I've prepared for this ages ago but I am not really sure about choices. The two teenagers met up in New York and became fast friends, but were captured and were taken to a lab. Chemist Simon Marshall, who worked for gang leader Silvermane was developing a synthetic drug, a cheap version of heroin that could easily be smuggled. He began his tests on teenagers with only two survivors. Ty and Tandy....etc

By TANKGIRL - Jul 18, 2010 10:07 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

cloak and dagger



Cloak And Dagger are runaways: two lonely teenagers who ran away to New York City to seek a better life. Fate, however, had other plans for them.

Tandy Bowen grew up in Shaker Heights, Ohio, the daugther of a multimillionaire and his trophy supermodel wife. Her dad abandoned the family while Tandy was very young, and her mother was too busy with her career and social life to pay much attention to the girl. Even her boyfriend forgot about her as soon as he went to college. Feeling empty and alone, Tandy boarded a bus for New York City with dreams of becoming a dancer.

Tyrone Johnson, or Ty, had a very different background. Ty was raised in the slums of South Boston, Massachusetts, and had been born with a speech impediment. When his best friend died because Ty was unable to say the words that might have saved him, the distraught teenager fled Boston.

The two teenagers met up in New York and became fast friends, but were captured and were taken to a lab. Chemist Simon Marsahall, who worked for gang leader Silvermane was developping a synthetic drug, a cheap version of heroin that could easily be smuggled. He began his tests on teenagers with only two survivors. Ty and Tandy. This experiment led to their extraordinary powers. The two use their powers together to defeat enemies. Cloak disorients them using his dark dimension and Dagger finishes the job with her daggers of light.

Recently, the duo aided Captain America and the Secret Avengers in Civil War.
As of lately the Iron Patriot aka Norman Osborn tracked down Cloak and Dagger to be on his team of dark x-men.

they initially refused but Norman said they either join and get cleared of their past, or don't join and get arrested, they realized they had no choice but to join.
Now under the command of Emma Frost, as it is her team she tells cloak to make a portal to where the rioting mutants are. The Dark X-men stop the riot, and return to base with the Dark Avengers waiting for them pretty pissed off that they aren't getting any action and a fight between them starts, which is quickly stopped by Emma. Then they already get a second mission to find Trask and the people he has infected.

The team has recently learned that they are not mutants but their powers are solely due to the drugs they were given.


Before there was Cloak and Dagger, there was just Tyrone.Tyrone Johnson was a young African-American boy with a severe stuttering problem living in a rough neighborhood in South Boston. He was raised in a poor area and life was never easy for him; though with the support of his best friend Billy, he would handle life as it came to him. Ty’s stuttering got in the way and he couldn't stop his friend from being shot by a policeman who mistook him for a thief.

Having had enough of his life, Tyrone decided to run away from home. He made his way to New York City and then to Manhattan's Port Authority Bus Terminal. When Ty left he brought nothing; no money, no food, nothing at all. Due to this, he would consider robbing someone for some cash. While searching for the perfect person he found a girl by the name of Tandy Bowen. Incidentally she was a rich girl who had also run away from home. Tandy had been neglected by her rich mother and had decided to leave her home, never to return. As fate would have it, instead of Ty robbing the young girl, he witnessed someone else try to rob her. Not thinking, Ty chased and tackled Tandy's purse thief. Once he retrieved the purse he returned it immediately. From this chance encounter, both of these runaway teens became fast friends and began supporting one another.
Despite their different backgrounds, the two became close friends. Having no place to stay, the two were given a place by some men working for an evil chemist named Simon Marshall. Marshall worked for the Maggia, a local crime family. He was developing a new addictive drug and tested his work on captured teenage runaways. Tandy and Tyrone would be the most recent in a long line of unsuccessful experiments.

The drug had killed all of the other test subjects, but had a different effect on Tyrone and Tandy. The drug had. activated both their latent mutant abilities. Defeating Marshall, the two became the crime-fighting duo, Cloak & Dagger, determined to save kids and teenagers from the evils of the streets.

Chadwick Boseman



Marvel is looking for unknown actors for her character and since cloak is not famous character I rather go with well pay and less know actor.Chad Boseman, is an African American actor and screenwriter. He is perhaps best known for his role on Lincoln Heights as Nathaniel 'Nate' Ray and his role as Sergeant McNair in the NBC television series, Persons Unknown I try to go with unknown for cloak since his not well famous marvel Character chad is really good at was he doing I loved him Lincoln heights you can check him he Play a cap and former solider he performances roll so good so why not him for cloak


Tandy Bowen was a sixteen-year-old girl who grew up in Shaker Heights, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland where many wealthy people live. Bowen's mother, Melissa, was a celebrated and self-centered model who had become rich not only from her own career but also from receiving her previous husband's estate. Tandy's father had left for India seeking "spiritual rebirth." Subsequently Melissa married Phillip Carlisle. Although kind, Tandy was still hurt by her father's leaving and did not accept Phillip. Feeling unloved, Tandy turned for affection to an older teenager named Rob Daltry. But when he left for college shortly thereafter, the despondent Tandy left home on a bus for New York City. While there, a man tried to rob her, but was stopped by Tyrone Johnson. She bought him food and the two learned about each other.

