BIG TIME begins. Does it deliver a BIG issue? Read on.
Wow, now that's how you start off an issue. So many things happened in this amazing issue. So far, Big Time is shaping up to be one of Spider-Man's biggest events.
It's cool to see the Avengers in this issue. They barley appeared throughout Brand New Day. The pacing in this issue is excellent. The Ockto-Bots were an awesome way to start out this new status quo. (They remind of the Tripods from War of the Worlds.)
The art, I have to say, is a huge improvement. Everyone looks great. (Sometimes a bit too cartooney however.)
The best part is, you guessed it, the Venom scene. Finally, after so many issues, Mac Gargan Venom is no more. As the Symbiote lays dormant, I was jumping for joy. That might be the best scene in comics this year.
Now I didn't expect Kingpin to appear. Things get even more interesting with great dialogue.
In closing, this issue is an excellent way to start off Big Time.
I give this issue a 5/5. (A perfect!) In two weeks, the Hobgoblin returns.