If anyone of you have been to IGN today you might have noticed that they had an article called "DC's Most Wanted Movies". Well, I must admit this a huge coincidence or just me ripping of that article. Well, maybe a bit of both. I thought of this article just after Christmas but I was too lazy to actually make anything of it. Truth be told IGN did make me get my stuff together. And whats more exciting than to find out what the good people of CBM's votes lie?
The story so far:
It's not exactly news that DC got the Green one coming out this summer, following him next summer is the Dark one and then comes the second, 'second' coming of the Bright one. No need to say I am psyched as "bare faen!" about this. But wait a moment! "Green one", "Dark one" and "Bright one"? To be honest, I have no idea why I just didn't say Green Lantern, Batman(or as the film is called The Dark Knight Rises) and Superman: Man of Steel but that my somewhat stupid way of writing - I cite creative nonesense!
Marvel has already esteablished two Iron-Man movies, the Hulk is pretty much already been established in pop culture(rebooted somewhat). And amidst of that Marvel became Disney's "Frightened Inmate #2". Now loading up for 'Thor: The Nordic Superhero God Alien Whom Speakeths In Shakespearen' and Captain America also is on his way for this summer.
Marvel is loading up for its mega picture of a film in 2012 called The Avengers, which will star Iron-Man, Goldielocks, Captain America, Hulk and Hawkeye. No doubt this will be the biggest single CBM experience this far, at least for Marvel fans.
But what about DC? Well, they are not currently building up for a Justice League picture to my knowledge but will it happen? Sure! Though WB might be a bit on the conservative side when it comes to producing pictures from their precious DC goldmine, there is not a doubt that the superhero films from this company will only increase, just as Geoff Johns has promised. It's a natural given too, after Harry Potter disappears for good(hopefully) this summer, WB/DC will bring DC's beloved superhero to life.
I don't really have a problem with the whole no-no on the Justice League project. I think it's better in the long run to truly establish the different characters and their respective mythoses than to just put them all in a blender and unleash the film upon the world.
WB/DC is too smart. And I think their slow progress somewhat reaffirms their stature as the big dog that doesn't feel threatened by the smaller dogs, the likes of Disney/Marvel.
Isn't it better to take your time than it is to make Superman IV, Steel and Batman & Robin? Oh yes! As we all know, such grave mistakes can never be erased.
We all know that WB has started a love affair with Christopher Nolan, and maybe they'll start one with Martin Campbell after Green Lantern? Christopher Nolan will oversee Superman, is it unlikely that he will oversee coming superhero films to come?
Warner Bros is one of the major film studios in the world. They have the greatest comicbook company under it's wing. Comicbookmovies are on it's way, however WB/DC have no intentions of rushing it.

The Superheroes:
Following Green Lantern, Batman and Superman will arguably be The Flash. But it will a hard film to make. The infamous Barry Allen will be the titular character, and with him follows great stories. It's the speedster thing that might be hard to make. For more information on my opinion on The Flash film read my editorial about how to approach The Flash film. The link to the editorial is here: http://comicbookmovie.com/fansites/Sector2814/news/?a=22511
Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter are two superheroes ever so deserving their each film. Wonder Woman is of course one of the most well known superhero(ine) in the world. J'onn J'onzz is not a well known character outside the comicbook community, though some know of the green alien from the Justice League series on Cartoon Network. Both are fascinating characters with very, very rich stories. Rumours had it that Joss Whedon, the man thats bringing The Avengers to the silver screen, also the man responsible for a little girl known as Buffy The Vampire Slayer, was supposedly involved with Wonder Woman. I don't know what happened but of all the people, Joss Whedon is absolutely the right man for the job. He has an outmost respect for the opposite sex, well shown through his strong female characters on Buffy.
The more difficult superheroes to bring to the big screen would be Aquaman and Green Arrow, both also very deserving of a film. Aquaman has his pros and cons, Green Arrow is the progressive/liberal archer counterpart of Batman which would somewhat confuse people. Hawkman with his egyptian-bird-alien-esque background could also be a bit hard for the mainstream audience.
Now this has turned into a way too long editorial which was supposed to be a little piece about which DC superhero you want to see the most on the silver screen. I have also drifted a bit in this editorial but I cite once more creative nonsense!
So good people, regardless of the upcoming Green Lantern, Bats and Supes film,
which DC film are you dying the most to see?
My answer:
What about yours?