COMICS: First Look At Marko Djurdjevic's ASTONISHING X-MEN #51 Wedding Variant

COMICS: First Look At Marko Djurdjevic's ASTONISHING X-MEN #51 Wedding Variant

Northstar and Kyle get ready to seal their wedding with a kiss on Marko Djurdjevic fantastic cover to next month's Astonishing X-Men #51. Axel Alonso and Marjorie Lu also comment on the landmark issue. Hit the jump to check it out!

By JoshWilding - May 24, 2012 09:05 AM EST
Filed Under: Marvel Comics
Source: Rolling Stone

"When gay marriage became legal in New York State, it raised obvious questions since most of our heroes reside in New York State. Northstar is the first openly gay character in comics and he's been in a longterm relationship with his partner Kyle so the big question was – how would this change his relationship?," Marvel's editor-in-chief Axel Alonso tells Rolling Stone. "Our comics are always best when they respond to and reflect developments in the real world. We've been doing that for decades, and this is just the latest expression of that."

"Here are two people, trying to live their lives – mutant and gay, black and gay – empowered in their own ways, but also fringe-dwellers," says Astonishing X-Men writer Marjorie Liu. "And they're making it happen. They're living life on their own terms. It doesn't matter that it's a superhero comic, the message is: You can do the same thing." To read the rest of the interview, in which Axel Alonso addresses the fact that one of Northstar's fellow team members aren't too happy with this wedding, be sure to click on the link below.

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MarkCassidy - 5/24/2012, 9:41 AM
Sick! Comics are not the place for that type of might see it..and I might see it..and get all aroused..I mean, NO, NOT NATURAL, ADAM AND EVE NO ADAM AND STEVE...God I'm so miserable:(

Anyway, great cover actually.
StrangerX - 5/24/2012, 9:44 AM
Well I am astonished!!
Mumbix - 5/24/2012, 9:45 AM
how astonishing!
Matador - 5/24/2012, 9:46 AM
I'm astonished Wolverine showed up shit even sit in the front.
pintoman - 5/24/2012, 9:47 AM
Yup, comics not the place for this kind of statement.
GizmoEl - 5/24/2012, 9:48 AM
Good for them
HavocPrime - 5/24/2012, 9:49 AM
Awesome cover, why is everyone a homophobe?
JackDexx - 5/24/2012, 9:51 AM
Seriously, get over yourself people if they want the characters to be gay let them. if you don't like it, go to church and cry about it.
ronnie42 - 5/24/2012, 9:51 AM
wtf. I'm not against gay's but I'd rather se the comics stick to action, not some wedding. Seriously who wants to buy a marvel/dc comic focused entirely on a wedding sheesh.
Matador - 5/24/2012, 9:54 AM
That's why its gay. A comic book about a wedding boring.
starscream4president - 5/24/2012, 9:55 AM
Say what?
Matador - 5/24/2012, 9:56 AM
Isn't Ultimate Spiderman dark brown?
JackDexx - 5/24/2012, 9:56 AM
@ronnie42 sure thats your reason...

starscream4president - 5/24/2012, 9:57 AM
Ok now I guess it's time for Peter and Johnny Storm to confess.
StrangerX - 5/24/2012, 9:57 AM
Comics have done plenty of weddings. Shit Stan lee going to Sue and Reeds wedding was so iconic they put the scene in the movie.
Spidey and Mary Jane
Black Panther and Storm
starscream4president - 5/24/2012, 9:58 AM
Wasn't Colossus Gay anyway?
blueorangeny - 5/24/2012, 9:58 AM
When it comes to religion, politics and sex it is what it is, an argument where which is why I stay away from it even during a date...unless she's bi and loves, I'm good lol

All joking aside if you don't like it while picking up your comics then just move to the next one on the comic rack. It is what it is.

@ Ror - I can't tell if you're joking or not, but wouldn't kids still see it on TV...shit even in their own school they'll see it.

