GeoffJohns' DCCU: Emerald Dawn

GeoffJohns' DCCU: Emerald Dawn

If you're the type of guy that's like "oh, not another one of these..." Hear me out. In an original casting and faithful storyline I have rebooted the Green Lantern franchise to be more in line with the DCCU Man of Steel has created as well as creating a story that's true to the Green Lanterns we all love. Enjoy.

By avo - Jun 07, 2014 12:06 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
I'm reposting this so that I can post the second part alongside the first part

For five months I have contemplated on how to reboot one of the most beloved characters' storyline to be original when appearing onscreen and to fit the context of "realistic" in the ways Man of Steel has so uniquely explored. Please take your time to read not only the story, but also the explanations for castings and so on, enjoy.

Work Title: Emerald Dawn

Story: Before any other sentient beings existed in the universe, a race of beings calling themselves the Guardians of the Universe harnessed the power of the green element, the greatest power in the universe, to create the Green Lantern battery. However, the battery was vulnerable to yellow. The Guardians hid the most concentrated source of the yellow energy, the yellow element, to prevent others from using it against them.

In a planet named Korugar, it is told that a war has left the planet in ruins and a group of anthropologists and archaeologists travel the world collecting art and artifacts for preservation. One of the sides at war, the Khund, wants all art destroyed and wants to build a new settlement atop Korugar's ruins. Soldiers come to the home of one anthropologist, Thaal Sinestro, to take the artifacts that were in his protection. In the process of searching the home, they kill the wife of Thaal Sinestro. Sinestro acts out of anger, defends his daughter and kills the soldiers. He rose against the Khund, becoming a rebel, and after taking back control of Korugar, he becomes their King and is granted a Green Lantern ring for his indomitable will.

On Earth, a boy is flying a cropduster, going very fast. When he lands, a man is waiting for him. The man says, "Your mother called me over, said you took the plane out when you were supposed to be in school." The boy is addressed as Hal and the man as Ace. They are sitting in a restaurant talking about how Hal won't go to school then Hal reveals he wants to become a pilot. Hal says that his father (which is mentioned to have died) was his hero. Ace tells him that when he turns 18 he can enlist but not a second before then will he be able to fly planes. On Hal's 18th birthday he's waiting outside the Air Force Base Office. The door opens and Ace is at the door. Hal says,"I'm here to enlist in the United States Air Force...sir." Ace smirks.

18 years later. Abin Sur is working undercover on the ship of a notorious pirate named Kanjar Ro who had stolen yellow matter, an illegal substance hidden away in a location unknown which is said to be the strongest element in the universe. He had been spotted by one of the pirates aboard the ship, Byth Rok, who attacked him and drained his ring's energy. Abin Sur was able to hijack an escape vessel while destroying Kanjar Ro's ship. Fleeing to Earth, the nearest planet, he had his ring find his successor and died of his injury shortly after.

Hal Jordan is flying over Siberia, patrolling the area to uncover the location of a communist-driven terrorist organization known as the Rocket Red Brigade. Flying with another plane which is being piloted by his then girlfriend, Jillian Pearlman, she is shot in the wing by a missile and she bails, flying back to base. Hal is forced to circle back and locate the shooter. He sees them, targets them, and takes them out being forced to pull his chute after, he himself, is shot in the wing. He lands atop a tree and is found by two trucks of members of the terrorist group, to which he says "shit." He is put in a cell and held for a few days. After several interrogations, Hal then meets the Brigade's leader, a bald man with a #1 on his chest. Over the course of that night, Hal wakes up hearing noises. The door of the cell is wide open and the hallway is glowing green. Hal follows a light through the cave base where he is held. The guards in the hallway are asleep and he walks right past them. One wakes up because of the light and Hal grabs the guard's gun and hits it against his head (bringing humor to the viewer). He is following this light through the tundra for what seems like a few miles, believing it to be a beacon of some sort. In the distance, he sees the source of the light and runs towards it. Hal finds a crashed alien ship with a hole in the rear. He enters to find the pilot and is shocked to find an alien. The Alien's last words were, "I never thought I'd see the day... A human." A ring from the alien's finger lifts up onto Hal's finger, wrapping him with an aura of green and a burst of light (resembling the cover of Emerald Dawn).

