Here are my choices for who should star in a movie featuring the Astonishing Ant-Man, Scott Lang...

By JoshWilding - Jan 30, 2010 12:01 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Source: Josh Wilding

Scott Lang turned to burglary when his occupation as an electronics expert failed to support his family. Apprehended, he served his prison sentence and was paroled after three years for good behaviour.

When his daughter Cassie became seriously ill, Lang decided to return to burglary as a final resort. He broke into the home of Dr. Henry Pym and Janet van Dyne and stole his Ant-Man uniform and shrinking gas canisters. Garbed as Ant-Man, Lang broke into Cross Technological Enterprises and discovered that Dr. Erica Sondheim, the only person capable of helping his daughter, was being held prisoner by the deranged Darren Agonistes Cross. He rescued the doctor and was relieved when Sondheim was able to save the life of his beloved Cassie.

Lang had intended to return the Ant-Man costume to Pym and turn himself in for its theft but Pym, aware of the use to which Lang had put the stolen goods, offered to let him keep them, provided he only use them to uphold the law. Shortly after, Lang donned the Ant-Man costume on various occasions, primarily to assist the Avengers. Lang dated private investigator and former superhero Jessica Jones.

Peter Krause as Scott Lang/Ant-Man II



Chloe Moretz as Cassie Lang

Cassie Lang

Rachel McAdams as Jessica Jones/Jewel

Jessica Jones

Patrick Wilson as Hank Pym/Ant-Man/Giant Man


Evangeline Lilly as Janet van Dyne/The Wasp


Michael Rapaport as Eric O’Grady/Ant-Man III



Simon Pegg as Eric O’Grady/Ant-Man III


Ray Wise as Darren Agonistes Cross


After receiving an experimental pacemaker he developed superhuman powers but was deformed in the process. As his heart could not keep up with the implants toll, he was forced to kidnap people as a source of constant heart transplants.

He fought with Scott Lang whilst the hero was looking for the kidnapped Dr. Sondheim (the only person who could help his daughter) who had been taken by Cross because of her expertise transplanting skills.

Jodie Foster as Dr. Erica Sondheim


So that's it, let me know what you think in the usual place! Thanks for reading!

And if you haven't yet seen them, here are links to my other fan casts!

The Avengers
The Avengers II
The First Avenger: Captain America
Dark, Mighty and New Avengers
Dead Space
Captain Britain
Fantastic Four
Spider-Man: The Second Trilogy
The First Avenger: Captain America II
Moon Knight
X-Men 4
Doctor Strange
Young Avengers TV Show
New Warriors TV Show
The Inhumans
Alpha Flight
Spider-Man: Sinister Six
The Punisher
West Coast Avengers
The Ultimates
The Defenders
Black Panther
X-Men: First Class
The Champions
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Superman (Reboot)
Dark X-Men
Incredible Hulk 2
The Thunderbolts
Ms. Marvel
The Amazing Spider-Man
The Invaders
Marvel Knights
Iron Man 3

And don't forget to check out my biggest fan cast of 205 Marvel Characters!!!

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DogsOfWar - 1/29/2010, 3:57 PM
Solid casting Josh! Is it wrong to be slightly turned on by that pic of Jessica Jones?

I just don't see how this movie could ever be made other than SyFy. The comics were interesting but I just don't see it translating well.

Here's to Hank (as Giant Man) & Janet in Avengers-it would be a home run to get on of those two stars cast, grand slam if both!
JoshWilding - 1/29/2010, 4:28 PM
OZY: Thanks man, I'll head over there and check it out now! :)

DOGS: Lol, thanks bud! I think that a storyline like the one I've posted at the start of this article would work really well...its the character thats the problem! I think that the general non-comic book reading audience will see the words "Ant-Man" and just not even bother! ;( I really hope we see Hank and Jan in The Avengers - it wouldnt be right without them!
JoshWilding - 1/29/2010, 4:38 PM
ANIL: I used to really like Rappaport for the role of Hank Pym, but when I look back at his performances in My Name is Earl and Prison Break I really think he could pull off that asshole type personality! :) However, Simon Pegg was always my top pick for O'Grady and I actually meant to include him in this cast as well so I'm glad you mentioned that because I completely forgot to include him, lol! What do you think about the rest of my choices dude? :)

TANKGIRL: I've deleted your comments because, no offence, after doing over 40 casts I really dont need or want you to post dozens of pictures from your own casts to "help" me! Oh, and in case you're too lazy to read the info above, here it is again: "Lang dated private investigator and former superhero Jessica Jones." I welcome any feedback good or bad but I dont welcome you leaving seven comments telling me Jessica Jones has nothing to do with Ant-Man and posting dozens of your own casting choices...if you want to do that then post your own Ant-Man cast!
InTylerWeTrust - 1/29/2010, 5:06 PM
Great cast, as usual. Only one I'm not too keen on would be Eric O'Grady. I too would prefer to see Pegg in that role.