Simon Marshall and his men rounded up the runaways offering them food and shelter. Naive, Tandy agreed, and Tyrone went with her suspecting things were wrong. There, they were knocked unconscious and injected with a designer drug the Maggia wished to use as a replacement for heroin. Because of genetic factors, Tyrone and Tandy survived while the others died due to the drugs' effects. They escaped, jumping into the river, and both began manifesting superhuman powers. Tyrone found himself swimming alone in what appeared to be total Darkness. He believed Tandy somehow escaped away from him until he saw her glowing brightly with white light. He felt himself drawn to her and made his way over.

Once the pair reached the shore they were attacked by Marshall's men, but the men were consumed and defeated by Tandy and Tyrone's new found powers. The two became Cloak and Dagger, pledging to protect other young people from the dangers they had encountered. Tandy became fiercely loyal to Cloak. The two being runaways, they often found themselves hungry and homeless and ended up moving into a church where Father Delgado resided.

Isabel Lucas



Little bio:
Isabel Lucas (born 29 January 1985) is an Australian actress perhaps best known for her role as Tasha Andrews on the Australian television soap opera Home and Away. Lucas moved to Los Angeles in early 2008 and has since been featured in film and television projects including Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, The Pacific and Daybreakers.
My reason:
I don’t know why all attention to Megan fox when you had a good actress like Lucas…first transformers 2 was bad She had nothing to do in Transfomers 2 so I expected another bland performance in Daybreakers since it`s another genre movie for Miss Lucas., was I wrong! This girl has chops! She has a small role but her emotional range is fantastic. Movie is also great. Total surprise for me. her roll always small but I want to see her more on big screen in big role and lead role like dagger

supporting cast

He was nicknamed "Silvermane" because his hair turned gray while he was in his forties. Silvio has been a criminal most of his life. As a teenager he had already joined the Maggia., which is a large organized crime family. He then created his own crime team by using his skills to rise up in ranks. Silvio feared death and was always trying to find the key to being immortal. Later, he learned of a tablet that could restore anyone back to youth and so he started looking for this tablet. After he found the tablet, he kidnapped Doctor Connors so he could make the formula. Spider-Man soon heard of this and saved Doctor Connors. But, he could not stop Silvio from drinking the formula. The formula worked and returned him to his youth. But, the effects wore off and he returned to his normal age.

Later, Silvio team joined up with HYDRA who were under the control of the Kingpin. But, most of the crimes dealt with drugs and weapons. Silvio tried to experiment with drugs to find a way to make more money. They captured teenagers and tested the drug on them. Sadly it killed most of them. Two of the teenagers survived but, the drug gave them powers and they were known as Cloak and Dagger. This drug was very powerful and dangerous. Once the two teenagers found out they had these powers because of Silvio they wanted revenge. Spiderman tried to protect the villains. But, Dagger used her powers and it gave Silvio a heart attack. To make so he survived they placed his brain in a robotic body. Now he was stronger and more powerful. He now wanted revenge and so Spiderman had to protect Dagger. The battle went into a subway station where Silvio defeated Spiderman and almost killed Cloak until Dagger apparently killed Silvio again. After that Kingpin got Silvio lifeless body. He tried to revive it so he could make a good assassin. So Silvio was alive once more. But, now his brain functioned on a lower level than before. They put a collar around his neck so they could control him by using pain. Spiderman thought he was dead but, they battled once more and Spiderman was defeated. Spiderman was defenseless against the cyborg. But, Silvio let Spiderman live and ignored KIngpins orders. Now, Silvio went after Dagger because when they had battled she had stolen some of his life force and he wanted it back. Now Kingpin made a fake drug deal to trick Dagger and Cloak into going there which would also make Silvio go there. Kingpin wanted Silvio back in his clutches. But, Spiderman showed up there to with Black cat. Cloak tried to teleport but, Silvio jumped in his cloak and teleported with him. Dagger was taken by Kingpin into penthouse to try to help Kingpins wife. But, her powers were to weak at that time to help. Thats when Silvio showed up at the penthouse. He beat Kingpin and Spiderman at the same time. So thats when the Awnser gave up his life to give Dagger her powers back and so Silvio could get what he came for. So Silvio got the light back which restored his knowledge and he then left. Cloak and Dagger teleported away. Kingpin blamed Spiderman for Dagger not helping his wife. Later Jack o Lantern tried to kill Silvio. Instead he just destroyed his bionic body. So Silvio survived and was held at HYDRA until another bionic body was prepared for him. Later, Spiderman tried to get Silvio defeated him and captured him. He would try to drain Spidermans blood and make himself more powerful. So Spiderman escaped but, weak and left. That's when Black Cat came and made the place explode and killed Silvio.

