Batman Re-cast!!

Batman Re-cast!!

I always hated Chrstian Bale...

By Ryden - Sep 03, 2009 06:09 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Here is my RE-cast of the Batman franchise, I'm so glad to get rid of Christian Bale, always did hate him...

Anyway first up is Batman

Batman/Bruce Wayne-Henry Cavill

Henry Cavill is an underrated actor, he was rumored to play Batman/Bruce Wayne when "Batman Begins" was announced. He was attached to play Superman/Clark Kent when McG was directing "Superman: FlyBy." He was in the top three choices for the new James Bond before Daniel Craig was cast. And he was also a fan-favorite from "Twilight" fans to play the Edward Cullen character... (I hate Twilight :).) I would like to see him play Batman. He obviously has a leading man quality, but always got the chance taken away from him right at the end.

The Joker/???- Crispin Glover

A wonderful actor who was rumored to play the Joker when "The Dark Knight" was announced. Lately, his films haven't been so great but he needs a role like the Joker to show off his skills again. And, he does look like the classic Joker.

Bane- Javier Bardem

I always get Bardem and Jeffery Dean Morgan mixed up. I swear they were separated at birth. Anyway, I know a lot of wrestlers are probably considered for this role but Bane is much more built than a wrestler. So, I think some form of CGI will have to be used or just a suit kind of like Vinnie Jones in "X-3." I mean Bane isn't stupid, so I think an actual actor is in order to play him. This is the villain that broke Batman's back remember!

The Riddler/Edward Nygma- Michael C Hall

He's a very good actor, good at playing cold and calculating characters like Dexter and he sure looks like Riddler in that pic above ^^^

Scarecrow/Dr Jonathan Crane-Robert Knepper

Robert Knepper is one of my favorite actors. He is also my number one choice for Carnage/Cletus Cassidy-- but something about him reminded me of Scarecrow. I loved Cilian Murphy's performance in "Batman Begins." Because of that performance, he made Scarecrow my favorite Bat-villain with Joker coming a close second, so I cast this one with extreme care. ;)

Harley Quinn/Dr Harleen Quinzel- Brittany Murphy

She's a fan favorite and I can't argue why. Murphy is the best choice for Harley.

Penguin/Oswald Cobblepot- James Gandolfini

He is the ONLY choice for Penguin in my mind. He is more so than Philip Seymour Hoffman, even though he would still do well.

Catwoman/Selina Kyle-Kate Beckinsdale

She's my top choice for Catwoman. Whether in a new Bat-series or the current one, she's hot and she's no stranger to skin-tight leather ;)

Alfred Pennyworth-Ian Mckellen

Yeah, Gandalf serves Batman tea, how awesome is that?!?! But seriously I liked the old version of Alfred. The one that actually spoke like a butler. Michael Caine decided that his version of a butler will be a cockney geezer :P and just imagine Mckellen's voice say "Master Wayne" ..I just won you over didn't I? ;)

Anyway this is it so far, like with my X-Men, I'll probably update it now and then. Please leave comments and tell me what you think. Still Be nice lol :).
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MovieMisfit - 9/3/2009, 6:44 PM
Actually good casting except for your Batman pick.
Ryden - 9/3/2009, 6:46 PM
thanks, whats wrong with Cavill? lol
InTylerWeTrust - 9/3/2009, 6:59 PM
I agree with all of these. Great job. Especially with Cavill :)

Hadn't thought of Hall as Riddler. That's a terrific choice.
Ryden - 9/3/2009, 7:03 PM
thank you Tyler
Sanfordpunk - 9/3/2009, 7:04 PM
I like Bale the best , but Cavill would be great
BubastisTheLynx - 9/3/2009, 7:06 PM
Christian Bale IS Batman. Whether you like him or not.
InTylerWeTrust - 9/3/2009, 7:10 PM
But he can't be Batman forever. He WILL be replaced, eventually.
Ryden - 9/3/2009, 7:10 PM
@ Bubastis yeah but this is a Fan-Fic lol, and I do hate Bale as Batman :D
Ryden - 9/3/2009, 7:11 PM
@ Tyler..exactly, besides Bale looks nothing like Bruce Wayne, Cavill on the other hand does and can act
InTylerWeTrust - 9/3/2009, 7:14 PM
Made these a while ago.

Ryden - 9/3/2009, 7:17 PM
@ Tyler those are great!! Good job man ;)
InTylerWeTrust - 9/3/2009, 7:23 PM
Cavill may have a British accent (it was going to come up eventually), but it's very light and I can't imagine it would take much to lose it.
Ryden - 9/3/2009, 7:29 PM
Bale is English too and he was able to lose it, I'm sure Cavill could easily, another thing I like about Cavill is that he was actually cast as Superman and in the comics Bruce Wayne is pretty much a Superman clone.
InTylerWeTrust - 9/3/2009, 7:41 PM
Cavill also was extremely close to being casted as Supes in Superman Returns, and he screen tested for Green Lantern as well.