Hal wakes up. It's been three months since that day. He gets up from a futuristic bed to open the shutters and it displays the view of an alien planet: Oa. Hal is having breakfast with Kilowog, his drill sergeant, still disgusted at the food served. He has a hearing with the Guardians, the leaders of this corps, to discuss Hal's recklessness. The scene then flashes back to Hal as a test pilot, speaking with his brother about his recklessness. He's ranting about how he makes his mother worry and joining the army has torn their family apart. The guardians are telling Hal that because of his recklessness, Sinestro has been assigned to take Hal under his wing and show him the ropes. They are going to find the killer of Hal Jordan's predecessor, Abin Sur. In a mission to find Abin Sur's killer, Jordan quickly comes to understand that Sinestro's beliefs are not in line with those of the Guardians: Sinestro believes that the Guardians have reduced the Corps to merely picking up the messes criminals create as opposed to proactively dealing with the problem. Sinestro used a "bad cop" routine to interrogate a prostitute at a bar to find the location of Abin's killer. Hal was able to catch the killer after a long chase sequence. To find Kanjar, Sinstro tortures Byth Rok to death, a frowned-upon act, but doesn't result in any major consequences. During a mission to capture Kanjar Ro, Jordan is knocked unconscious by Kanjar's energy staff. Sinestro comes in and kills Kanjar. Hal wakes up and Sinestro beats him to a pulp after Hal calls him a traitor. He drains his ring and Hal manages to escape in a pod but is shot by Sinestro, spiraling the pod in the direction of a nearby planet. Sinestro tries to follow the pod but is distracted as other Green Lanterns arrive at the scene.

Back at Oa, Sinestro uses his ring to temporarily animate Kanjar's corpse, allowing him to learn the location of Qward where the yellow element weapon is being fashioned. Kilowog convinces fellow lanterns Boodikka and Tomar-Re that Sinestro is not what he seems. When they catch Sinestro red-handed, Boodikka reveals her true allegiance and incapacitates Kilowog, allowing Sinestro to escape. Kilowog tricks her into destroying Kanjar's unstable energy staff, the explosion launching her into the tools hanging from the ceiling and killing her.

Meanwhile, Hal finds himself on a planet with many deadly plants that want that follow him everywhere. Caught in the mouth of a deadly plant, he is saved by a being named Saint Walker. Saint Walker tells him the history of the light spectrum and the different colors of energy and their emotions. He then says the story of Bolphunga, an unrelenting gladiator who spent several months on that planet trying to find a worthy warrior who then realizes that the strongest being in the universe that he is searching for IS that planet, named Mogo. Hal then discovers that the planet is alive. He is also told that Mogo is a Green Lantern.

On Qward, the Weaponers bestow Sinestro with the yellow ring and battery, the latter of which resembles Ranx the Sentient City. After teaching Hal the lessons of the universe and the history of the light spectrum, Saint Walker takes Hal to a graveyard of ships that Mogo has trapped. One ship is still fully functional. Hal uses the ship to escape and return to Oa. Sinestro has taken his battery to Oa. Using its power, he lays waste to Oa, the yellow light easily overpowering the Green Lantern rings. The yellow battery destroys the green battery, rendering all the Green Lantern Corps' power rings inert and causing death by asphyxiation of countless Green Lanterns who were in space at the time of their rings' failure. Jordan, having returned and recovered his ring moments too late, finds the green power battery and pounds on the inert green element. He places his ring on the small crack that appears, absorbing the whole of its power. Imbued with the full might of the green energy, he destroys the yellow battery by crushing it between two moons.

Having exhausted most of the green power to destroy the yellow battery, Jordan is left to fight against Sinestro under his own power. After an intense hand-to-hand battle without constructs, Jordan uses the last of his power to knock Sinestro to the surface of Oa where Kilowog crushes the yellow ring (as well as Sinestro's hand) with his foot. Having regained partial power to his ring earlier, Kilowog takes to the air and saves Jordan from a fatal fall to the planet's surface. The green power battery is destroyed and Oa is in ruins. Hundreds of Green Lanterns are dead but the Green Lantern Corps still lives on. They have temporarily relocated the Corps to Mogo where they will begin anew.

