Nightwing /Dick Grayson
So Nightwing appears on Hush , like i explained before Steven Mcqueen is a great choice for the DCEU Nightwing , he even expressed interest to play this character he is 28 years old able to do more batman movies and he had experience in both TV and movies like i wanted before because if teen titans was adapted to a tv show he can do the lead , he has the skill , the screen presence , the action abilities to play NIghtwing , he is also a good actor and possesses the mature look and the leading ability to play Nightwing , his performances in TVD and Chicago fire are proofs of him playing Nightwing perfectly , he had also the serious face and the personnality to bring over the character into life
Jason Todd/Red Hood
Yeah i know i had Dylan O'Brien but i decided to find another one who is more mature looking and more taller so i decided on Alex Ludwing so Alex fit the age range requirement and he is tall , big and more mature looking , Alex is a great versatile actor who played in Hunger games and Final girls the reason why i choose him as Jason todd is his performance in thsoe movies as a manipulative , sadistic villian and killer which would totally work for Jason Todd , he did a great job there and also in Vikings he played an angry and violent son which is totally a good point of playing Jason , he is also versatile so a role like Jason won't be a problem for him to tackle , he had lso the stunts needed for the character in both hunger games and Vikings
Tim Drake/Robin
I tried to not cast again Logan Lerman i wouldn't be against him if he is casted but i wanted to do something original and i wanted to go with an actor who has experience with TV and movies to so i went with Colin Ford who has experience with both Tv series and movies , he is a good actor who fit well Tim Drake's personnality he was optimistic , reserved and more than a genius in under the dome while playing mature , serious and calm in Supernatural dealing with grief and emontions , he came to the rise playing mature kids so he won't have a problem playing Tim Drake , he had worked with big names like Matt damon so playing with Ben Affleck won't be a problem and playing a genius is a point off playing a detective as for the physicality his upcoming thriller-action-comedy movie Extracurricular activies in 2017 when he will play a teen who is doing a job like an assassin killing all his friends parents will be at least physical and with weapons and with more training he would be perfect
Selina Kyle /Catwoman
i have two choices for this character
So my first choice is Paula Patton from 2 guns and mission impossible , she played a Spy on Mission Impossible and that would benefit the role of Selina Kyle , she is also able to play Selina Versatile personnality , she has also the body , the voice , the beauty to pull over Catwoman she is also close to Ben Affleck 's age , she had played seductive , intellegent and manipulative all the traits needed for Catwoman , she is also tall and able morally and physically to play catwoman , she has an athletic body and she had even taken on stunts , mouvements , fighting scenes and also if she could do the chemisty with Tom Cruise why not with Ben Affleck
my second choice
Emily Blunt is my second pick , she is a great actress who could do also the chemistry with Ben Affleck and while being 11 years younger than Ben Affleck , she can easily look older , she has the body , the voice , the personnality to pull over Selina Kyle , in The Huntsman: Winter's War she could play someone more dangerous like Selina is supposed to be , she is also versatile showing her take on dramatic , romantic , action themes all the things needed for such a character like Selina Kyle she had played in the devil wears parada as an anti hero so it should be able to play a villian like Selina and she had played a criminal , a scientist , a rich girl , a queen , a manipulative woman she is versatile enough to play all the traits needed for playing the volatile personnality of Selina Kyle , she has also the height and the look of a seductive woman , she is also a great actress having done the chemistry with Tom Cruise so she can easily do it with Ben Affleck and go toe toe with him so she is not stranger to physical work and stunts as it was shown edse of tomorrow . She has the age range needed for the DCEU and she would make a great addition to the DCEU i think she is the best to play her
Barbara Gordon/Batgirl/oracle
Jena Malone is not playing Barbara/oracle so i have 2 picks for the character :

I'd choose Willa fitzgerald from Gotham and Scream series giving her an experience in A batman series so it'd be easy to play Barbara also she had played a role in Scream which is full of emotions , heartbreaking scenes and some intellegent and manipulative scenes so she can play without a problem Barbara mental aspects also she's a risen Star so a role like Barbara in the DCEU movie of Batman and Birds of prey and probably Young justice league would made her Famous espicially with the actors inside it ( Ben Affleck , Jeremy Irons , JK simmons , Jared Leto and Will smith ) and i can also see her with the official casting of Batman who's Ben affleck and the official casting of James Gordon who's JK simmons i think she can play his Daughter perfectly and could do the chemistry scenes with my picks for the bat family and Teen titans as for the Physical aspects i think with more training in Police and Self-defense and also Computer learning she can do perfectly
