Batfleck Universe Fancast

Batfleck Universe Fancast

Giving you guys a little break from the recent shit wall on fan-fic, here is our prediction of the inevitable & new Batman series that WB will truthfully give Ben Affleck (including the Fox series). We tip our hats off to RedHood13, RoadDogXXIV, Robert Garlen, dmorson & ager.

By JacobCityBros - Jan 14, 2014 10:01 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Bottom line, Affleck will indeed receive a solo series; there’s no doubt about it. It wouldn’t make much sense for Batman to only be seen in mash-up films, they have to make the audience feel for the new Batman or else his character is rendered useless (cough..Hawkeye in Avengers). Affleck will likely direct & write along with his Argo scribe Chris Terrio. Hopefully Hans Zimmer will score; that’s if he’s able to produce a sound that is totally different from the Nolan series. If not, then Joe Kraemer would be a good fit. Not all characters from the Batman world are included in this cast. This is open for discussion.

Ben Affleck – Bruce “Batman” Wayne
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bigshow2312: Though this wasn’t our first choice for the Dark Knight, I’m interested in how Affleck will bring a new Batman to life. Honestly, what more could one do with the character after almost 7 on screen depictions? Maybe Affleck has the answer. I do think he's the perfect guy to direct and helm a series such as this; he is a matured filmmaker. In addition, I think the Batman: Arkham video game series should be sort of an inspiration; including the film tone and costume(Origins). We’ll see!

dmb1511: Not necessarily anyone’s first choice as the new Batman, but we will just have to see what he does. I can only hope his acting has improved to play the one and only caped-crusader. Batman is one of the most important comic book characters ever. Affleck has lots of eyes on him now and has to create a Batman that has never been seen before. His portrayal could really kick start the DC universe or destroy it. In order to really be the Dark Knight, he should exist as a man that is fearless no matter what is in his wake. This decision will be weird until it is seen on screen.

Brad Dourif – Joe Chill
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dmb1511: Chill’s character has to be the embodiment of immorality. Dourif has an amazing voice and has pulled of malevolence for many years as Charles Lee Ray and if the new Batman films will be as gritty as I think they will be, then he is perfect for the role.

Kyle Chandler – Dr. Thomas Wayne
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bigshow2312: Hopefully Affleck won't spend the first 30 minutes of the film exploring the death of the Waynes; flashbacks would be acceptable. The film could establish how Bruce feels responsible for his parent's death and doesn't seek revenge. I think that'll be something different! Or he could kill Joe Chill and then he realizes that killing doesn't solve anything.

Bridget Moynahan – Martha Wayne
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John Hurt – Alfred Pennyworth
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dmb1511: So far Michael Caine has given us the greatest interpretation of Alfred that we have seen (In my opinion). John Hurt was selected because we believe that if needed, this Alfred can bring Batman back to earth by returning his crassness.

Glynn Turman – Lucius Fox
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dmb1511: Morgan Freeman was a great Lucius Fox, but the one thing that I didn’t necessarily get from him or his character was the fact that he was an old tinkerer. Maybe Turman could show us more of Fox’s lab.

Asa Butterfield – Time “Robin” Drake
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dmb1511: In New 52 Tim Drake’s Red Robin character has already fallen out with Batman, so in this series Butterfield would have to show more anger and animosity towards his mentor. In essence, you will have to see that space begin to form between the two. Butterfield is up and coming but his work in Ender’s Game does look promising. I would like to see where his talent takes him.

Alex Pettyfer – Dick “Nightwing” Grayson
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dmb1511: Grayson’s character needs to be selfless and because we haven’t seen Nightwing on film before; Pettyfer needs to be good enough to carry the Batman mantle if the time should ever come. Pettyfer doesn’t just look the role, he is young and has loads of potential.

Alexia Fast – Barbara “Batgirl” Gordon
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bigshow2312: We first saw Alexia on Jack Reacher, where she played a naïve teenager succumbing to peer pressure. Wasn't a dynamic role but she still stood out above the supporting cast. Not to mention, she's young and demonstrates a promising career.

Lynn Collins – Katherine “Batwoman” Kane
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bigshow2312: Affleck doesn't have to bring this character to life but it wouldn't be a bad idea to do so. I do feel, however, Kane would fit best on the small-screen.

