Today's release of the Avengers had a character who was speaking in code and he gave a prophecy, here is the translation.
The White Event refers to the New Universe series. It was an event where the Universe granted power sets to certain individuals in order to protect the planet due to oncoming events. The New Universe series took place in a separate universe than the standard Marvel Universe(it was supposed to be ours actually but take that with a grain of salt). The most recent solicits of Marvel revealed that the character Starbrand of the New Universe would be returning but apparently he will not be coming from the dimension the original title took place in but from the core marvel universe. This begs the question of what event could possibly be on the horizon that would cause the Universe to cause this now as it had not done so before thanks to our world's already stellar defense... who knows? But you have my attention Hickman.
Here is a the translation key I made for the Builder Code