My 2nd choice
My second Choice would be Emily Bronwing who was my previous pick for iris west before Kiersy Clemons was cast , i do think she would be a great fit in there , she is a good actress who has alot of talent and the range needed for Barbara , she is also a very versatile actress who had roles vary from a series of unfortunate events to sucker punch to pompeii , she is small i know but i feel height can be overlooked as long she can act she has the dramatic chops , the action ability and the emontional range , her roles have alot of grief , heartbreaking scenes and emontional moments so i would trust her to potray Barbara , her roles had varied from a troubled teen to a full responsible woman which gives her the talent to play Barbara , In sucker Punch even if the film was not good her acting was good and she kinda reminds me Barbara as for oracle in real life Emily is still studying in the college so she had the intellegence to bring to the character , as for the physical in Barbara 's flashbacks Emily had done stunts , physical mouvements and action in Sucker punch and her performance in God Help the girl was kinda like Barbara
Poison Ivy/Pamela Isley
It hits me when Joe Manganiello. was cast as Deathstroke , i do think that the DC/WB needs to cast a big name actress for Poison Ivy i tried not to cast Jessica Chastin i wouldn't be against her she is a great choice but i wanted an original choice i wanted an actress who has elvish, willowy features and i felt that Eva Green is the more suited i know mostly people want her as Catwoman but i wanted something original for her , she is a great actress who is very versatile her roles vary from Golden Compass , Casino Royale to Penny dreadful and Miss Pelgrime , she has the grace and the intelligence needed for the character , she can play the normal and new 52 version of the character perfectly and she is not stranger to villian and anti hero roles and Eva has been doing action and sci fi for so long, only to add to her known ability to deliver drama and romance. She has everything what Ivy needs : the grace , the body , the voice of someone attractive , the height, the wisdom, the age , the upbeat performance and also the ability . She can also portray the 2 faces of the character : the smart and strong activist as it was s hown in Peny dreadful and Kamelot and the seductress coldhearted villian as it was shown in Dark Shadows , she had also greatly worked with Daniel Craig and Johnny depp so why not Ben Affleck and Margot Robbie
Harvey Dent/Two face
As for Harvey i really want an actor who can go toe toe with Ben Affleck and also close to his age , i wanted a big name actor who can play Harvey Dent which lead me to Matt Damon from Bourne Triology i want an actor who could play each aspect of his Personality really well and i feel Matt Damon is the right who can play him i know most people want him as Hush but i tried to stay Original , he is a versatile actor whose roles vary from Dogma , the informant to Bourne and the Martian , he is not stranger of playing a villian or anti hero as it was shown in the informant and dogma where he played a bipolar conman and pulled over an anti hero very well , he was great on there , he had also played in Dogma very well as Loki was the main reason he was intellegent , manipulative , sadistic angel and he can also pull over Harvey Dent's Victim personality and past , he had also worked with Ben Affleck twice why not the third ?
Edward Niggma/The Riddler
So here's the thing with the riddler i couldn't find actors close to Ben Affleck's age and could pull over every aspect of his personality , i tried to avoid casting Neil Patrick Harris and Jim Parsons , with Joe Manganiello as Deathstroke it is hard to say what are the plans of DC/Wb or Ben Affleck himself so my pick is Eddie Redmayne from Danish Girl and Jupiter Ascending ( even if the film wasn't good his performance was good to me ) , he is an oscar nominee actor and also a fantastic actor who is also very versatile , he had shown that he could be anybody a scientist , a transgender , a psycopath leader which all are good reasons of playing Edward Nygma/the riddler and espcially his role in Jupiter Ascending as a manipulative and smart villian , yes he might be younger but he can easily look older we see his roles from the romantic man to a sadistic villian to an obessesd man all the traits needed for the riddler
Hush/Thomas Elliot
Thomas Elliot/Hush was a bit difficult than i have imagined , i tried to find actors who are close to Ben Affleck's age and after some thought i settled with Richard Armitage mostly because of the intensity in his role as Francis Dolarhyde in Hannibal Tv Series and he has a large of variety of roles from The Hobbit to Hannibal , his performance there was the reason why he is my pick for Hush , he had done an amazing job there he can give the dimension to the character of Hush , he has the rough , shappy but refined look to Hush , he has the perfect body for the character and close to Hush's height standing at 6'2 , he is also at the same age of Ben Affleck and can go toe and toe with him , he is also a badass man with a lot of sci-fantasy credits and good name recognition and skill.