Maggie Q – Helena “Huntress” Bertinelli
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bigshow2312: Wait, What? Not Lady Shiva? Yep, what you see is correct; we've reserved Mrs. Q in this role for a long time. I mean, come on, she has the physical aspect and the acting chops. With this recent “Race Change” debate, this may be a problem despite my promises. If you're still feeling butthurt, then the character could be of mixed race origins (Bertinelli). Anything better than the Huntress portrayed on Arrow. She was awful!

Tom Hanks – Commissioner Jim Gordon
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dmb1511: Tom Hanks is a great actor. Jim Gordon is a great character. In this film we will see that. Even though Gordon is an excellent commissioner, he is not perfect and we should be able to experience that by studying his infidelity issues.

Emily Mortimer – Barbara Eileen Gordon
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bigshow2312: Doing things a little different than before, I think it’ll be nice to explore the relationship between Jim and Eileen behind closed doors. In the end, he causes her pain emotionally and we needed an actress that doesn't appear as the strong willed type. Eileen should be a sweet, coy & soft character in the Batman series.

Tea Leoni – Sarah Essen
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Inspired by ager

bigshow2312: The total opposite to Eileen, a bad-ass no nonsense cop. This could be a total turn-on for Jim who may develop feelings for her over the introvert Eileen.

Robbie Coltrane – Harvery Bullock
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dmb1511: In this film, Coltrane’s Bullock would now recognize the error of his ways. Though he would still be the type to take bribes, I would like to see his arc tie in with the Red Hood’s because of the similarities and differences between the two antihero’s.

Jordana Brewster – Renee Montoya
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bigshow2312: A minor character under Gordon, I don’t think Montoya would have a problem portraying a conflicted cop. If we don’t see her become the Question in film, then it'll be nice to tap into that on the small screen.

Mos Def – Crispus Allen
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bigshow2312: Def is truly an underrated actor. I think giving him a role like this will allow him to prove his incredible acting skills.

Elizabeth Banks – Vicki Vale
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bigshow2312: Definitely a charming actress, I think she would have no problem in portraying this character. I honestly would rather have Vale as the comic-relief. Thoughts?

Kate Beckinsale – Selina “Catwoman” Kyle
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bigshow2312: I know someone reading this is thinking that this is a really lazy choice, believe me, this was one of the harder choices. We wanted someone who could fit alongside the “tired, weary & seasoned” Batman that we’ll see in BvS. Selena is suppose to be in the age range of Bruce; not saying Beckinsale is old. Catwoman should be, if you will, a much older woman and well experienced anti-hero that has grown weary along with Bruce. It wouldn’t make much sense to have a young Catwoman in this picture; thus the choice of Beckinsale.

Andrew Lincoln – Harvey “Two Face” Dent
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dmb1511: Lincoln has been great on the Walking Dead but he hasn’t played a sinister role yet; this would be a great opportunity for him to expand his acting horizons. Dent’s character has been explored enough on film; I would like to see how bad Two-Face’s multiple personality disorder can make him dangerously random.

Paul Dano – Jason “Red Hood” Todd
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bigshow2312: From his recent work, he's played some really intense roles to be such a young actor. I feel he has the intensity and look to pull off a deranged antihero.

David Morse – Julian “Calendar Man” Day
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bigshow2312: A true character actor, he came to mind after viewing World War Z. I think he comes off to the audience as “oh, that guy” so his popularity won't outshine this lesser known character.

Aaron Paul – Garfield “Firefly” Lynns
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bigshow2312: Definitely a fan favorite in any Batman fancast, he had to be in our universe. Based on his stellar performance in the Breaking Bad series, he could portray a more realistic version of Firefly. Realistic, meaning a sound reason in why he's a villain instead of his actions running off senseless evil (similar to the Arrow portrayal).

Clive Owen – Thomas “Hush” Elliot
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bigshow2312: Clive is a decent actor and could handle an action role pretty well. It'll be awesome to see him go against Ben Affleck on film.

Daniel Craig – Slade “Deathstroke” Wilson
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dmb1511: Craig can give us a flawless Deathstroke. His acting has just enough suaveness and tact to make him snakelike.

Lukle Goss - Floyd “Deadshot” Lawton
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dmb1511: Luke Goss has done tons of work with stunt coordinators so he can give us the action portion of the character. Perhaps in this Batman series, we’ll see the start of the Suicide Squad forming with Deadshot being the first recruit.

Daniel Day Lewis – The Joker
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bigshow2312: Heath Ledger has arguably the best Joker depiction yet and it’ll be extremely hard to top. My brother and I think its best that a true method actor could bring (possibly) a different take on the character. Unlike Batman, there's many different ways the Joker can be handled. Like Beckinsale, we wanted someone who has also grown with Bruce but maybe hasn’t gotten “weary”. Our runner-up: William Dafoe.

