I was reading comments yesterday on comicbookmovie.com regarding the confirmation(again) that the DC movie and TV shows will be separate. Those hoping for a Crisis On Infinite Earths movie should pretty much keep dreaming. Or should we? Before Iron Man how many of you thought there would ever be an Avengers movie made up of individual franchises. It's possible. Marvel did something unprecedented almost 10 years ago at the time and it turned into phenomenal successful gamble. Keep in mine that before Iron Man came out critics were saying, very loudly I might add, that superhero movies were on it's last legs and that the fad was going to end soon. That was almost 10 years ago and look where we're at now? They were even saying the Avengers movie would never work because it had never been done before. Again look where we are now? Now I'm not saying there should be a Crisis movie or that the DC movies need to tie in with the TV shows like Marvel does but it seems to me that the producers like Charles Roven are not understanding the "multiverse" concept that pretty much is the backbone of the DC universe. A lot of you keep reasoning that the acting done on the TV show could not hold a candle to acting done in the movies as if TV is somehow beneath the movies. Like Stephen Amell and Grant Gustin can't hold a candle acting to Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill or Gal Gadot. Gal Gadot I say. Are you serious? Except for Affleck most of the acting done by these individuals are pretty much on the same level except with TV we don't see them every week. Even Affleck had a lot of bad movies until he turned to directing and now he's very well respected. But I digress.
Anyway, I do to a degree believe the DC movies and TV should stay separate. But my god, DC, throw us a bone and don't insult our intelligence like the "multiverse" concept can't exist between the two mediums. Wouldnt it be cool if both Flashes from the movie and TV show ran so fast that they ended up in each other's world? You can certainly do one episode on The Flash where this happens for and maybe the Grant Gustin Flash help's the Ezra Miller Flash get back to his world. Where would the confusion be? The worlds are still separate and all storylines can continue without having to intermingle and confuse people. THAT WOULD BE SO COOL. And it would gain a lot of credibilty with the core fanbased that these people understand and know what they're doing.
There is too much worry about not trying confuse the "casual" viewer and losing folks. Has anyone considered by all the great numbers from the movie tickets and TV show ratings that those "casual" viewers arenty so casual? That the casual viewer has become a core viewer? There are a lot of us that grew up on these books when our numbers couldn't be accounted for because we were young non-working folks back then. A lot of us are now grown and still support these properties because we've always dreamed to see them on screen and now shared those experiences with our family and children. So now today you have an expansion of numbers that can now be accounted for because we parents still love the properties and remember a time when those same properties were disrespected by the mainstream. Sharing what you love with the kids you know have is so much joy. But some actions between TV and movie producers still work off that old belief that movies are still more highly regarded than anything on TV and that mixing the two somehow would create confusion which in turn would cut into sales. Judging by some comments of the articles I read some of you still do too. Marvel could have easily went straight to an Avengers movie without Thor and Captain America be i honestly dont believe the affect would be the same.
All Im saying is that DC movies and TV dont have to mix and mingle but DC in particular is missing a branding opportunity with the multiverse concept to gain credibilty if anything. The people on Arrow never have to meet the people on Batman vs. Superman but acknowleding that there are different Earths where other heroes exist but dont interact just like in the comic books makes everything feel much more legit.