In the third-to-last scene of the film, Hal is seen giving the Green Lantern emblems to several new recruits, one of which is Guy Gardner. Hal returns to Earth and is seen going into a bar called "Challengers of the Unknown". He sits down and orders a drink and the bartender hands him the drink with a smirk, saying "I'll be damned". In the final scene, Saint Walker is on top of a mountain on Mogo and he is awarded a Blue Lantern power ring, being named the first Blue Lantern Corps member.
(Film Running Time: 2 hours 45 minutes)

Director - Rupert Wyatt

Notable Works: Rise of the Planet of the Apes
I think he's great. Rise of the Planet of the Apes has everything I want in a Green Lantern film: great actor presence, great adapted screenplay, great visual effects, not too over-the-top humor, and great action.
Others Considered: Peter Jackson, Duncan Jones, Neill Blomkamp, Wachowskis

Screenplay - Neil Druckman

Notable Works: The Last of Us
His work on The Last of Us was incredible and, in every sense of the word, game-changing. Though it was a videogame, the script written for it was far superior than any movie I've seen ALL YEAR! Great writer.
Others Considered: Mark Boal


Hal Jordan 12 yrs. old - CJ Adams

Notable Works: The Odd Life of Timothy Green, Godzilla
A great young actor who has shown great talent in The Odd Life of Timothy Green and has great presence.
Others Considered: None

Hal Jordan 18 yrs. old - Callan McAuliffe

Notable Works: I Am Number Four, The Great Gatsby
Callan McAuliffe is a great actor but this is a very minor role so acting ability isn't as big as the looks and how much he looks like the other two so this works perfectly.
Others Considered: None

Ace Morgan - Josh Holloway

Notable Works: Lost, Intelligence, Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol
A great actor who I feel is overqualified for such a small role but he is so perfect for it too.
Others Considered: None

Hal Jordan 36 yrs old - Josh Hartnett

Notable Works: Lucky Number Slevin, Pearl Harbor, Penny Dreadful
He is an amazing actor who has lost his star status in recent years. As Iron Man brought back RDJ, I believe Hartnett is perfect for this role as he has just enough of arrogance to be a great Hal but not be so over-the-top comedic as Ryan Reynolds' portrayal.
Others Considered: Joel Edgerton, Matt Damon, John Krasinski

Sinestro - Kiefer Sutherland

Notable Works: 24, Mirrors, Pompeii
I know, this is a very oddball choice but I know he's perfect for it. He's got the grittiness of an experienced Sinestro and the ability to portray a villain for the second half of the film.
Others Considered: Keanu Reeves, James Purefoy, Woody Harrelson, Sean Penn

Kilowog - Jeffrey Dean Morgan

Notable Works: Watchmen, The Losers, Supernatural
Morgan has the acting chops and the right voice I was looking for. He's got that raspy, experienced voice which is perfect for Kilowog.
Others Considered: Michael Madsen

Abin Sur - Giancarlo Esposito

Notable Works: Breaking Bad, Revolution
Giancarlo is a great actor and is also a great villain. Unfortunately, Abin Sur is not a villain but he has many scenes for the proposed Emerald Dawn film and an older actor is perfect for Sinestro's mentor, Abin Sur.

Saint Walker - Ben Whishaw

Notable Works: Cloud Atlas, Skyfall
Whishaw is a great actor who has the smooth, peaceful voice I wanted in Saint Walker.
Others Considered: Alan Tudyk, Keanu Reeves, Doug Jones

Tomar Re - Alan Tudyk

Notable Works: Firefly, I,Robot
Tudyk is a great actor who is no stranger to CGI or makeup and is a step in the opposite direction from the british Geoffrey Rush who previously played Tomar. Essentially, I wanted to give the character the swagger he has in GL the Animated Series and I feel Tudyk can do it perfectly.
Others Considered: Doug Jones, Simon Pegg

