What I desperately wish for right now is for Marvel to reclaim what is theirs. Seeing the likes of Fox and Sony wreck some of my favourite Marvel characters (I'm looking at you Doctor Doom) is just disheartening. How much would it cost for Marvel to buy back at least one of it's franchises? Spiderman, Xmen, Fantastic 4... God damn.
The fact that 2 of these 3 (and pretty much Xmen aswell) are getting rebooted just goes to show that they are in need of help, and need to be handled by their creators.
My main beef with this isn't necessarily the stories (although I could have a couple of things to say about them) but the characters...
Doctor Doom: What the [frick] did they do to you?! You're the ruler of Latveria! Your name is Doctor DOOM! You're the baddest mother[frick]er in the MU. Why don't they show this?! Also I want Marvel to have the rights because I also want him to be the main villain in Avengers 3 lol.

Gambit: Firstly, why the hell wasn't he included in an Xmen movie?! I waited ages to see him and they didn't write him in! WTF! When they finally wrote him a part in Wolverine I finally got excited but I must say that I was disappointed. I thought that the character was good, but only if he was given a different name. He just wasn't Gambit. I went in expecting the Gambit from the 90s cartoon. I mean, this new guy didn't even have an accent.
Spiderman: I don't think Spiderman was as much a travesty as Doctor Doom but I didn't like him. He was too different from the comics, not witty enough.
Fantastic 4: For me they just didn't seem right. The Thing looked stupid, Mr Fantastic didn't seem like the comic book Reed Richards i always read about and Jessica Alba as Sue Storm...no. Chris Evans as Johnny Storm was the only plus for me. To be honest I'd rather he stayed in the role and we have Chris Pine for Cap...sigh, I can dream.
There are others but I just wished to highlight my main issues (god dammit Doctor Doom what the hell!!!).
I must say, I'm dead excited that a lot of my favourite characters are, or are being rumoured to be coming to the big screen... Captain America, Thor, Iron Fist, Doctor Strange, Hawkeye, and Winter Soldier. Thankyou Marvel, but for the love of god buy back what's yours.
Also finally, cosmic Marvel. I want some of that. How epic would that be. Here's to hoping that the Silver Surfer spin off movie will be awesome and have characters like Nova and Thanos in sequels...oh wait, don't Fox have the Silver Surfer rights.
Well, rant over. Now to focus on the positives of the Marvel comic book movies. And there are so many of them.