Fan Cast: Streetfighter...reboot

Fan Cast: Streetfighter...reboot

Yes Yes i know, this idea is a lost cause. but can it be salvagable? I believe with the RIGHT casting job, it can be a huge competitior at the box office...besides, i got a little bored!!

By soldier1 - Aug 08, 2009 07:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

I remember my high school days. Nothing but looking for girls, getting your driver's license, and of course...Playing Streetfighter II at your nearest mall arcade or your favorite doughnut shop. Back then, Streetfighter II was the talk about subject in school, wondering about different endings and fighting the 4 hidden characters in the end. So when news came out that the movie was coming out, everyone got excited and couldn't wait for it to come out. But wait a minute....Jean Claude Van Dam playing Guile? Balrog and E Honda working for a news reporting Chun-Li? The game was still popular as hell...could this movie be too good to be true? Wouldn't this movie feel a little rushed?Hmmmmm. Well it can't be THAT flash....IT WAS!!! The story sucked, the actors playing the characters sucked..hell, probably the only good thing about that movie was Vega's costume!!!
I'm not gonna go any further. I know this really isn't considered a "comicbookmovie", but i thought it would be fun to do. Now of course i only started casting the ones from Streetfighter II and added a few for the ones that came after, cause lets be honest, SFII is where it all got real popular. Ladies and Gentle man, i give you, MY Streetfighter fan cast!!

Now, he was a difficult call.I researched "martial artists", "Japanese American" etc etc and i came up with the closest guy i felt had all the the attributes. So here he is, i offer to the table....


The next character i felt that with the RIGHT directing and training, she could have done one hell of a job in making it better. Plus she's hot. i think i would have to stick with the choice and keep....


did I mention she's hot??

This next guy was pretty much an easy call. He's got the look, the arrogance... AND he's already playing a rich kid that kicks a little a$$ at the same time. I can imagine some of the comments now..."this isn't Smallville", with that being said, i give you....


The next character was probably one of the most biggest disappointments in the original movie (being that he was a fan favorite in the games). I needed a mature guy with the acting chops and can put Ryu and Ken in their places at the same time. Let's be honest, an over the top over exaggerated flat top on big screen won't sell movie tickets..but this actor may just be able to pull off the character...


Now it's very hard to find a Japanese Sumo wrestler that can act, fight, and make us laugh at the same time. I've googled, imdb, yahoo and went through all my DVDs. That's when i realized that the original movie (though a crap fest it was), the writers had a good idea with changing E Honda a little bit around. So i stuck with that particular formula and came up with.....

E. Honda

Now.....for a mentor, a wise monk type, with the fighting skills and solemness as Juba from Gladiator hmmm. Wait a minute! yes, i think this may work. I know he's not Indian, but he IS seasoned in this type of roll. i offer to the table...


Now ladies and Gentleman, I am torn. As some of you may know; i have 2 characters left. a Russian Wrestler and a Big Green monster. There is one guy that I'm almost positive can pull off a Russian accent and obviously has the build for a wrestler (despite his age). But let's think about this. How absolutely SICK would it be, if he made a return to the big screen as ANOTHER Big Green Monster??? Need your help on this one people, and tell me YOUR thoughts, but until then..sink your teeth into this.....Yes, you guessed it...


As you SF gamers know..that was the original PLAYABLE characters. So let's get down and dirty and talk.."The Final 4". The hidden bosses you had to get through before u got to see your character of choice's storyline and getting your 3 initials up there as a top player...

Now, I like this guy. I think he's a good actor and didn't do TOO bad as the "Boxing Prize Fighter". So again, I'll stick with the original choice...

Michael Clark Duncan as Balrog

Who was the next Boss you had to defeat after Balrog. Ahhh yes, the ever so popular, manipulating, and vain Masked High Flyer. Now I stated that Vega was probably the best thing of the original SF movie (though speak he did not). So who could it be. Ok, here's my choice...


OK..down to the final 2.
This next choice came down to a pix i saw on google. Yes he's a wrestler. But, what separates him from others is that he actually has the potential of a decent actor. Some may even say "electrifying". Give him a couple Muay Thai lessons, a patch over his eye, and it's a done deal. I offer to the table...


And Finally...Mr Psycho himself. Now I know they already casted him in the 2nd crap fest movie. And if they decide to continue on with the story line, they will probably stick with him. But to me, there could have been so much better choices. To me, only one guy sticks out in my mind when i think "psychotic" or "ariel fighting". My final casted character. None other that...

M. Bison

Ok people, those are my choices if they were ever to make a SF movie worth watching. Let me know your thoughts. Keep in mind, this is the first time i ever posted anything this big on line. So go easy on me LOL.
One last thing, I've casted other characters too from the other SF games that came after SFII. Including the characters of the SFIV video game. But I'm curious as to see how this one plays out lol. So until then...

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prototype87 - 8/8/2009, 7:49 PM
first :) excellent cast choices man.
Bucky0hare - 8/8/2009, 8:03 PM
Nice choices but how about we make good ole' Lou as Blanka and the Russian in the 2004 punisher as the .....russian.
Joslezio85 - 8/8/2009, 8:26 PM
The Russian in the '04 punisher was Kevin Nash, he is a wrestler, and quite a shitty actor. The only reason he seemed plausible in Punisher was because he didn't have any lines.
Good casting job
KEROSENE - 8/8/2009, 10:57 PM
the only actuall good casting that you had was the rock a segat and possibly hartley as ken, (if he could actually pull off the martial arts.) the rest were pretty generic.
soldier1 - 8/8/2009, 11:59 PM
Thanks for your feedback guys. and remember, I'm always open for suggestions.
SlaughterHouse - 8/9/2009, 8:10 AM
I don't know, overall the the problems with the 2 Streetfighter movies weren't the casting, it was more the crappy story and horrible handling of the film in general. With the exception of Jean-Claude's accent in the original I thought that cast was pretty solid. It was just a POORLY made movie.
AshleyWilliams - 8/9/2009, 11:15 AM
awesome job
onio - 4/11/2010, 11:30 PM
I disagree with you about kristen kreuk, Kelly Hu is better than kreuk,
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