Boodikka - Carrie Ann Moss

Notable Works: The Matrix Trilogy
Moss is a great actress who is not unfamiliar to action movies and has the right badass-ness to pull off the character. She's perfect for this role.
Others Considered: Keri Russell, Robin Wright

Kanjar Ro - Walton Goggins

Notable Works: Justified, Django Unchained
I made this casting decision based on Walton's previous work on Django where he plays a role similar to that of Kanjar Ro. I'm looking for a space cowboy/pirate and I'm confident wit this decision.
Others Considered: Jackie Earle Haley, Thomas Haden Church, Nathan Fillion

Byth Rok - Joseph Gatt

Notable Works: Banshee, Star Trek Into Darkness
Gatt was a great villain in Banshee but the main reason I casted him was not because of his ability but rather his looks. To me, he looks like a creepy, villainous, alien. Byth Rok is a Thanagarian so he doesn't need makeup but the role would need a strange-looking actor to differenciate from the humans.

Salakk - Michael Stuhlbarg

Notable Works: Boardwalk Empire, Men in Black 3, A Serious Man
Stuhlbarg is great on Boardwalk Empire but I chose him specifically for his work on MIB3 where he portrayed a genius-level, monotone alien which is exactly what I wanted in Salakk.
Others Considered: Doug Jones, Tom Kenny

Guy Gardner - Aaron Paul

Notable Works: Breaking Bad, Need for Speed
Gatorade Me, Bitch.
Others Considered: Jai Courtney

Jillian Pearlman - Jessica Stroup

Notable Works: The Following
On The Following, she plays Max Hardy, Ryan Hardy's niece. She is great on the show and plays the role of the badass chick really well. However, for this film the role is very minor so that's why I went with a relatively unknown actress.
Others Considered: Keri Russell, Malin Akerman

Ganthet - Jeffrey Wright

Notable Works: Hunger Games: Catching Fire, Source Code
He has this monotone, smart-sounding voice that would be perfect for the wise Oan Ganthet but he can also make the voice perfect for a good character like Beetee.
Others Considered: Jim Broadbent

Appa Ali Apsa - Jim Broadbent

Notable Works: Cloud Atlas, The Harry Potter Series
He's a great actor who is capable of a smart, bad guy role. The role would be similar to his previous role in Cloud Atlas of Vyvyan Ayrs.
Others Considered: Bill Nighy
- Cameo Sequences - 
Steve Trevor - Gabriel Macht

Notable Works: Suits, Behind Enemy Lines
A great actor who has just the right amount of suave and cockiness to play Trevor.
Others Considered: Patrick Wilson, Joel Edgerton

Thanks for reading. Sound off below or hit the big red glove if you like it. Stay tuned for the sequel to this story: Emerald Knights or feel free to take a look at my previous works. 
Thanks again,
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TheHero - 3/3/2014, 10:58 AM
Great Job, Man!!!! I only was able to skim it but it looks really good.
Pasto - 3/3/2014, 11:00 AM
This is an awesome fan cast. Well done man.
EdgyOutsider - 3/3/2014, 11:56 AM
Pretty good job. I love Hartnett BUT, he's not really interested in doing these kinds of films. He's said it before.
WakandaKing - 3/3/2014, 12:41 PM
THIS FANCAST MADE MY DAY! THANK YOU, it is rare to find someone who takes the time and makes a fancast that isn't a copy and paste of the other 100 people on cbm, I applaud you
TheDCCU - 3/3/2014, 1:48 PM
One of the best fancasts I've ever seen and one of the most original stories. You deserve my thumb even though your article kinda stole my username.
ganthet356 - 3/3/2014, 1:51 PM
Liked it a lot. Definitely deserves a spot on the front page. avo
avo - 3/3/2014, 2:00 PM
Thanks ganthet356 ;)
kong - 3/3/2014, 2:15 PM
This is awesome!!!! Only gripe is that if it was called Emerald Dawn I don't think as many people would know its a GL film. The week MOS came out I told my friend I was gonna go see it and he didn't kno it was a superman film even though he saw the trailers.
avo - 3/3/2014, 2:17 PM
I feel you but I think it has to give off a different vibe than Ryan Reynolds' Green Lantern. Redhood13, you may not remember it but the last fancast and story I wrote, you said that it was really good and that you were looking forward to my next one so here it is lol. That was in July.
kong - 3/3/2014, 2:27 PM
Which was that?
avo - 3/3/2014, 2:31 PM
My Batman Reboot Story/FanCast. It's under my articles.
Lhornbk - 3/3/2014, 5:08 PM
feedonatreefrog - 3/3/2014, 6:14 PM
Wachowskis*, not Wachowski brothers.
Wolf38 - 3/3/2014, 7:48 PM
Nice thoughts. I concur, for the most part. I especially like the choice of the Wachowskis. I only recently got around to seeing Cloud Atlas, but was blown away by it. Joseph Kosinski also intrigues me as a possibility.