Huntress/Helena Bertinelli
I have 2 choices for the character :
My first choice is Julia Voth from Sera Project , she is a versatile actress and not stranger to playing Stubborn like it was shown in Bitch slap she is a good actress so playing in a comic book role won't be a problem , she has experience with playing a video game like character so playing in a comic book role won't be a problem , i have heard that Julia is of Greek decent which would totally pass off as Italian and she has the body , the height , the voice of Huntress , she is also not stranger to playing Tough and a dark heroine also she is not stranger to stunts and physical work in Bitch Slap and Project Sera she was a badass , she fits the character really well , i am sure she would be good with Ben Affleck and with more training in physical work and learning the Italian accent she would be more than perfect
My 2nd Choice
My 2nd Choice is Pheobe Tonkin who is also a good versatile actress . Her roles vary from H20 as a sweet mermaid teen to originals as the badass werewolf , she is not stranger to playing Stubborn as it was in the originals also she is not unfamiliar to playing a dark , tough and brutal character as it was shown again in the originals . She was a badass in there and had performed stunts , physical mouvements just like Huntress , she is also Australian that would totally pass off as Italian with training in Italian accent she would be perfect , she fits also the height standing at 5'10 , the body and the age of Huntress
Lady Shiva/Sandra Wu san
Lady Shiva appeared on Hush , i wanted an actress close to Ben Affelck's age and the ones who can go toe and toe with him so i decided on Zhang ziyi a Chinese actress who i think is the best suited for the role , Zhang is not unfamiliar with playing a tough , brutal and a badass woman and she is not also stranger to playing anti heroes , she is a great actress who can speak perfectly English and her career is full of heavy action and martial arts movie which would be perfect for playing Lady Shiva i am sure that she can go toe and toe with Ben Affleck , she is a real badass actress and also she can handle good dialogues and potray Obscure and dark heroes like Lady Shiva
Victor Fries/Dr Freeze
Jason Isaace is a great actor who is not stranger to villian roles , he had played a large variety of roles and having played multipe and various villians he can easily pass off as Victor Fries who is a complex and a smart scientist who do everything to save the love of his life , Jason hadn't done roles very similar to that but having played complex and smart characters and also villians would be a good jumping off pLaying Victor Fries plus he is a big name to play a villian like DR Freeze

As for Scarecrow it was difficult to fancast him but i tried and used Sharlto Copley , i know most people would like him as the riddler but i tried as usual to stay original and try not to use the same picks , i think he would be a good scarecrow based on his upbeat performance in district 9 and A team , he just had the energy of fear that Scarecrow needs and i think he would make the role more original and give him something new , he is like i have imagined Scarecrow to walk and talk
My 2nd pick
My 2nd choice for Scarecrow , he is a great actor who brings something new to his characters , he had played a smart alien , a serial killer what enough versatility , he is one of the good actors that fit well in the role , he has the height , age and physicality needed for the role , yeah as for the body i know most people want to cast someone skinny but there some makeup and tricks taht would make Zachary looks like Scarecrow yeah in terms of performance he is great for the character but i know that he doesn't look the part but with makeup magic everything can change
There are my picks for DCEU Batman Hush , and expect some more casting that wil added i care deeply about the acting ability rather than just the eyes or the hair and also the muscles because there are things like hair dye and contact lenses hope you'd enjoy the cast i also tried not to copy picks i rather stay original