I'm more curious on the Marvel fans, if I recall during a DC article regarding the same topic a few Marvel fans were talking shit. SMH on this feud between fans.
starscream4president - 5/24/2012, 9:59 AM
Batman and Nightwing next.
EntertainmentAddict - 5/24/2012, 10:00 AM
Yeah, cause NO ONE bought Peter and Mary Jane marrying, or Lois and Clark. Yeah, no one wants a marriage comic book. Really people, just be honest, you don't like it because it is a gay theme. It is groundbreaking and sends a POSITIVE image and hopefully will open some eyes or at the very least give kids who are struggling with their sexuality hope and not feel like they are so "evil" as society would have them believe.
blueorangeny - 5/24/2012, 10:01 AM
Point proven with SuperArgo's comment....with the DC comment smh.
Matador - 5/24/2012, 10:06 AM
Shit I had no idea Jean & Scott actually got a chance to get hitched.

Who the hell is Northstar?

TheDesrtGorilla - LOL....might be a whiteout.
PsyGuy - 5/24/2012, 10:06 AM
AWESOME!!! Good for them :)
Historic moment
Tainted87 - 5/24/2012, 10:14 AM
X-Men has ALWAYS been about civil rights. If you can't grasp that, don't read it.
Show4God1 - 5/24/2012, 10:16 AM
Why is it, if you think something is in appropriate or you disagree with a stance are you labled homophobe, bigot, hateful or any other slew of names, esp. if its where homosexuality is concerned. Even if you are approached in a kind, honest and respectful way. Your automatically demed as being the 'ignorant hate spewing' one. Ive seen more people attacked for respectfully posting their opinions on this forum than i can count. Yes, there are poeple who are rude, dis-ingenuous and vile in their responce and post, who put themselves in a place to be blastd. BUT, most (not all) treat all people who disagree with this in the same way. I find it funny that most of the 'hate' and 'bigotry' comes from people who lash out at the ones who think this is the wrong place for this type of topic to be flaunted. No, i dont agree with putting a homosexual marriage in a comic. I dont think its a topic a child should be exposed to. No, i do not think its gaining wide spread acceptance, i think its being forced down the publics throats, and were being told to accept it. No, i am not purchasing this title, nor will i buy any title that openly flaunts homosexuality as an acceptable life style. I believe in a persons right to 'HATE' whom ever they want, and its not your place, the gov't place or anyone elses place to say otherwise. I do not support, nor do i think it acceptable to beat-up or demean someone based on their race, sex or sexual orientation. If i see someone getting the crap beat out of them im gonna stop it. Why? Because thats whats right.Im not sorry for what i believe. I believe what I believe, its what makes me what I am. Im not forcing you to buy a bible and accept it as the truth. Im just trying to understand.

And now...let the 'your just an intolerant, bigotted, hateful human' comments begin...
Matador - 5/24/2012, 10:18 AM
Northstar & Kyle seem to have a good grasp on it.
patriautism - 5/24/2012, 10:25 AM
Gay people exist, and read comics.. They have straight marriages in comics all the time, I don't see why homosexuals should be denied characters that represent them in the books they also enjoy. If you don't like it, get over it..
OdinsBeard - 5/24/2012, 10:26 AM
dammit! now i'll have to pick up this book for the Djurdjevic cover! love Djurdjevic!
Flashito - 5/24/2012, 10:26 AM
I wish my har loos like that at my wedding and I would love the xmen to assist!! :P I love that comivs reflect part of the reality I live in, specially in the gay field!!! And guys it is just love!!! : )
JackDexx - 5/24/2012, 10:27 AM
@Show4God1 (agh that name) anyway, it doesn't matter how respectful you are about it if you don't like it, thats your problem and you keep it to yourself. that much you get, but what you don't seem to is that there is no reason to have any kind of resentment towards the homosexual lifestyle in the least, under any circumstance. Now I could tell you how any degree of hate towards homosexual's choices is bad, but chances are you won't be convinced over the internet. you were probably told at a very young age that it was wrong ( i'm going to guess at an 'all loving church'), but to let kids see it is okay, not sexual things of course, but that people out there can love who they please. in any case a young gay child could use all the help he can get to come out, and social acceptance of his life style is necessary. thats why

