EXTRA EXTRA! Check this out I found it this morning on the web and thought it was funny/interesting. Who would T.I. be playing?
The conversation about the possible movie role starts at 12:54
The host asks about "this Marvel franchise movie thing" and heard he may be playing Green Lantern (In a Marvel franchise movie thing?.. doubtful)
They make fun of green tights and T.I. sporting some, to which T.I. replies..
"It's not me as the [fill in unrevealed Super Hero name here]... I'm just telling you that there's a franchise existing, that's shooting one of their movies, that has inquired about me for a role in that movie, no necessarily me being this Char-actor"
OK. So we still have no clue what movie it is, but I'd like to know what you think it might be. Iron Man 2? Thor 2? Captain America 2? Avengers 2? Marvel's Green Lantern 2? And who will he be playing? John Stewart? Himself (Most likely)?
Respond in the usual place!