In this part of Superhero Feats, I thought it would be a great idea to show you some of the most amazing feats of Danny Rand himself....the "Immortal" Iron Fist.

Feature Opinion
By SageMode - Oct 11, 2011 04:10 PM EST
Filed Under: Marvel Comics

Martial Arts Skills

1. Faces an assasin and other martial arts as a teenager.

2. Fights the Ravager and defeats him in a rematch.

3. Fights and beats Scimitar all the while from having been wounded.

4. Defeats Kumballa Bey while fatigued and weakened.

5. Defeats Sabretooth while momentarily blind.

6. After years of seeing another, Steel Serpent manages to steal a weakened and tired Danny's power. Well he goes to take it back and we find out that in those years Danny has advanced so much that even with Danny's own powers Davos is outclassed.

7. Defeats a giant red dragon.

8. Having his skills and abilities heightened from the History of Iron Fist book.

Speed and Reflexes

1. Dodges Iron Man charge.

2. Evades a hail of gunfire.

3. Knocks out a man before the bullet leaves the tube of his gun.

4. Dodges Fat Cobra's lightning attack.

5. Blitzes Black Panther with a barrage of strikes.

6. Ultilzes superhuman speed and lands countless blows and strikes on a kinetic energy-absorbing demon.

Energy Absorption and Defense

1. Survives absorbing enough radiation from Radion that would vaporize a normal man.

2. Collides with Nitro's explosion using all of his power through his hand, he not only lives but destroys Nitro's hand. (yes Fist gets ko'd but seeing as Nitro incinerated Wolverine, that's a good showing itself)

3. Absorbs Orson Randall's power.

Healing Powers

1. Heals Luke Cage who was on the verge of dying.

2. Cleanses his body of fatal poison.

3. Healed himself without thinking about it.

Striking Power

1. Sends Colossus flying.

2. Causes a temple to collapse with a ground pound.

3. Iron Fist and Steel Serpent kicking each other causes a floor of a building to explode.

4. Destroys an speeding electromagnetic train.

5. Literally punches through the Iron Fist killer.

6. Chops the foot off of the same kinetic energy-absorbing demon mentioned above.

7. Destroys a mech with an Iron Fist-infused flying uppercut.

8. Does a fastball special against a giant ship.

9. Knocks out a drunken Hercules with one strike.

10. Destroys Thunderball's wreckingball weapon.

11. One-Shots the Helicarrier.

12. Shatters an amped-up Scorpion's tail.

13. Stops a speeding van by punching it.

Other Abilities

1. Can sense radiation.

2. Mind Melding.

3. Uses chi as a ranged attack.

4. Can reduce his body's energy output to almost zero.

5. Infused a dagger with chi energy.

6. Meditates for over 3 days.

7. Increases the size of his Iron Fist Punch.

8. Masters the Hypnotic Fist technique.

9. Performs the Hell's Unfurling Hurricane technique, which are multiple chi projectiles that not only use concussive force, but set the targets on fire.

10. Performs a "Golden Dragon" technique.
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marvel72 - 10/11/2011, 5:40 PM
@ 0sagemode0

never been a big fan of iron fist,i've got the immortal iron fist vol 1 trade by ed brubaker & matt fraction,i should really pick up the other two volumes in the set.

also i would love to own iron fist 14 (1st appearence of sabertooth)

maybe i'm not a big fan but you definetly know how to make a character intresting,well done.
headlopper - 10/11/2011, 6:02 PM
Immortal Iron Fist= Awesome!
'Fat Cobra' and 'Tiger's Beautiful Daughter' FTW!
IDKwhatToChoose - 10/11/2011, 6:24 PM
.....Needs Movie Love
SageMode - 10/11/2011, 6:31 PM
Heres the Sends Colossus Flying pic.

sorry bout that guys
skylarscar - 10/11/2011, 6:47 PM
The ads on all the images are really obnoxious on an article that's this image intensive. Very good article otherwise, quite informative.
DKKC01 - 10/11/2011, 6:47 PM
takes first place for lamest character. thanks for wasting my time
Bandrews1 - 10/11/2011, 6:57 PM
Awesome article, and I must say that an Iron Fist movie is long over due.
TheMadman - 10/11/2011, 7:08 PM
MaddMonkk - 10/11/2011, 7:25 PM
This shouldn't be on main. It should have it's own website!!! This is amazing. I read a little Immortal Iron Fist and was shocked about how much I didn't know about Iron Fist. I've read most of those John Byrne books and loved it. He smoked Sabretooth a couple times. I think you should do many more of these better than Marvel Universe Handbook any day!
niceguyeddie - 10/11/2011, 7:35 PM
@Marvel72, vol. 1 starts out kinda slow but the rest of the volumes really start to pick up steam and next thing you know you're hooked.
themayer88 - 10/11/2011, 7:55 PM
awesome awesome article! Iron Fist is such a great character. Cool story, cool powers and is always a formitable opponet to anyone hes against!
thanks for posting it Sage!
Apparently theres been an Iron Fist movie in the works for like 4 years now, and RAY f'ing PARK is signed on to play Danny Rand/Iron Fist. but someone somewhere dropped the ball on it at some point. i think itd be great to see, or even a Heros for Hire movie with Luke Cage:)
AxlKomix - 10/11/2011, 7:56 PM
So, Iron Fist is Goku? :P I never knew much about this character. I've read up on the basic profile, but that was a while back.
ElBicho - 10/11/2011, 8:04 PM

Great article. Might have to snag a trade or two and catch up.
revjordan - 10/11/2011, 8:24 PM
Iron Fist is one of my Top 5 characters.
Straight Beastin.
SageMode - 10/11/2011, 9:20 PM
Nah, thats the suit that Wolverine got from Fang of the Shi'Ar Imperial Guard
95 - 10/11/2011, 10:08 PM
Um, wow... AMAZING article @0SageMode0!
smithonator - 10/11/2011, 10:47 PM
Good article Sage Mode! I am now going to get caught up on my Iron Fist reading.
croniccris - 10/11/2011, 11:45 PM
i can't see any of them they all say ur bandwith has been exceded
warlock - 10/12/2011, 12:15 AM
Fire love fisting women taints,lol. Iron fist is the shiit jason stathom or ryan gosling for iron fist.
tripttwe - 10/12/2011, 12:52 AM
Whoa! That's ass-kicking attribute paradise!
Sparrowsabre7 - 10/12/2011, 2:19 AM
All of them say "sorry bandwidth exceed" so... yeah, big waste of time.
marvelmark - 10/12/2011, 3:13 AM
maybe a better pic hosting service would help...bandwidth exceded
Ironfistninja - 10/12/2011, 10:46 AM
Ripper - 10/12/2011, 12:10 PM
It all just says Photo bucket!!
SageMode - 10/12/2011, 4:26 PM
UGH! [frick]ing photobucket pisses me off.
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