Darren Aronofsky as the Director
Aronofsky has directed some epic films including Requiem for a Dream, Black Swan and Noah. He's considered a great sci-fi director and that's exactly what a movie like Inhumans needs.
Jean Dujardin as Black Bolt
King of the Inhumans, Black Bolt is blessed and cursed with a power so great as to tear whole planets asunder using only his voice. He must be careful to never utter a sound, for even the slightest whisper will cause untold destruction.
Reason for Casting: Dujardin has been in some amazing films. He was in Wolf of Wall Street, The Artist, and The Clink of Ice. Dujardin is a great actor that excels at subtlety which is definitely needed for a character is not able to speak or he will destroy everything. When Bolt speaks people need to feel it yet he also needs to be able to get his point across without uttering a word.
Kristen Wiig as Medusa
Medusa is the Queen of the Inhumans and the primary interpreter for her husband Black Bolt, the King of the Inhumans. Medusa is best known for her long, thick head of red hair, which she can psycho kinetically wield like countless extra appendages.
Reason for Casting: Forget the fact she was on SNL, Wiig has proven her dramatic chops with roles in The Skeleton Twins and Her and she has proven she can excel at drama and can carry a film with her raw emotion and she should be shown to be the true backbone of the Inhumans.
Ben Whishaw as Karnak
Martial Arts trained member of the Royal Family of the Inhumans. He has the extrasensory ability to find the weakness or fault in an object or person.
Reason for Casting: Despite being an amazing actor, Whishaw has something I was really looking for when I fancasted this character and that was a lean figure. A figure that could be taken as a martial artist. As far as acting ability what can be said? He was in Paddington, Skyfall, and Bright Star. The guy has a bright future ahead of him and I would freak if he was out Karnak.
Brian Cox as the voice of Lockjaw
An Inhuman dog with the abilities of incredible teleportaton feats as well as other abilities. Serving the Inhuman Royal Family as their escort and teleportation means, Lockjaw is a loyal protector.
Reason for Casting: Brian Cox, a great actor, has an amazing voice and one aspect I would love to steal from Marvel's other cosmic team is the big moment of the goofball character being coherent and actually somewhat smart. Brian Cox has the voice to shock the audience when Lockjaw finally reveals how intelligent he truly is.

Saoirse Ronan as Crystal
Crystal is a member of the Inhumans and the younger sister of Medusa, Queen of the Inhumans. She has the power to manipulate the four classical elements of earth; Air, Fire, Water and Earth.
Reason for Casting: Originally I cast Abigail Breslin but upon further reflection I felt the unoriginal choice of Saoirse Ronan was a much better one due to people wanting it I did realize how great she truly was. Not to diss Abigail Breslin as she is one of my favorite young actresses but I think Ronan edges out over her justa little with roles in films like The Grand Budapest Hotel and Atonement.
Joaquin Phoenix as Maximus the Mad
Maximus is the genius and insane brother of Black Bolt who often plots against the Inhuman Royal Family. Recently, he has been cooperating with the Royal Family under Medusa's rule.
Reason for Casting: Phoenix recently turned down the role of Doctor Strange due to not waning to fully commit his life to Marvel. If he played Maximus then he wouldn't have to considering he would be the villain in this movie. Maximus could be the main villain in their debut movie and literally not even show up or be mentioned in the sequel which gives Phoenix freedom to do what he wants after he finishes this movie.
Well that's my fancast. Would love to hear some feedback but like it or not that's it. I don't do these very often anymore so yeah