And the fact that Martin Campbell wanted him to play Bond is a testament to his acting ability, of which he has plenty.
Ryden - 9/3/2009, 7:43 PM
yeah i know, he's pretty awesome in Tudor's and he has a playboy attitude to him in that, to be honest I think he'd make a decent Superman too but I prefer him as Batman
InTylerWeTrust - 9/3/2009, 7:48 PM
He would make a good Supes, but I'd like to see Routh back, and I just think Bats fits him better :)
Ryden - 9/3/2009, 7:54 PM
Yeah it does, on Routh though I can't see him coming back..even tho I wouldn't mind it myself, I think Routh did a good job with what he had to work with, if there was a better script and more action Routh could have had more recognition.
InTylerWeTrust - 9/3/2009, 7:58 PM
It does seem unlikely that Routh will come back. He really wants to, and you're right, he was good with what he had to do, basically do a Reeves impression the whole movie. Singer should have let him put his own spin on Supes.
Ryden - 9/3/2009, 8:05 PM
It did feel like a copy of the Donner movies and a bad one at that both in performance and direction, Bryan Singer is a great director but it was as if he didn't put any creative thought into Returns, he should have just made X-Men 3 and let someone else do Returns because if it was sucessful we wouldn't have Warner Bros rushing a movie out so that they don't lose the rights
InTylerWeTrust - 9/3/2009, 8:09 PM
Yeah, had Returns been a success, we would have probably had a sequel by now, or probably at the end of 2009.
Ryden - 9/3/2009, 8:10 PM
And it would have been good to, both Routh and Singer were pretty set on letting Superman punch something lol
DonkeyPuncher - 9/3/2009, 8:13 PM
Nice pick for the riddler i would have never thought of Michael C Hall.
InTylerWeTrust - 9/3/2009, 8:14 PM
Pretty much all the talk about a sequel was based on Superman fighting a worthy opponent. Fingers crossed they go that way with a reboot :)
rsalas - 9/3/2009, 8:23 PM
Not feeling your Batman pic.
Ryden - 9/3/2009, 8:25 PM
@ Donkey Puncher-Thanks I like him too

@ Tyler- Yeah this McTeigue guy is pretty much set as director, he had some pretty good ideas about just leaving out Krypton and stuff so we can get to the action, hopefully we get an Incredible Hulk type reboot, with some mentions of his origins but never focusing on that the whole way through and also a lot of action evenly displayed throughout the movie so it's not overkill and little story...god they really need to hurry up and make the reboot lol :D
Ryden - 9/3/2009, 8:25 PM
@rsalas-why not lol? He's better than Bale...
rsalas - 9/3/2009, 8:29 PM
Nah...ever since American Psycho I felt he was perfect as Bruce Wayne/Batman.
Ryden - 9/3/2009, 8:31 PM
@rsalas...REALLY?! If anything that put me off, it was definitley his best performance but it made me think he'd be a better villain lol, its just to me he looks nothing like Batman at all, and he is a very over-rated actor, that voice is really annoying and everytime I saw him in the Bat-suit I just laughed, he looked like an angry shadow lol...but everyone is entitled to thier opinion ;)
InTylerWeTrust - 9/3/2009, 8:45 PM
Cavill is 6'1" too. I think that's the perfect height for Batman, especially considering him standing next to Superman, and Routh is 6'3". That seems like a perfect match height wise.
rsalas - 9/3/2009, 8:48 PM
I hear you. I like him as an actor. I think he looks like what Bruce Wayne would look like if he was real. He's got that swagger as Bruce and he had the physical presence as Batman. Especially in Batman Begins. He had the build, the height and a dark side to him. That voice was all Nolan's idea. He asked him to come up with something that made him sound possessed or demond like and that's what he sounds like. I also find myself comparing him to Keaton's Batman. I felt he didn't make a good Bruce/Batman at all but the movie was great.
Ryden - 9/3/2009, 8:59 PM
I understand where you're coming from bud ;) I felt the exact same way towards Bale about Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, lol I'm just the oppisite I feel that Keaton has been the best Batman to date :D but yeah I totally understand where you're coming from ;)

@ Tyler-Exactly mann now we just need a Batman/Superman movie with those two :D
rsalas - 9/3/2009, 9:04 PM
After taking a second look at the picture I think you may have convinced me. He does have the look. How's his acting? I like you other picks. Excellent call on Dexter.
InTylerWeTrust - 9/3/2009, 9:06 PM
I think Keaton was the best Batman, but Bale was the best Bruce Wayne, if that makes sense.
rsalas - 9/3/2009, 9:13 PM
I'd like to have a D.C. superhero vs. Marvel superhero match every week....shoot we can do villain vs. villain too. I'd like to hear your opinions on who would win. Problem is I don't know how to go about doing that.
Ryden - 9/3/2009, 9:19 PM
@ rsals- Haha I knew I could lol, actually his acting is very good, he plays a character in the t.v. "The Tudors" and he's also came close to playing batman, Superman, James Bond and Tyler told Green Lantern aswell...I wouldn't either, I think you would need to set up a poll each week, but that sounds like an awesome idea man, there'll be flame wars galor if you were to do Superman vs Hulk that ones been going for a loooong time, awesome idea dude ;)

@ Tyler-Yeah I know what you mean, Bale was the douche-bag Bruce Wayne which i kind of liked the more party-boy by day and crime fighter by night one, and Keaton's Batman was naturally intimidating, he didn't need a silly voice ;)
InTylerWeTrust - 9/3/2009, 9:22 PM
He's dubbed "the most unlucky man in Hollywood."

I think he deserves a leading character role like Batman.
rsalas - 9/3/2009, 9:25 PM
Superman vs. Hulk would be good but I would really like to do a Batman vs. Captain America. I can't decide between those two.
Ryden - 9/3/2009, 9:34 PM
@ Tyler-I know man I totally feel for him, it must suck to be that close to fame adn have it taken away from him like that :(

@rsalas-Yeah thats been debated plenty of times too, I personally don't really know, based on ability I'd say Cap, but based on who I would just like to see win-Batman, but then I'm not being fair..hmmm..okay..totally fair, thinking about abilites, intellect, fighting skills, gadgets and such......Cap wins. :)
Ryden - 9/3/2009, 9:41 PM
@ Tyler-That is just awesome!!! Kudos man ;)
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