Pauley Perrette – Harley Quinn
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dmb1511: Because an older Batman has been chosen we had to select older members to portray and better match the Bat-Universe. Perrette has the perfect amount of weird to give Quinn’s character the proper film outing.

Benedict Cumberbatch – Edward “Riddler” Nigma
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Timothy Spall – Oswald “Penguin” Cobblepot
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dmb1511: In this series, Spall could play the Penguin that would be the racketeer and cyber terrorist instead of the run of the mill super-villain. His role would be more minor which is why Spall was selected.

Jackie Earle Haley – Dr. Jonathan “Scarecrow” Crane
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dmb1511: Criminally insane has always been Haley’s forte’. From Krueger to Rorschach he always adds his twists onto characters to give them an element that we didn't know they had. He’s perfect for Crane.

Mark Margolis - Arnold “Ventriloquist” Wesker
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bigshow2312: Talk about another actor you've spotted before in movies, Margolis has these creep-like qualities that best suits a villain. I think he'll also be great voicing the doll Scarface.

Chad L. Coleman - Waylon “Killer Croc” Jones
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dmb1511: Croc has and will always be a menacing villain; his size makes his fear factor even stronger. In addition, his character will already be established in this series. Knowing that CGI will probably be used for the most of the new rendition, Coleman’s size adds to Croc’s intimidation.

John Hannah – Jervis “Mad Hatter” Tetch
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Malcolm McDowell – Professor Hugo Strange
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Dominic Purcell – Bane
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dmb1511: This Bane would be the master tactician that will battle Batman’s wits. I would like to see Purcell play the venom addict. This version would be partially derived from the Arkham Origins version of Bane. Besides the physical aspect of the character, Purcell can give us the dangerous feel of the character.

Peta Wilson – Pamela “Poison Ivy” Isley
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Shartlo Copley – Victor Zsasz
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bigshow2312: A true fan-fave for the Joker, I honestly believe that he can play almost any sadistic Batman villain. But he in this role will allow the audience to truly see how sadistic Zsasz can be... on the PG-13 level of course.

Giovanni Ribisi - Basil “Clayface” Karlo
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bigshow2312: Clayface is a true baddie that deserves to be involved in the new Batman series; no excuses. Of course he should be presented in CGI form which will be interesting if done right.

Tobin Bell – Victor “Freeze” Fries
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bigshow2312: Here’s a no brainer, it can’t be too hard to top Arnold Schwarenegger’s performance- can it? Just kidding; Tobin would be perfect! He’s unusual, aged & could pull off the character well if you look at Freeze from the Animated Series.

Robert Maillet – Solomon Grundy
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See our Justice League: Fancast for description.

Colin Farrell - Roman “Black Mask” Sionis
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bigshow2312: I really wasn't a fan of Black Mask to begin with. That's until I played the Arkham games which really blew me away. I like how intimidating and powerful he was and yet he has no powers. Farrell can pull this off. It'll be cool to see him orchestrate a bounty on Batman; that'll be awesome! Plus, who doesn't want to see Affleck and Farrell go at it once more?

Max Ryan – Tony Zucco
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Max Minghella – Alberto Falcone
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bigshow2312: My brother and I were looking for a young promising thespian that could handle playing a misfit. If you've seen The Social Network, then you'll see why he's perfect.

Mel Gibson – Carmine Falcone
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bigshow2312: Surprise! Even though Gibson is disturbed in real life, you can't deny his acting talent. I mean, who wouldn't want to see Gibson as a Gotham gangster?

Cole Hauser – Salvatore Maroni
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bigshow2312: Hauser is a great actor and plays bad guys really well. I think his screen presence would fit perfect into this Batman film series.

Alfred Molina – Rupert Thorne
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bigshow2312: Do I really have to go in detail on why he's in this role? He was incredible as Doc Ock and served his time well. It's time he finds another baddie to blow our minds away with. How about a guy obsessed with the secret identity of the Batman?

Oded Fehr – Ra's al Ghul
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bigshow2312: Our original choice was Viggo Mortensen but we felt that his uses in Batman fancasts are simply overwhelming. Ghul is already a well known villain (thanks to Neeson) so it's important that the next actor bringing this character to the big screen is of a different caliber than Neeson and Mortensen. Fehr is, without a doubt, a decent actor but we just haven't seen him in much. However, with his awesome voice and acting skills, I'm convinced he's perfect. Maybe Affleck could take Ghul back to his Arabic origins and go deeper into Ghul's involvement with the Lazarus Pit.