Ray Liotta
I love date night I laughed so hard this is first time I’ve seen his act he was awesome playing
Bad guy I think he would be a cool silvermane



Renee Deladier is a French criminal and drug distributer who works out of Marseilles, France. The main drug she distribute is ecstasy, which she also used as an alias after her encounter with Claok gave her a portion of his powers. In their first meeting, Cloak sought out Deladier to punish her for her drug distributing after he witnessed a teenager high on her drugs die in an hit and run accident while he was in France. He traveled to her French villa and was angered when his threats against her didn't scare her. He then drew her into his cloak with the intention of killing her, but much to his shock and surprise, Deladier was chosen by the Entity inside the cloak to be it's new "portal" (feeder of light) of Earth's realm. She commanded the cloak to envelop the now powerless Tyrone/Cloak and once inside the Darkforce dimension would've killed him had Doctor Strange not happened upon the conflict. With his magics he successfully lured the Darkforce/Entity away from Ecstasy and once back on Earth, she was again powerless while Tyrone/Cloak regained his powers.

Renee was dormant for several years after her first appearance, but later resurfaced when Tyrone/Cloak was supposedly killed just after Marvels Inferno storyline; (in reality he merely transported himself inside the cloaks Dark Dimension to escape suffocating). Dagger discovered Cloaks cloak inside a force bubble and figured he had died and the cloak was all that was left of him. After mourning for him, she then buried the cloak in an unmarked grave under a tree in some park. Later the cloak, on it's own free will, traveled to Ecstasy and re-empowered her. She then used it's powers and became the new Cloak. She then went on to absorb the life force of others, both in order to satisfy the hunger of her stolen cloak and to improve her drug trading empire. She came into conflict with the Kingpin of Crime and his hired assassin, the Disciplinarian during this time. She traveled to America with the intention of killing Dagger so no one in the world would have the power to remove the cloak and it's powers from her.

When Ecstasy finally confronted Dagger, she also came to fight against the Crimson Daffodil. Defending herself, Dagger tossed light knives at Ecstasy, but rather then hurt her they caused Ecstasy immense pleasure. It was those same light knives that allowed the now reawakened Cloak to find his way free from the Dark Dimension and to reassert control over the cloak and it's powers once again. Ecstasy was apparently teleported somewhere during the battle.

Her most recent appearance was as a member of a terrorist group R.A.I.D in the Union Jack series. Interestingly she claims in the series that she no longer needs Cloaks cloak to be empowered by the Dark Dimension, perhaps hinting that her body had been mutated to allow her to generate the Dark Dimensional energies on the Earthly plane unaided

Clémence Poésy

I don’t want her to appear in first film keep her in upcoming prject
Clemence started acting around the age of 14. She has since then appeared in French films. Her latest project is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005). She has also appeared in a mini-series, Gunpowder, Treason & Plot (2004) (TV), where she is playing the role of Mary, who is the Queen of Scots.she can speak French and marvel can get some money out of pocket


Brigid is a former New York City Police officer that gained the power to turn into a gas, release a poison gas, she aslo has razor-sharp nails. Mayhem has worked with Cloak & Dagger on many occasions.

Nina Bergman:


This woman is just not singer but she is also an actress next we will see her in two movie
The Land of the Astronautsand The Wayshower: Lord of the Realms
and also she was in rom-comedy called The Other End of the Line nina was rock
in her video psycho bitch she act well in video that remind of bad ass cap Mayhem
and she doesn’t care about the classment of cast.

Mister Jip
An evil ancient wizard who absorbs the lifeforce of others to survive. He can assume the form of any of his past victims.


I would rather go with GCI better with voice of Steve Blum who voice wolverine

Or for acotor I will go Charlie Bewley from new moon play villain one of vulture he was good

Father Delgado

Father Delgado is a Priest living in New York City who provided Cloak and Dagger with food and shelter.

Tom Sizemore as the conflicted Father figure for Dagger.

thank you guys for see and read my article I really want to be cheap movie so I cast those actor except tom who high pay but anyway we may see Andrew as spidy

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TANKGIRL - 7/18/2010, 10:45 AM
MikeZ - 7/18/2010, 10:57 AM
Predictable. Another Megan Fox rant. WE GET IT! SHE SUCKS! Ranting about her is just gonna keep her in the spotlight.

