So assume has Nolan given up the throne for director of Batman films. The Nolanverse has come to a close. Here's what I think should happen:
There should be no origin story, people know the origin of batman now. It should be retold through dialogue but ill get to how in a minute. Batman should be a detective like in Arkham Asylum. The film should retain the dark, gritty, realistic approach that has been achieved and proven successful in the Nolan films. It should have Riddler as the primary villain and Black Mask as the secondary villain. Riddler should be a serial killer who leaves riddles at the crime scenes. This will strain the Bat's detective skills. Black Mask should be introduced as a mob boss and that he wears a black metal mask. He is raiding a warehouse when batman stops the raid and there is an explosion that causes the mask to be merged onto his face. This causes hatred towards Batman. Bruce should be investigating the Riddler cases and stumbles upon one that resembles his own parents murder. A couple was murdered and a their son survived, his name is Dick Grayson. Batman goes to check up on him and is attacked by Dicl, Batman is impressed and is reminded of himself at that age, he takes Dick in and trains him to fight crime. Through a scene between the two Bruce reveals that his parents were killed as well.
Dick's suit should resemble the costume of Robin in Arkham City, but it should have the mask like Red Hood. Robin could have his eye mask and it would provide him with a HUD and enhanced vision. He would have a device that covered his ears and went around the back of his head, it would extend and cover his face closing around the eye mask. It would provide him contact to batman and re breather capabilities. Black Mask should injure Barbra Gordon and Batman and robin should save her, this way she will become Oracle. at the end conflict between Riddler and Batman and Robin, Robin should try to kill Riddler but is stopped by Batman. There is a conversation between those two where Batman explains that One man cannon be Judge, Jury and executioner. Robin should say that Bruce is just scared to take justice into his own hands because he is still held back by the murder of his parents. Dick escapes into the night. There will be a scene at hte end of the movie where Black Mask is in a warehouse and talking to a hidden figure, The figure is revealed to be Dick grayson now in a blue and black costume and with mask now blue. he reveals himself as Nightwing and kills Black Mask, the movie ends there.
I think the franchise should begin a new but not go a full origin route, it should also borrow a lot from Arkham Asylum.
Please give me feedback in the usual place.
Thanks all,