I was pretty pumped to open up arkham origins this passed christmas, and have been playing the heck out of it, though I noticed something that really caught me off guard, and ponder what could be to come in the arkhamverse we have come to love....warning this may contain SPOILERS for those who haven't finished the game, read on at your own risk.
So as we all have seen after completing the game, and enduring the ever so long credits we were rewarded with a hint at what is to come in a sequel, or spin-off to "Arkham Origins" in the form of the suicide squad, that clip of which you can watch below.
this was definitely cool but this is only the beginning of my theory, you see it has already been speculated that rocksteady will be the creators of the main "Arkham" stories, and that WB GAMES: Montreal will just head up prequels/spin-offs, and this clip above has had everyone saying "oh boy, we are going to get a suicide squad game, well I think that you may just have your head in the wrong place, not to say I don't think suicide squad will be involved in the main story of whatever game it may end up being, but I think they will actually be the villains of the game, and that the game will be a spin-off of another hero instead, and here is why...while playing Arkham origins as I said I ran into something that caused this theory, well that thing was...drum roll please...

QUEEN INDUSTRIES, now, I know what you're thinking, everyone knew this was in the game, but queen industries isn't specifically what I'm referring to, it's the "Q" in queen, that I'm looking at, as soon as I saw this, I thought, "Now where have I seen this before?" I went through some comics, and boom it hit me, this Q that oh so many would look at and think "ah cool, a target, you know, because he's green arrow, funny"......well, I think there is more to it, you see this Q looked familiar because, I in fact had seen it before, where you may ask, well, I saw it, and on none other then....

that's right kids, the Q is that of an exact replica of the one featured on the cover of the new Suicide Squad comic, and so my theory continues, I believe the speculation I mentioned about the two gaming studios above to be true, and that the next game to come out of WB GAMES: Montreal will be none other then a Green Arrow game, with the infamous Suicide Squad as the villains, and I gotta say not only am I a fan of this idea, and think that the idea of becoming green arrow is an awesome one, but it's also a quite genius idea on WB's part if true seeing as how they are sort of at a peak with green arrow's popularity what with his highly successful TV series, and what not, of course we all but know that the next Arkhamverse game will be coming later this year from rocksteady, and will likely be a proper sequel to Arkham City, but who is to say WB GAMES: Montreal aren't hard at work on a game in the franchise as well, of course keep in mind this is all speculation, but I feel as though I have made a real break through with this theory.

Tell me your thoughts, or complaints below, and heck, let me know what your Arkham order is in the comments as well, Mines Arkham City, Arkham Asylum, Arkham Origins...origins being last only because the set up of the city makes exploring very disorienting.
Well as always, Live long and prosper, may the force be with you, and excelsior!!!