We all agree, they need to do a new Fantastic Four reboot, But where do we start. Chris Evans is now Captain America, so we would need a new actor for him, for that matter a whole new recast. I think for the Human Torch, a good pick would be Eric Christian Olsen, he really looks like the character. George Clooney would make a pretty good Mr. Fantastic. For The Thing my pick is Michael Chiklis, event though he did the thing last time he did great. I think in the original movie Jessica Alba did a good job. So for Invisible Woman either her or Scarlett Johansson. Johansson would make a pretty good Invisible Woman.

I think they should DEFINENTLY save Dr. Doom for a sequel. I mean he is their arch-enemy, and they saved Batman's arch-enemy for the sequel, and look how well that did. The fist movie should start right before they get their powers. I think the villain should be Mole Man. He seems like a good villain for a sequel set-up. In the end after the credits, their should be some sort of clue that shows that Doom will come in the sequel. The second one should start out where Doom is created and go to the battles of The Fantastic Four. The third and final of the trilogy should start off with the Thing and the Hulk fighting, but then should fade into Silver Surfer and Galactucus and should feature the Inhumans.
Tell me what you think should happen.