.

As for me and Watchmen, many loved the artwork, but it took a bit of time for me to get into it (about six months it remained unread) due to the oldies feel to the drawings. I realized if everyone proclaims the book as this messiah of graphic novels, I needed to get over my hurdle of the artwork and I did. Arkham Asylum was definitely "trippy." I believe they wanted to represent the chaotic inner thoughts of someone in a mental facility by utilizing the fluid-like strokes, etc
Whispers68 - 10/1/2009, 10:48 AM

I'm not disagreeing with you guys. I was advocating to my friend how serious art is for graphic novels/comic books because regardless how well the story is, your eyes must see the artwork and if it's dreadful, it'll cause your eyes to deviate from story to how horrible the artwork is. For instance, a hiphop album, rock album or any genre where there is vocal and instrumental consisted on the song. The album isn't considered classic if you only have good production or only good lyrics. They coexist and one without the other is like a gas powered car without any gas...

So I definitely am big on artwork and story working on a symmetry for a book to be awesome
TheJester - 10/1/2009, 11:00 AM
GUNSMITH - 10/1/2009, 11:08 AM
CorndogBurglar - 10/1/2009, 11:38 AM
art is important, but in the long run, i'm in it for the story. art is only visual, while the story is the meat of the book.
comicboyV1 - 10/1/2009, 12:15 PM
i think the first issue was great. kevin is a good writer. i didn't much care for the art ether, exept for the way he drew ivy that was nice! lol
contrast - 10/1/2009, 12:29 PM
You guys do realize that Baphomet isn't just some name Kevin Smith made up, right...? It's the name of a demon (in fact, it's the name of that demon you always see the drawing of--the picture of the female floating "indian style", holding up a hand, and she has a goat's head with a pentagram on it...)

and for all those final fantasy fans out there, "Baphomet" is actually where the name "Bahomet" came from...
TheMyth - 10/1/2009, 1:18 PM
Contrast, actually, Bahamut from the FF series is derived from Arabian mythology. In Arabian myth, Bahamut is an enormous fish or serpent that supports the earth and is so immense in size that a person cannot behold it in its entirety. This mythos is mentioned in both the Koran and Torah, as well as having a likeness in Japenese mythos known as Jinshin-Uwo.
thwhtGuardian - 10/1/2009, 1:26 PM
As much as I love Kevin Smith I think Gotham has way to many heroes as it is. I haven't read any of this but the idea of another yet hero in gotham just sounds a little redundant to me.
Is it any good?
AvengingAngel1022 - 10/1/2009, 1:27 PM
i need a copy
Shaman - 10/1/2009, 1:33 PM
The art is MONUMETAL for me. Could you believe that i couldn't bear to read J. Michael Strasinsky's run on Amazing Spider-man because i hated Romita Jr.'s art??? True Story. One of my favorite comic book characters is Pitt. WTF??? His story is as lame as it gets but he's still one of my favorites. Go figure. Also one of the greatest comics i've ever read was Batgirl drawn by Damion Scott. It was practically wordless. But the story that transpired through the art was breath taking.
contrast - 10/1/2009, 2:11 PM
@ TheMyth--well, you got me there, but my original point anyway was to explain (because of people's odd responces to the name) that Baphomet actually meant something, so I'm sticking with my original statement, minus the Bahomet part...
longbowhunter - 10/1/2009, 3:43 PM
I've really enjoyed the series thus far. Smith always gives a fresh take on old characters. I love all the little inside jokes and comments he drops for big Batman readers.
satanors - 10/1/2009, 10:17 PM
MATRIX 4 NOW!!!!!. Ryan Reynolds for Agent Smith.
Modifiious - 10/2/2009, 12:14 PM
I read Cacophony and personally thought Kevin Smith ought never write Batman again. Ever.
TheMyth - 10/3/2009, 6:04 PM
Contrast, no harm no foul bud ;) Just making a correction. I have a plethora of useless knowledge floating about my brain and relish opportunity to display it ;)

To the morons on this page: Really? The name 'Baphomet' is that bad to you? And Batman has such an original, well conceived name, [frick]tards. I have great disdain for morons who judge things cosmetically. I understand such things aren't common knowledge, but 'Baphomet' is a term that has been around for nearly a thousand years. God forbid some one know something some of you don't. Gunsmith, your comment makes you seem like said kindergartner.
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