Olga Kurylenko – Talia al Ghul
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bigshow2312: The idea of her in this role came about after a recent viewing of Oblivion. Not going to spoil the film, but she was actually fairly decent alongside Tom Cruise. I will say, she does not appear as what she seems (dum dum dum). This is how Talia should be portrayed, someone Bruce can't quite trust. He should be stuck in this mystery: who is Talia al Ghul?


Christoph Waltz – Lex Luthor
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dmb1511: Luthor’s cameo would allow the world of Metropolis and Gotham to meet. The idea of Waltz as Luthor, originates from our Justice League fancast. We selected Waltz because he can give us the “Luthor complex” while simultaneously being one of the most powerful, powerless individuals in the universe.
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HaroldOfGalactus - 1/14/2014, 10:27 PM
Nice choices. Best cast I've seen in a long time. Kudos to you. Don't like Craig as Slade but Hurt as Alfred is truly genius.
MikeZ - 1/14/2014, 10:57 PM
Wow, thank you for giving me props!

- Interesting choices for the Wayne family!
- Ender's Game already came out. It's actually gonna be on DVD shortly. But Asa would be great as Tim Drake!
- To me, I think Huntress should be a little younger, at least close to Nightwing's age. Nonetheless, Maggie Q wouldn't be bad as Huntress.
- I dunno. I can't see Tea Leoni as Sarah Essen. What about Stephanie March from Law & Order: SVU?
- Dammit! I was gonna premiere Elizabeth Banks as Vicki Vale! Well, you beat my ass to the punch!
- I could see Kate Beckinsale as an effective older Catwoman. Just as long as she can still do action.
- I too thought of Andrew Lincoln as Harvey Dent.
- I think someone a little more handsome than Paul Dano would make a good Jason Todd.
- I see Aaron Paul as Victor Zsasz. But as Firefly, he'd be just as good.
- Deathstroke should be a little older than Daniel Craig, but it's alright.
- Not sure I see Daniel Day-Lewis as Joker. How about an actor who isn't trying to go for an actor, but can bring a great live-action representation of the Bruce Timm version. Like Alan Tudyk (watch Dollhouse).
- If Pauly can do action, she'd be great as Harley Quinn.
- I think I saw Benedict Cumberbatch as Riddler a few times. He would be great!
- Wow, Timothy Spall would rock as Penguin!
- No reason why you went with John Hannah as Mad Hatter? Although I think he'd be great and would give a whimsical take!
- Shouldn't a younger actor than Malcolm McDowell portray Hugo Strange. He's a muscular doctor after all.
- I can't see Giovanni Ribisi as Basil Karlo. How about someone who looks like a classically trained actor. Ribisi would be great as Victor Zsasz... hmm, an inspiration for my Batman Arkham trilogy cast!
- Hey, you have MY pick for Solomon Grundy. Hats [frick]ing off!
- Mel Gibson as Carmine Falcone? I'd pay to see that!
- Great idea casting the voice of Ra's Al Ghul from Young Justice for a live-action version.
- I too thought of Olga Kurylenko. But Bérénice Marlohe has some additional Asian features that the character is known for. Whatever is fair.

Amazing fancast. You might've made some great picks that would trump my picks for my upcoming Batman Arkham trilogy cast. Speaking of fan casts, would you see my fan cast for Injustice: Gods Among Us?
DangerMan - 1/14/2014, 11:00 PM
I tip my hat to you good sir, fine work you have here .
The only thing I'm really skeptical about is your bane. Other than that bravo!
kong - 1/15/2014, 3:26 AM
Thank you SOOO much for giving me props. You guys are some of my favorite fan casters on the sight. I love this so much. This is one of the best, if not the best Batman fan cast I have ever seen. Tom Hanks as Jim Gordon...GENIUS!!! My fan cast was nothing like this.
Cozmo2525 - 1/15/2014, 3:31 AM
I really like this cast. Very original. I only have one gripe (this could also be considered as nitpicking). We all know that Batfleck is supposed to be "older and weary", but does that mean that his whole universe has to be the same? Someone like Catwoman or Dick or Tim is fine, but do we really need to have ALL of his villains the same age, or older? Someone like Harley Quinn could be portrayed by someone younger, someone in the same age group as Dick maybe. I would just hate to be watching and enjoying these films, and then look over to my friends and they're like "who the [frick] is this guy?" or "Mr. Freeze looks like he's gonna keel over any minute", but again, this could be considered nitpicking. Regardless, I loved your cast. Can't wait to see more!
TonyChu - 1/15/2014, 5:27 AM
Charles Lee Ray aka Chucky, kills Bruce Wayne parents.
bigshow2312 - 1/15/2014, 10:39 AM
Thanks a bunch! I truly wanted Manu Bennett from Arrow, but I don't think CW & WB will ever share the same universe. It's stupid and pointless, I know. I mean, the guy has potential to take this character to new heights- why waste my time? I figured once the big wigs saw how successful The Avengers was, they'd also begin bringing their characters together (TV & film). Who do you think should play Slade?