and the whole you are always labeled something for being against someone is because the terms are made for those people so they fit.
OdinsBeard - 5/24/2012, 10:28 AM
"Why is it, if you think something is in appropriate or you disagree with a stance are you labled homophobe, bigot, hateful or any other slew of names, esp. if its where homosexuality is concerned. Even if you are approached in a kind, honest and respectful way. Your automatically demed as being the 'ignorant hate spewing' one. Ive seen more people attacked for respectfully posting their opinions on this forum than i can count. Yes, there are poeple who are rude, dis-ingenuous and vile in their responce and post, who put themselves in a place to be blastd. BUT, most (not all) treat all people who disagree with this in the same way. I find it funny that most of the 'hate' and 'bigotry' comes from people who lash out at the ones who think this is the wrong place for this type of topic to be flaunted. No, i dont agree with putting a homosexual marriage in a comic. I dont think its a topic a child should be exposed to. No, i do not think its gaining wide spread acceptance, i think its being forced down the publics throats, and were being told to accept it. No, i am not purchasing this title, nor will i buy any title that openly flaunts homosexuality as an acceptable life style. I believe in a persons right to 'HATE' whom ever they want, and its not your place, the gov't place or anyone elses place to say otherwise. I do not support, nor do i think it acceptable to beat-up or demean someone based on their race, sex or sexual orientation. If i see someone getting the crap beat out of them im gonna stop it. Why? Because thats whats right.Im not sorry for what i believe. I believe what I believe, its what makes me what I am. Im not forcing you to buy a bible and accept it as the truth. Im just trying to understand.

And now...let the 'your just an intolerant, bigotted, hateful human' comments begin"

dirkgently77 - 5/24/2012, 10:31 AM
@darkmetal. I'm gonna buy this comic cause I haven't missed an x men or xmen related comic for 22 years. Do you think everybody buys comics just for the action. These characters are like friends to me and I have always loved northstar. And I'm sure ill be entertained by this wedding. They are a sweet couple. You're just coming across as a bit of a dick. You're opinion is just that. An opinion. But you've said it like 2 days in a row. And its a little boring. If I were you I'd just skip this comic if you like x men. If you don't read x men you shouldn't really be commenting anyway. All I know is that whenever I see you have made a comment again, I'm just gonna skip it. You should do the same with the comic.
ChanchoMcGrady - 5/24/2012, 10:35 AM
I firmly believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. People have rights to do whatever they want, but I am pro-family, and this type of stuff should stay out of comics period. It doesn't matter if it's hetero, homo, or bi, comics are meant as a form of entertainment; marriage should stay out of it. They have no right to force beliefs on people like this.
deanwilkins - 5/24/2012, 10:35 AM
I don't hate gay people and I'm not homophobic. I don't fear it. I also don't like it. It's unnatural and furthermore makes me uncomfortable. It's not something I choose for my own life. That being said, I am not in support of this.
Maximillion - 5/24/2012, 10:36 AM
Why are we so surprised? "they" took the Bible out of school and now they are showing soft porn for sex education, abortion is at am all time high and the push for everyone to accept homosexual lifestyle as natural is at an all time high!! Churches are soon to be sued for calling homosexuality a sin (some pastors actually got sued already)?!? No one understand or want to accept that it is not natural, but if you look at anything in nature, even a single cell organism can reproduce itself, homosexuals cannot reproduce themselves, it is just not natural, our bodies was not design, yes designed for such things (I could elaborate on that but my comment is long enough already, just ask your local doctor for the results from booty sex, whether on a male or female.) It is no a coincidence that Marvel is going in this direction especially towards brainwashing kids, our future generation...sad!!
valeriesghost - 5/24/2012, 10:36 AM
I have no problem with those who are against Gay rights getting there ass ripped on this forum or another. Just like I wouldn't feel bad if someone who was racist got on here complaining about seeing black people in their comics and got ripped to pieces for it. its stupid. shut up, get over the fact that not everyone is like you and quite trying to shove your morals down others throats.
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