During his groundbreaking 16-year Uncanny X-Men run, Chris Claremont transformed Marvel's Merry Mutants into the pop culture phenomenon they are today.
Now, his unparalleled impact on the franchise continues with all-new stories that add new depth and revelations to this influential era. This April, Claremont returns to a key turning point for one of the X-Men's most iconic duos in the pages of Wolverine and Kitty Pryde.
Teaming up with rising star artist Damian Couceiro (X-Men Unlimited), Claremont will further reveal Wolverine and Kitty's adventures in Japan, following their beloved 1984-1985 team-up series, Kitty Pryde and Wolverine. The saga pits the pair against all-new villains while they forge the incredible bond that redefined them as characters.
The series will also feature covers delivered by another legendary X-Men talent, artist Alan Davis.
When Kitty Pryde nearly lost her soul to Ogun during her journey to Japan, Logan was there to keep the youngest X-Man on the path to good. But as a mysterious force threatens their lives while staying with Mariko Yashida, it’s going to take all of their combined mutant, ninja and fighting skills to protect those they love! An all-new adventure that at last tells the full story of the duo’s journey in Japan before returning to the X-Men and the heartbreak, trials and tribulations that made the characters who they are today.
"It’s really great returning to this arc, especially since it’s being presented by a wonderful artist, Damian Couceiro!" Claremont said in a press release today. "It’s the story of what happens between the end of the original Kitty Pryde and Wolverine mini-series and Logan and Pryde's return home to rejoin the X-Men. Five issues, more than a single story, complete with surprises galore!"
Editor Mark Basso added, "Obviously, that Kitty Pryde and Wolverine miniseries is so iconic, taking Kitty from the ‘junior’ X-Man to the fully fledged hero we see when she returns to New York. But there was a clear gap between the end of this Ogun situation and when Wolverine and Kitty arrive in New York in Uncanny X-Men #192, and we were thrilled Chris was ready to show what happened in that intervening window."
"Why was Kitty in such a different headspace when they got back? And hey, where’d Kitty’s father get to? Now you’ll get to see..."
Check out Davis' main Wolverine and Kitty Pryde #1 cover below along with stunning variant covers by Adi Granov, Marcus To, and Rickie Yagawa.
Variant Cover by RICKIE YAGAWA
Variant Cover by MARCUS TO
Variant Cover by ADI GRANOV
On Sale 4/30