For Hal, while I really like John Krasinski and would love to see him in a CBM, he just doesn't seem hard-edged enough for Hal. There is a comedic element there, and while I know that he can act seriously...

Minty - 3/4/2014, 10:40 AM
Great cast (Sutherland as Sinestro is brilliant in particular) and really interesting concept and ideas. Hartnett is a good fit for Hal and looks to be in a bit of a resurgence now. On the fence about the Wachowskis till I see Jupiter Ascending, but if they pull it off I'd definitely be down for them directing.
PJ - 3/4/2014, 5:08 PM
One of the greatest fan casts on the site. I love the story but I think we should see Sinestro's slow decent into embracing fear, maybe make him the villain in the second or third film rather than the first. But wow this is great.
agni17jun - 3/5/2014, 4:59 AM
This is really good...AARON PAUL as Guy Gardner..not so much! but else...good!
FlixMentallo21 - 6/7/2014, 8:30 AM
Not a bad idea for a proper GL film--though, where's Carol Ferris and Tom Kalmaku?

When you have a minute, check out my latest fancast:
avo - 6/7/2014, 8:35 AM
I originally intended to include them but I also intended to differentiate it as much as possible from the 2011 film. I will include Carol Ferris and Tom Kalmaku in the sequel but, once again, they will be completely different from the original film.
Shadow11 - 6/7/2014, 9:07 AM
This is actually a great fan cast believe it or not but the only problem I would have is Josh Hartnett as Hal Jordan/Green Lantern but other than that as for who I would have went with as Hal Jordan/Green Lantern I would have went with Nathan Fillion or even Chris Pine or even Garrett Hedlund as Hal not that Josh Hartnett would be a bad Hal, he would be a great Hal but for Hartnett I see him as more a Bruce Wayne/Batman
agni17jun - 6/7/2014, 9:53 AM
this is good except GUY GARDNER...else is very good! especially BOODIKKA
PunkRockJesus - 6/7/2014, 10:08 AM

Nice job, mate!
Pasto - 6/7/2014, 10:12 AM
I can spread my legs to this.

Pasto - 6/7/2014, 10:13 AM
Lol I already commented on this. Getting some serious dejavu.
acorsi11 - 6/7/2014, 10:39 AM
Awesome fan-cast!
JayJayCAW - 6/7/2014, 11:15 AM
the only thing I dont really like is Josh Hartnett as Hal Jordan, hes a great actor dont get me wrong, but I've always gotten the feeling that he just wouldn't give all that great of a performance in a hero genre film.

Everything else though....I'm surprised to say is freaking awesome....which is something I never say about fan casts lol
Klone - 6/7/2014, 1:40 PM
Like the story.
avo - 6/7/2014, 3:22 PM
Thanks guys. Quick update, I'm posting the films in chronological order, therefore, my next fancast and story in The Justice League. Stay tuned because I will be posting soon.
MightyZeus - 6/7/2014, 9:03 PM
The story and the title sounds amazing.
The cast is great but i would have placed another actor in the lead, maybe Chris Pine, that's just my choice but everything else is great.
EpitomeofAwesome - 6/9/2014, 11:26 AM
Incredible. Simply incredible.
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