1. Flies and catches a ship thrown by Superman possessed by Eclipso, whom was trying to kill the civilians on board.
2. Arm-wrestles Superman to a stalemate.
3. Holds his own against Superman, Jay Garrick, and Alan Scott.
4. Fights and defeats Black Adam by removing his Power Scarab.
5. Claims to move at the speed of lightning.
6. Catches the Flash (Barry Allen).
7. Him and Superman making their way back to Earth flying very fast.
8. Saves Superman by speed-blitzing Bizarro, Solomon Grundy, Parasite, and Metallo.
9. Prevented Black Adam from changing into his powered state by changing his "magic word".
10. Resists being possessed by the Spear of Destiny and uses it on the Spectre.
11. Throws Dr. Fate's helmet into outer space.
12. As Lord Marvel, resurrects a lifeless Katana.
13. Claimed by Mr. Terrific that Marvel and Hawkman are the best two people to bring Superman in.
14. Changes the Earth's weather patterns by flying across it to spell out a message.
15. Travels faster than the speed of light.
16. Not really a feat, but actual showings of the Gods and Beings that empower Captain Marvel during Freddy Freeman's trails.
S. Solomon - Wisdom
H. Hercules - Strength
A. Atlas - Stamina
Z. Zeus - Power
A. Achilles - Courage
M. Mercury - Speed
16. Powers of SHAZAM (used by Freddy Freeman with the help of Zatanna) to temporarily depower 10,000 Kryptonians in a instant. (It's safe to say that Billy Batson can do this also).
17. Defeats Black Adam again.
18. Lifts and pushes an aircraft with one arm.
19. Flies around fast enough to create a tornado to dissipate a gas bomb.
20. Steals the show from Superman for a little bit. LOL.
SageMode: I wanted to post more of his battles, but it was difficult to search for scans that actually upload.