Walt Disney Animation Studios returns this year with Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2, a sequel with a ridiculously wordy title! Despite that, you just know that the movie is going to be something special and this cameo-heavy new trailer for the sequel focuses on Ralph (John C. Reilly) and Vanellope (Sarah Silverman) as they invade the internet, literally exploring a whole new world.
The first movie revolved around arcade games and based on what we see here, quite a few more franchises will receive the spotlight, including both Marvel - Iron Man shows up! - and Star Wars.
Seeing Ralph and company travel through the internet promises to be a lot of fun and there will no doubt be a lot of big cameos which are still a secret. With a release date of November 21st set by the studio, expect to see much more from this one in the very near future. Are you excited for the movie?