Other than that, thumbs way up. Actually, you get a thumbs up for Evangeline alone :) The rest are just the icing on the Lilly-Cake ;D
JoshWilding - 1/29/2010, 5:13 PM
TYLER: Haha, thanks mate - I appreciate that! :) And hey man, it YOU and you alone that convinced me how great Lilly would be for the role! I should've supported her from the very start because she is so perfect for Wasp, its unbelievable!


InSpace - 1/29/2010, 5:28 PM
Dude Radical cast!

The only one I have a problem with is Eric O Grady,cause to me he is like a shield recruit and should be younger so although I would love Simon Pegg as Ant-Man I think it should be a younger Dude so maybe Bret Harrison
chrismatj - 1/29/2010, 8:31 PM
What an excellent cast (as usual)! However, I've been working on a fancast of my own (I'd publish it if I knew how to post pics) and I chose Rachel Bilson as Wasp, and Evangeline Lilly as Jean Grey. But regardless, I love your pics. Great job. :)
JoshWilding - 1/29/2010, 9:11 PM
Inspace: Thanks - I think I definitely have to rethink my O'Grady pick...Pegg has always been my first choice in the past but I think you and ANIL are needs to be someone younger! But Bret Harrison? Dude, thats Spider-Man! ;D

ANIL: LMAO, thanks bud! Misunderstanding or not I dont need/want a dozen one line comments that have pretty much no relevence to this cast and just say crap like I must look at her casts for advice and that I should be a man or something and change my picks to hers...I mean, WTF dude, lol!?! I will definitely be reconsidering my O'Grady choice when I start work on my 50th cast - it's gonna be something special man! :)

MTL: Thanks - who would you cast for Pym because I personally think that he's perfect for the role! As ANIL said, his look and personality just scream "Hank Pym!!!", lol! Out of interest, who would be your choice to play him?

chrismatj: Thanks man! :) I use either flickr or photobucket to upload pictures - however, when you write an article on CBM, you'll see an option to embed images. Just follow the instructions to upload them and then you'll be able to copy and past the image codes into your articles! I hope that helps!
chrismatj - 1/29/2010, 9:21 PM
@JoshW: thanks for the help. I'll try it tomorrow. :)
DogsOfWar - 1/29/2010, 9:21 PM
Hey Josh,
In talking on Shaman's article on Mar-vell, The Starjammers came up. That would be a great fan cast for you. It doesn't look like you've done that one.
thehumantorch - 1/29/2010, 11:03 PM
@ Josh

Great cast as always man! I love reading your stuff!
DDD - 1/30/2010, 1:33 AM
JOSH@ Krause is perfect as Lang's Ant-Man!

This is a great cast! All very good actors who
fit the parts!
JoshWilding - 1/30/2010, 3:46 AM
DOGS: Great idea dude! I think I'll start that today actually! I'm running out of ideas so I'm actually really grateful for that suggestion, lol!

thehumantorch: Cheers man, that's much appreciated!

DDD: Thanks bud - after seeing Krause in Six Feet Under I really wanted to give him a good role in one of my just so happens he fits Scott Lang perfectly! :)
LEEE777 - 1/30/2010, 4:29 AM
Sorry dude, my PC crashed lol.

Nah [frick]ing family thing dude, um like 'em, got me own Scott Lang but he'd make a good one too!

Like the rest, but not LILY in a million years dude (no to a ginger freckled WASP, ever, she is much suited for another lesser role, all i see is Kate from Lost), an you know what i think of ANT-MAN 3 lol, hey he has been your ANT-MAN 1 to ANT-MAN 2 to ANT-MAN 3 lol! PEGG all the way!!! ; P

Damn fine JODI pick dude, and RAY WISE quality actor!!

Nice one man, just don't like LILY, but great work!

Oh yeah good CASSIE LANG, don't know who she is but great and McADAMS great for the part but got her as a X-MEN character, she would be great in that part too, nice one man!

safecrash - 1/30/2010, 6:32 AM
Great cast (as always).

I only disagree with Evangeline Lilly for Wasp (not that I don't like her, I just prefer Rachel McAdams for the role), McAdams for Jessica Jones (I prefer Michelle Monaghan) and the O'Grady picks (like Anil said, they're too old, I think Jason Segel would be good).

I really like your Cassie Lang pick. Chloe is a great actress and will be the right age to play Stature when Marvel decides to make a Young Avengers movie.
DDD - 1/30/2010, 8:10 AM
Crap! I was doing a Starjammers fancast 'cause someone
mentioned it on another thread! Dang, I love them Jammers
but since you are doing them I will stop mine @Josh!