Dude we have to acknowledge you and your work; I mean, your part of what's keeping 'Fan-Fic' from being complete crap. Lately people have been posting random & unorganized articles that pushes down the good stuff. RedHood's 70s poster is already on the second page! Don't get me started on the fan-art; I swear, it's like a 10 year old is running this section! I know I had problems with DDD in the past but I miss his work! Where is he? I think CBM should make some Fan Fic juggernauts as power-users that will keep this section good and entertaining. And oh, trust me, we've seen your Injustice fan cast thought it was amazeballs!
4] We actually saw Leoni in one of ager's cast and thought she'd be perfect. But now that you've mentioned March, I'm completely torn in between the two. Dang it!
5] LOL! We don't mind you using Banks; she's wonderful!
7] Great minds think alike!
8] Maybe you're right but it doesn't really hurt to have an actor that isn't necessarily the best looking on screen. I'm glad you brought that up; perfect essay to write about.
11] Yeah, I knew a lot of folks were going to brush off the Lewis as Joker choice. The entire time of us casting this, we were thinking about Heath Ledger and his performance. There was just no way they'd settle for an average actor. If you want to, possibly, top Ledger then you'll need the best of the best... An A-list of the A-list.
15] Well yeah- at that point we were getting tired of explaining in written form on what this or that actor was perfect for. I thought maybe we should go back to our roots and just embed a video clip like we use to. Plus our dad is a huge fan of Spartacus and I remember sitting down and seeing Hannah act a fool on certain episodes.
16] Sure, but not all incarnations of Hugo have the bulky muscular build (couch...Chris Evens). I'm more focused on him playing a psychotic professor.
17] Again, great minds think alike!

Thanks! No Purcell for Bane? I think he can pull it off, plus with an accent.

Thanks man! Your work is awesome and we really enjoy viewing it! It'll be nice to see you and among others having the ability to regulate the fan fic section; similar to what Wilding does for the news. Maybe we should be the power users in this area. Just a thought. Nonetheless, anything to keep good the material seen. PS: Keep those posters coming will ya!?! Maybe you can take this cast and make a BA poster. I'd imagine the style to be somewhat like the Out of the Furnace poster. Just a thought.

Thanks! No your not nitpicking! You're a concerned Batman fan. I totally see where you're coming from. Trust me, we discussed the age of certain actors and on how it all could work regardless. I'm honestly split 50/50 on the "weary" Batman. This opens up for a different makeup of Gotham, you know? Like, who has the mantle? Is he retired? I feel that the universe should surround Batman instead of the other way. So it's necessary that the ages make since in order to avoid those tough questions. Like, if everyone was younger than Bruce then what was he doing prior to a young Joker or Penguin... was he just fighting mobsters? Understand? Hopefully that all made sense to someone.

No Hanks for Gordon?

I'm surprised anyone made that connection.
GL - 1/15/2014, 12:12 PM
Great choices. Loved every one.
WawelDragon - 1/15/2014, 12:51 PM
This is huge! Nice work, man... And i like it.
phantom1527 - 1/15/2014, 1:23 PM
I think Grundy would have to be cgi, but other than that I think this is great!
MikeZ - 1/15/2014, 2:10 PM
@ bigshow2312

- Well, I'd appreciate if you left a comment before you can't anymore. Other than that, thank you for giving me props!
- I was more interested in seeing someone cast an actor for the Joker who would not take time away from Batman. Not that you did your best. Besides, I cast Day-Lewis as Lex Luthor in my Injustice cast, and that didn't go over well.
- I too have gotten into Spartacus as well. So far, it's getting interesting!
- Well, good point about not giving a crap about Hugo's build. Besides, I plan on casting John Noble as the character. He sounded just like Corey Burton in Fringe.
6of13 - 1/15/2014, 2:11 PM
Wow! Most impressive.

