The Hashtag Show has been a little hit and miss when it comes to this sort of thing, but they've now posted a new video claiming that Jericho Drumm/Brother Voodoo and Tina Minoru will be showing up in Doctor Strange this November. They don't offer any details as to how the duo will be making their presence felt, but it sounds as if these will be brief blink and you'll miss them cameo appearances.
Minoru actually appeared in the Doctor Strange prequel comic book which was released earlier this year, while Daniel Drumm also showed up. It remains to be seen how she could factor into this movie and why Jericho would appear, but if the Marvel Cinematic Universe follows the comic books, he'll take up the mantle of Brother Voodoo after his brother is killed. It's worth noting that Minoru is the mother of Runaways character Nico, and with them getting a TV show, her being introduced makes sense.
We'll just have to wait and see whether or not these characters show up, but it would be a lot of fun for fans if they do! As always, be sure to let us know your thoughts on this news in the usual place.