You will definitely beat me to the finish and I don't
want to look like I did with my X-force fancast, like
I'm copying you or something! I swear we gotta get out of
each other's brains! lol

I probably started my X-force before you or
@TANK GIRL but it just looked like I copied you guys!

I don't have that kind of time where I can read someone's
fancast and then copy them, especially
how I do my fancasts more intricate now! It takes me
forever now! That's why I said I was probably not
gonna be able to do them anymore! I probably should
not even try anymore! Leave it to you Josh@ 'cause you're
very good at it!

My business takes all my time now, not that I'm complaining
'cause I'm thankful for the work in
these hard times!
JoshWilding - 1/30/2010, 9:27 AM
LEE: Lol, no worries man! Really glad you like the cast - Moretz is Hit Girl in Kick-Ass! Im dtermined that Rappaport will be at least one of the Ant-Men, hehe! ;) I really think that Lilly is perfect for the role...I used to be a big supporter of Longoria but after seeing her in an action movie she did a few years ago (with Kiefer Sutherland - cant remember the name of it!) I dont think she'd be able to pull Wasp off convincingly! Lilly most definitely would..!

ThalesNJ: Thanks a lot man! Great casting choices...I'd be just as happy to see those actresses in the role! Hell, I'd just be glad to see characters like Jessica Jones and Wasp in a movie, lol! I'd actually been thinking of doing an Ant-Man cast for a while and was never sure who to pick as Cassie, but when I saw her interview on here about Kick-Ass a few days ago I remembered seeing her in My Name is Earl and decided that she was perfect for both this younger version and Stature in a few years!

tea: Thanks mate! :)

DDD: Thats crazy talk dude! You cant stop doing fan casts - you're too good at them man! Competing with the likes of you, LEE and TYLER is what keeps me at the top of my game bud! :) I really like the new layout of your casts, Im just sorry I havent left a comment yet! Mine keep me so busy I always forget to comment on other peoples, lol! You might as well start your Starjammers cast because I'm also working on a Wolverine 2, Batman 3 and an X-Factor cast so I've got plenty of others to keep me busy!
Shaman - 1/30/2010, 1:15 PM
Awesome choices my friend!!!
CRITIC17 - 1/30/2010, 3:36 PM
Now an Ant-Man film could be great if they use the right villain. The villain should be Ultron. Hank Pym created Ultron, so that fits right in. Have Ultron go all bad guy and Ant-Man has to take him down, ant style!!! Great fancast @Josh!!! I finally got caught up on Chuck (the third season, I missed some of two)... I never thought McPartlin could be Cap until now... The third season really showed how strong of a leader (at times) he can be. So I say Sam Worthington or Ryan McPartlin for Captain America!!!!! Of course, my main vote is for Sam, but Ryan's second.
DDD - 1/30/2010, 3:38 PM
Well, you surely are at the top of your game Josh@!
Keep up the good work and I'll continue with my
Starjammers casting! You're right competing with one
another keeps all of us sharp and brings out better more
entertaining fancasts!

I try to read all the fancasts myself but I don't always
have time to leave a comment. But I like to
most of the time 'cause it shows that I actually
read it and showed some respect to all the fancasters on
here! But I don't always leave a comment either!
It doesn't mean I didn't read it! I don't expect you
to leave a comment in every fancast I do either!
Don't worry about that!

I like fancasts 'cause they spur conversation about
CBM'S and the comics that I love! Its so cool that
we all have this site that is worldwide so we can read
and discuss CBM'S with our fellow fans from around
the globe! Thank You CBM! Forever may you flourish!!!!
:D :D ;D
CRITIC17 - 1/30/2010, 4:04 PM
Three cheers for DDD!!! and Josh, and HAWK, and everyone else on here!!!!!
THEHAWK - 1/30/2010, 4:36 PM
nice man, I especially love your Ant-Man III pick, well done.

The only problem I have is your pick for Cassie. I think they should go with an older Cassie for the movie, so they can have Stature.

But other than that, great work bro!

This gets teh HAWK seal of approval

HAWK out
CRITIC17 - 1/30/2010, 5:06 PM
@HAWK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good to see you back buddy!!!!!!!!!!!
AshleyWilliams - 2/4/2010, 7:23 PM
PERFECT Hank and Janet Pym!
Nice Scott lang,but i prefer Simon Baker!
They need a younger guy for Eric O'Grady though.Don't know who though.

Awesome Cast Josh!
BrotherQStark - 9/7/2010, 11:59 AM
Great cast
WhiteMelon - 10/2/2010, 7:09 PM
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