I was thinking of Andrew Scott (Moriarty from Sherlock) for the Joker.

I would really like to see Daniel Craig play Ares in a Wonder Woman film but he would be brilliant as Slade.

You just killed it with Spall as Penguin. Perfect casting IMO. I also think David Suchet (Poirot) would be a great Pneguin. Actually, I would not mind seeing Suchet play Doc Ock in the TASM franchise either.

I like Colin Farrel as Black Mask. And Molina as Thorne is just brilliant.

I don't know who your choice for Ventriloquist is but a while back this was my choice for the role:

6of13 - 1/15/2014, 2:25 PM
HaroldOfGalactus - 1/15/2014, 3:31 PM
Ron perlman would have been a decent Slade, he voiced him in teen titans but I like Steven lang. He basically already played him in avatar. Someone older That you can buy as a green beret type badass ya know
WakandaKing - 1/15/2014, 3:42 PM
The dedication....the originality......this cast... I like :') congratulations my good man (begins the slow clap)(inserts Freddie mercury CD)(turns volume to highest function)
Superman8 - 1/15/2014, 3:57 PM
yeah, you win.

PS, Cole Hauser has been my LEX pick for years and years.
MrCameron - 1/15/2014, 4:58 PM
Awesome work. Just fantastic on all levels.

LeVar Burton and Donald Glover approve.

kong - 1/15/2014, 5:47 PM
No problem. Thanks for following my fan casts. Being like the osh Wilding of the section would be really fun. Fan fic isn't doing to good right now and we need some more stuff like this. My one wish is that you do one more "All Black" fan cast. That'd be awesome.

About the posters, That'd be a pretty cool poster. I assume yo mean the poster below.

That'd be pretty cool. Any ideas for titles?
DDD - 1/16/2014, 4:28 AM
I'm right here!

Very nice work and composition @BIGSHOW!

This level of quality has to be recognized!

There is just too much here for me to go into great detail without my
head exploding!

Very good casting for the most-part!

The only one I find not so fitting is DANIEL DAY LEWIS.
Oh, he can act just about anyone but I don't feel his level of acting
is appropriate to play THE JOKER. It's pretty well OVERKILL.
I just don't see him fitting in the BATMAN world.

Some of these picks are so great it's astounding!

That is the greatest standout here in a ton of standouts!

This one of the finest FANCASTS ever put on here!

I may have been hard on you in the past because I know you are
capable of GREATER work like this FANCASTING MASTERPIECE!
I try to be fair-minded but I might be a little too harsh sometimes.
I'm trying to be kinder on CBM.COM.

BTW, I haven't done any FANCASTS for awhile because I was busy
catching up with THE NEW 52 new DC UNIVERSE and MARVEL'S new start
I'm trying to get my head around these new or different comic worlds.

I'm pretty-well an old school dinosaur but I'm trying to catch up to
the present comic book and movies worlds.

I'm just a staunch old-timer and it hinders me sometimes.

I will keep striving to be kinder and more open-minded.
hotto321 - 1/16/2014, 5:19 AM
Love the Andrew Lincoln and Chad Coleman castings. I really would like to see them in more mainstream movies, especially ones based on comic books!
DMB1511 - 1/16/2014, 12:02 PM

Glad you liked it.

You're right, he would've been okay a while back. Thanks.

Stephen Lang is cool, but everyone has been using him as their Deathstroke.

Lol, thanks for the support. thumbs up smiley photo: thumbs up black.gif

That would be Amazeballs. Thanks for the support. Will have to think about the titles.

Thanks.We selected Daniel Day Lewis because Heath Ledger's Joker, will have to be challenged by an actor who isn't afraid to lose himself in the character. Lewis is our guy.

Agreed.Which is precisely the reason we picked. I think if given the chance, they would own.
lexcorp - 1/16/2014, 4:20 PM
Pretty damn good cast right @DMB I mean its movie worthy straight up
redhood2710 - 1/18/2014, 5:49 AM
This is a really good fancast!
The choices I really like are Thomas Wayne,Gordon,Riddler,Tim Drake,Two-Face,Joker,Lex,Grundy and Black Mask.
The only choices I am skeptical about is Bane and Nightwing I think Edgar Ramirez could be a pretty decent Bane and my choice for Nightwing is Garrett Helund.
Overall excellent cast!!!
redhood2710 - 1/18/2014, 9:37 AM
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