Kevin Feige Talks Josh Brolin As 'Thanos', BLACK PANTHER, IRON MAN 4, THOR 3 And More
In a lengthy interview with Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige, he offers updates on the status of many of their upcoming movie, as well as commenting on everything from Josh Brolin playing Thanos in multiple movies to the fact that they know what each of their movies up until 2019 will be...
In a very lengthy interview with Collider (which you can read in full by clicking on the link below), Kevin Feige has revealed a ton of intriguing new details about the present and future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Before we get into their plans for 2015 beyond though, the site quized the Marvel Studios President about the decision to cast Josh Brolin as Thanos. "We knew he was going to be in this movie. We wanted somebody to be more than just the voice. Josh did the performance as well. We were looking at a wish list of, “Wouldn’t it be great if names,” and his name was on it. And you look at his face and the performances he gives, he could be Thanos without any effects. He has that kind of face and that kind of gravitas to it."
So, that confirms that Andy Serkis isn't providing the motion capture performance for Thanos then, and also that Brolin is bringing more to the villain that just his voice. As for how they went about casting the actor Feige added: "We reached out to him and it was one of those things that does not happen all the time but when it does it’s very nice, where he was totally intrigued. He was a fan of what we did, he met with Jeremy Latcham in a hotel in London and learned about the characters a little bit. I spoke to him on the phone a few times. We ran it by James who loved it, ran it by Joss who loved it because Thanos is in this universe because of Avengers. Then we shot him and recorded for it." As for whether or not the Sin City: A Dame to Kill For actor has signed a multi-picture dead, the producer confirmed that he has.

Talking of Guardians of the Galaxy, the site then asked Feige why an after-credits scene wasn't attached to the movie at recent press screenings. Does it mean that there isn't one of is it so secretive, Marvel just don't want to see it leaked online as they have so many times in the past? "It is done and it always varies. There’s no rhyme or reason, necessarily. Sometimes there are things that I think are just more fun to be discovered by the people. The normal people, not fancy pants like yourself who see it early and complain is not in IMAX—but to have a surprise on opening night. And it does vary, sometimes it’s because it’s not ready, sometimes we include it and sometimes we hold it back. We just decided it’d be fun to hold this one back." He then confirmed that Marvel know exactly which titles they will be releasing between now and 2019, but refused to reveal how many of these we'll hear about next weekend at Comic-Con (though he did tease something big in regards to Avengers: Age of Ultron).
"Both in development, both in the works," Feige said of Captain America 3 and Thor 3. "Cap has already been announced, so that’s up first. That’s in a further stage. Thor is being outlined right now, so both in the works." Oh, and will we see Robert Downey Jr. make a return as the Armoured Avenger in a fourth solo outing for Iron Man? "Of course anything’s a possibility. Who the heck knows? We have a lot of work to go to finish Avengers 2. We have a lot of work for whatever Avengers 3 is, that’s all folks need to know. Who knows what happens after that."
Finally, talk turned to why exactly Marvel have yet to head to Africa for Black Panther or have put the spotlight on a female superhero, but Feige remains open to the idea of introducing both of these in the near future. "I think we could, it’s a matter of when. It’s a matter of what are those dates, it’s a matter of juggling multiple, successful franchises. Is there a downside to managing multiple, successful franchises? I believe we’re figuring out that there is, which is having the time to do them all. So, at what point do we hold back a franchise or have three or four years between parts of a franchise in order to introduce new ones? Or do you introduce new ones within the body of the films? We’re looking at all those things right now." This is a lot of information to digest, but what do you guys think of Kevin Feige's comments?