Leo finally woke up, his neck was sore, and so was his head. "Complments of jerko knockin' me into the wall...." He said to himself. He opened his eyes wide again, to see if he could by some prayer see anything. But no, he was still without sight, without his weapons, or a clue. He suddenly heard a humming near his head, he turned sharply to see what it was that was making the noise, then uncomfortably realised the humming was coming from a collar on his neck, hence the soreness. He touched it, it was a good grade of metal. Smooth to the touch, and had good curves, not at all like the chains on his feet and hands, nor was it conected to a chain. This collar was here for another reason, perhaps a bomb in case of his attempted escape, Donnie he knew could decypher that BLINDFOLDED, but at present HE was the one with such luck.
He sat up, best he could, and flexed. His knuckles cracked in his toes and fingers as he did, "Needed THAT!" he said to himself.
Meanwhile in a gym-like room with hanging racks of meat, Sabertooth was clawing and hitting the humongous peices of Orca meat around like Tether balls. "Easy as waking up!" Sabertooth said to himself, tearing into the meat husks.
This was truely a place were Sabertooth could get as "SAVAGE" as he wanted, with anything he came in contact with. He had a cerfew, but the guards and watchmen in front of the freezer doors knew better then to disturb him until he was finished. The last time a guard didn't wait to till the aditional two minuets were up, he was scarcely found a live, or even membered.
Suddenly he whipped around and carved off a huge hunk of meat off of a hook as it spun in the air. He went to catch it but something whized through the air like a bullet snagging it before it could spiral downwards. He growled in the direction which it was thrown, and charged maddly at it, jaws gaping. He slammed somebody against the walls of the freezer and compozed himself enough that he didn't claw at them till he got a look at his opponent. His claws stopped short of peeling a good portion of Marrow's flesh off her face.
"WHATTER YOU DOIN' HERE PUNK!" He barked in her face, not even taking his clawed fingers away from there precarious position on her face. She however was less shook up then he thought she'd be, at least she wasn't SHOWING she was shaken.
"I'm going nuts waiting for you to get done with our dinner!" She said, trying to hide her attempt to compose herself.
"I could'a clawed your dang head off kid, and I'm getting tempted to do that now!" He spat.
She put her hand up and caught a bone boomerang with the peice of meat on it that he had gone for earlier. He eyed the meat dangling from the peice of bone in her hand, "You got nerve, kid, I'll give you that." He said grinning and let her drop, grabbing the meat.
She caught her fall, but not as skillfully as she'd liked, she had just had the fore arm of a mountain of a man jammed in her chest. "Like YOU don't! Stepping in on MY fight." she said back at him as he walked away holding the meat in his hand. "Now your scaring me with your nerve kid, keep going and you'll ANNOY me."
"I had that guy down!" she continued, "I don't need you to-"
Sabertooth intrupted:"If you think I did it to save your boney butt, then your denser then I pegged yah. And don't kid yourself, that guy had you down for the count before you could eject one little thorn on your weak body."
Marrow beared her teeth and a bit of bone slid out of her wrist, Sabertooth did nothing, sniffing the meat with his back still turned, purring with a toothy grinn. The bone spike retracted and she stopped quaking, "Smart move kid. Your not as DUMB as you look." Sabertooth said over his shoulder.
Marrow glared, then smirked a little and waltzed over to a rack of meat still unbeaten. "They won't let you fight him you know." She said. "Why would I loose sleep over THAT?" he asked about to pop the meat into his mouth.
"Because they know you'll make him stronger then you." She said leaning up against one of the meat lobs. He dropped the peice in his hand it splatted to the floor. "You really want me to kick your ass don't ya kid?" he said turning around.
"What can I say? Its a science! Thats what the proffessor says." She said, a smile wrapped around her lips.
"He does?" Sabertooth said turning around.
"Yep, you unlock the part in the animal's personality that makes them surpass their limits, they hate you so much they surpass themselves to beat you, till they even surpass you."
Sabertooth just starred at her wondering if he wanted to do this, "So you think I'm a rite of passage?" he asked.
"More like red tape!" She said backing to another peice of meat, "I mean look at it this way, you fought Deadpool, he found away to outwitt you. You fought Omega, he found a way to beat you later, you fought Wolv-"
She suddenly polted upwards and off of a peice of meat hanging off the wall before it was cleaved from the chain itself. The arial flip sent her flying to another piece overhanging in the room but Sabertooth was already undernieth it. She made marrow spikes to boost off the floor with just in time to dodge another swipe that would've taken off her legs, she landed on the ground this time, and headed for the door. By the breath on her neck she knew she would never make it so she did the only thing she knew she could. She curled up in mid air like a beetle and ejected as many spikes as she could from every part of her body facing outwards. With astounding reaction time, Sabertooth stopped short in his attempt to grab her and volted over her instead. She looked up just an inch to see if he had fully turned around after landing on the other side of her, but not only had he turned around, but he was up right and about to kick her like a foot ball. She turned herself around so the impact wouldn't hit face or head, and it ironicly made contact with her rear, sending her across the room. Sabertooth leapt over her and was about to land a ripe slash across her when someone shot a round of bullets between his hand and her face, she could feel the heat of the rounds on her forehead.
"Hey! Don't do that, she'll have no face then, and I love to make fun of how weird it looks!" came a voice
Suddenly the rage in Sabertooths eyes was replaced with rage, AND agonoy. "Not YOUUU!" he said in a half groan half roar.