By the way, I would like to see Aldis Hodge and Jayne Wisener as Cloak and Dagger.
TANKGIRL - 7/18/2010, 11:12 AM
RoadDogXXIV really i think she's better than Megan she's more talnted watch daybreaker isn't jayne is meggan from captain britain
AshleyWilliams - 7/18/2010, 1:55 PM
Great cast!
EyeofHorus - 7/18/2010, 2:21 PM
Nice choices. Will Silvermane be played as currently using the youth serum? If so, A++ for Liotta casting.
TANKGIRL - 7/18/2010, 3:44 PM
sorry i wasn't here

NightAvenger thanx

Anil Rickly -yeah i read those guys comic i thought i loved them it like the stroy of the boys in the hood meets gossip girl and thank you!!

EyeofHorus see i didn't stole any of your choices we need someone young can handle action scene
antonio - 7/18/2010, 3:53 PM
TANKGIRL - 7/18/2010, 4:38 PM
antonio valdez lol thanx megan fox is the psycho bitch
TANKGIRL - 7/18/2010, 4:38 PM
antonio valdez lol thanx megan fox is the psycho bitch
MikeZ - 7/18/2010, 4:39 PM

Well, Isabel Lucas was irrelevant to what I was talking about. Everyone, to me, was horrible in "Transformers 2". But she's a decent choice to play Dagger. I chose Jayne Wisener, because of her height, her magnificent cleavage, and the fact that she can do an American accent, especially in a shitty movie like "Boogeyman 3".
TANKGIRL - 7/18/2010, 5:01 PM
RoadDogXXIV i love jayne but i think she's more type of dazzler and meggan from excalibure
TANKGIRL - 7/18/2010, 5:02 PM
RoadDogXXIV i love jayne but she is more typre of dazzler or meggan of excalibure and she too good to be dagger
UnfriendlySpidey - 7/18/2010, 7:13 PM
@TankGirl awesome job as always! I would love to see a Cloak & Dagger flick and these are the perfect actors/actresses to portray them. Well done!
TANKGIRL - 7/18/2010, 7:44 PM
UnfriendlySpidey me too and thanx for reading
DDD - 7/19/2010, 4:13 AM
Great fancast TG@!

Good choices on the actors, especially
Chadwick Boseman!
TANKGIRL - 7/19/2010, 10:04 AM
DDD thanx i loved him in lincoln hights

Anil Rickly no i didn't do a runaway cast not yet
ROMACK - 7/19/2010, 3:24 PM
Hey Tankgirl
This was very well done. I love Cloak and Dagger and wish they could get a good movie. I really think if They do a teen version it would make a great TV series. Especially if done in the tone of say Roswell mixed with a little of The Fringe. They would be able to introduce characters almost weekly. It would be so cool.

Great Casting!
ROMACK - 7/19/2010, 3:25 PM
Oh! Also....I love Ray Liotta as Silvermane!
TANKGIRL - 7/19/2010, 4:08 PM
ROMACK that what i was thinking of cloak and dagger would be great tv show
DDD - 7/20/2010, 5:32 AM
Cloak & Dagger as a teen TV show...
That's brilliant ROMACK@!

A teen TV show done well and
based in reality instead of a
Gossip Girl/90210 soap opera!
LEEE777 - 7/20/2010, 1:38 PM
Gr8 work @ TANK!

Thumbs up! I was thinking her for DAGGER too, but only thing stopped me was she ain't got the boobage lol!

But saying that, if she gets a tit job, she'd be awesome! : D

Love your CLOAK and all the others, cool stuff!

LEEE777 - 7/20/2010, 1:39 PM
P.S. Not liking the SPIDER-MAN pic tho! ; P

Damn SONY lol.
TANKGIRL - 7/20/2010, 3:59 PM
LEEE777 lol i am making a spider man trailer thanx glad you came
LEEE777 - 7/21/2010, 10:09 AM
TANK @ Cool, yeah hav'nt had the internet for a couple of weeks, the phone people are messing about! : P

Look forward to your SPIDEY trailer!
AverageCitizen99 - 7/21/2010, 11:35 AM
HEY TANKGIRL! I'm gonna need your help!
AverageCitizen99 - 7/23/2010, 9:43 AM
HEY TANKGIRL! I just finished the editorial:
jeremy14 - 10/16/2010, 6:49 AM
i love cloak and dagger i love isabelle lucas, i could also see hayden panettiere as dagger
and mariska hargitay as mayhem
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