What can I say about the 2010 Superman graphic novel by J. Michael Straczynski? I can say that it was one of the greatest retelling of Superman since Man of Steel by John Byrne and Birthright by Mark Waid. I love the Superman costume in Earth One while updated, it retains the iconic look. Despite the media’s coverage of making the graphic novel look terrible by claiming Clark Kent/Superman looked more like Twilight’s Robert Pattinson simply because Clark was wearing clothes that teenagers such as myself would wear and that was unfair because that possibly drove some new readers away as some are sick of the Twilight series or just hate it.
What makes Earth One different from most of Superman’s story is that we get to explore more on how and why Clark decided to put on the costume. I loved how JMS made Clark have the choices of various ways to use his powers like to become a professional athlete, Chief Executive Officer, a doctor, or a scientist. I loved how Clark was more relatable to teenagers today trying to fit in to society, get a job, and make it on their own for the first time. Another thing about Clark in the graphic novel touches close to home is being different and wanting to have a normal life. The greatest moment in Earth One when the world was in danger, Clark remembers when he and his parents discussed about his costume and the responsibility. Jonathan Kent delivered this statement: “You’re not just different from every other man, Clark. You’re more powerful than any other man in history; you’re unique in the entire world. Extraordinary. Not just any man and more than just a man…. A Super-man….Superman.” It was that moment where Clark knew what he had to do put on the costume and become Superman.
Another thing that made the graphic novel brilliant was how JMS wrote Jimmy Olsen now going by Jim Olsen. It was refreshing to see Jim be at the same level as Lois and Clark when it comes to being fearless and getting the job done. I loved how he tells Tyrell that he is willing to die for the truth because that’s the only thing worth dying for. There are Superman fans who does not like the book but I am one of those Superman fans who love it and would recommend readers to pick it up. It will feel like a movie playing in your mind. Be sure to look out for the sequel.