"Come on..." Deadpool said coming from behind a peice of meat hanging from the ceiling, "You know it IS me. After all who could it be EXCEPT me. Unless of course you mean my new personality and friend: FRANK!"
Sabertooth looked down at Marrow still shaking undernieth him, "This ain't over pipsqueak! Yuriko ain't here to back ya up, and I'll remember this along time. All the better, I have someone to take all my rough days out on." He grinned at her wickedly and got up, he went over to the rack with meat on it that Deadpool was leaning on, and made swipe at his head. "OH SH-" Deadpool said before ducking, just in time for Sabertooth to clip his shoulder instead of his head.
Deadpool laughed it off, "You missed!-Ow...." he said holding his out of socket shoulder. Sabertooth chuckled looking at the slab of meat in his paw with a torn peice of deadpools costume on it, dripping blood. He licked it off and began to dig into the meat in his hand as he exited the room. Before doing so, he turned to look again at Marrow lying on the floor, he licked some of the juice off his lips as he did and winked at her, then shut the doors behind him.
"Whoa, talk about UGLY!" Deadpool said snapping his arm back in its socket. He looked down at Marrow, attempting to get up. "Lemmie giv'ya a hand!" He said extending a hand to her to pull her up. She reached for it and fell on her chin on acount of him pulling it back just in time. "I'm Frank now! and you got OWNED!" He yelled.
Meanwhile on monitors in the lab overlooking the prison cells, the Professor and an un-numbered amount of doctors watched Leonardo awakening on the screen. "WHat is he doing?" the proffesor asked.
"It apears he's just FINISHING doing push ups sir." the techy said at the controls.
"Does he realise his temporary blindness?" asked on of the scientits.
"If he does, he's dealing with it quite well."
"Do you think he's literally blind and uses other senses?" asked one of the men behind the screen. "No, he can see. He's just DEALING with it." The Proffesser said with a hint of annoyance.
"Subject is adnormaly calm." the techy said, the proffesor just watched intently at him. "Whats his heart rate?" he asked.
The man at the controls flipped a few dials and replied, "His collar readings show him at normalcy."
"Remarkable!" One of the doctors said, this one had red hair and beard.
"I Scarcely find it remarkable..." The professor responded, "If he can regulate his temper, and mental composer it will be all the more difficult to manipulate him."
"Perhaps, it is more intriguing though...." One of the black profesors said in a deep voice, "That the most inhuman of our subjects, is acting in the most calm manner towards our treatment."
The Proffesser still neglected to take his eyes off of the screen, "Name it as you will Marxen, I too see the irony. I however find it disconcerting, as we have a schedualed quota to keep with our weapon subjects." He turned around to his security team opsite the them in the room, "And I'm sure you are less then eager to welcome another inconvinient escape attempt!"
The guards said nothing, but stood more erect then before.
The proffesor emotionlessly turned his attention back to the monitors.
Inside the prison cell, Leo was sitting himself crosslegged, and focusing. He was noticing that each time he awoke, less and less would be retained to him.
He knew his name was Leonardo and that he had four brothers, Donnie, Mikey, and Raph, so there was no fear of any kind of severe amnesia.
However it was hard for him to recall....no wait, he COULDN'T recall what he was doing previous or why he was there! Okay, okay calm down Leo! Remember what Master splinter would say...What would master splinter say? OH NO!- SHUT UP SHUT UP! Don't get frantic, once you start on a path of panic, rarely do you realise it before you are lost, far from your beaten path. See, There! He remembered that didn't he?
He calmed down again and began to think again, but try as he may, all he could dreg up was that he was in some form of winter terrain, looking for someone or something. He had either imagined or experianced running uncontrolably through SAID winter terrain, and so far had been suspended in a glass tube, and knocked around by opponents who may or may not be in bondage like himself. He focused even more digging inward,....inward.....
Suddenly he remembered a moment in time that hit him across the face, it was like the biggest flash back or brainfreeze he'd ever had rolled into one. Everything was blury and he was in a room with bright lights focused on him, in front of the lights in various instances were human shapes, speaking in voices he could not hear or make out. He remembered himself struggling greatly against them, calling out for his brothers...no just one of his brothers, RAPHAEL. Why was he calling out to ONLY him? He squinted his eyes more, trying not to break focus.
In the room outside his, where he was being studied, the men were all a buzz. "Repeated brain activity!" One of the men said, "He's having a memory relaps!" he said excitedly. "Excellent..." The proffessor said.
Leo suddenly saw in his nightmare slash flashback, (or whatever it was), someone being wheeled by him on an operating cot. It was a she, he could tell by her.......he could tell.
She had raven black hair and a face that was mostly covered by it. He was calling out to her in his memory, but he didn't remember/hear what it was he was calling her. Suddenly one of the shadowy figures above him said something he could not make out, and put a device over Leo's face. Before he he did though, he could see the figures eyes, or glasses, for his face was reflected in them. Then it was over, just like that. Leo breathed heavily.
"What was that?" He asked.
Back in the observing room, the monitors showed his stats, and him panting. "What was the recolection Jervis?" asked one of the proffesors.
"Undeterminable sir." Jervis said fiddling with the controls, "It's too recent to his capture to be any sort of traumatic experiance in his life."
"Why haven't you been able to read his thought patterns?" Asked the proffessor.
"His mental make up is like nothing we've dealt with before sir. By all acounts, he could very well be an actual turtle with inhanced characteristics. His brain patterns are too animal like to be read as a human being, even mutant."
The proffessor looked down at a pair of dog tags in his hands, "I'm going to enjoy picking the mystery that is you, apart......Leonardo."