Ah, a new arc begins in this issue of Big Time. Is it as good as the previous one? Read on.
I must say, the premise had me really intrigued. A robot insect invasion. I felt kind of disappointed with the issue though. Maybe because I was expecting more of an invasion throughout the city. Maybe next issue.
None-the-less, this issue is a good one, a step down from the previous four, but a good one. It's kinda slow during some parts, such as the ice ring, but once the Spider Slayers come, things heat up.
One big improvement I've noticed with this issue is the art. The characters look better and less cartooney.
Popular Spidey villain Scorpion is back with a cool new look. Personally, I'm just glad he's not Venom anymore.
In closing, this issue is a good way to start off the new arc....I just hope for more insect robots attacking the city.
I give this issue a 3/5.