Justice League of America Fan cast by TANKGIRL

Justice League of America Fan cast by TANKGIRL

First appearing in The Brave and the Bold #28 (February/March 1960), the League originally appeared with a line-up that included Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, and the Martian Manhunter. That is that line up here with a couple of others thrown into the DC mix.

By TANKGIRL - Jan 14, 2011 09:01 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

The Justice League, sometimes called the Justice League of America or JLA for short, is a fictional DC Universe superhero team. In most incarnations, its roster includes DC's most popular characters. The original line-up was Aquaman, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, and the Martian Manhunter. The team has also included Green Arrow, Atom, Hawkman, Black Canary, Captain Marvel, Plastic Man and dozens of others.

The team first appears in The Brave and the Bold #28 (1960). Although series featuring the League occasionally have garnered low sales, the team has been fairly popular with comic book fans since inception. The Justice League concept was loosely adapted into the Super Friends animated series (1972-1985) and more directly into the series Justice League (2001-2004) and Justice League Unlimited (2004-2006).

Throughout the years, the team, or segments of it, are called Justice League America, Justice League Europe, Justice League International, Justice League Task Force, and Justice League Elite.

Origin of the Justice League of America
In 1962's Justice League of America #9 Earth was infiltrated by the Appelaxians, competing alien warriors sent to see who could conquer Earth first to determine who will become the new ruler of their home planet. The aliens' attacks drew the attentions of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, the Flash (Barry Allen), Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Aquaman, and the Martian Manhunter. While the superheroes individually defeated most of the invaders, the heroes fell prey to a single competitor's attack; only by working together were they able to defeat the competitor. For many years, the heroes heralded this adventure as the event that prompted them to agree to pool resources when confronted with similar menaces.

Years later, however (as revealed in Justice League of America #144), Green Arrow uncovered inconsistencies in League records and extracted admissions from his colleagues that the seven founders had actually formed the league after the Martian Manhunter was rescued from Martian forces by the other six founders, along with Robin, who did not join the League because of his age. Green Lantern participated in this first adventure primarily as Hal Jordan, though he finally appeared as Green Lantern when the group formalized their agreement, news of which they mutually suppressed because of anti-Martian hysteria (mirroring the backdrop of Martian scares and anti-communist hysteria of the 1950s on our Earth). Because the League members had not revealed their identities to each other at the time, they did not realize that Jordan and Green Lantern were one and the same. While most subsequent accounts of the League have made little mention of this first adventure, the animated Justice League series adapted this tale as the origin of the League as well. And yet, even though it has not officially been removed from League history, much of it could not have unfolded as originally told because of changes in continuity, which continue to emerge as of this writing.

1989's, Secret Origins #32 updated the Justice League of America's origin for post-Crisis continuity. Differences included the inclusion of Black Canary as a founding member and the absence of Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman. Additionally, this iteration of the League's origin cast the Flash as the team's unofficial leader, since it was the methodical Allen who usually came up with the plans that best utilized everyone's powers.

In 1994's Justice League Task Force # 15, during Zero Hour, an unknown superhuman named Triumph appeared. Via yet another retcon, Triumph was revealed to have been a founding member of the Justice League, serving as their leader. On his first mission with the fledgling Justice League, Triumph seemingly "saved the world", but was teleported into a dimensional limbo that also affected the timestream, resulting in no one having any memory of him. This was to explain how all the heroes ended up in Washington for their first meeting. It is unknown if this retcon is still valid after the events of Infinite Crisis.

1999's JLA: Year One limited series, by Mark Waid, Brian Augustyn, and Barry Kitson, re-tooled and expanded the Secret Origins depiction. In 2006's Infinite Crisis #7, the formation of "New Earth" resulted in several changes in DC continuity, one of which is Wonder Woman's return to status as a founding member of the Justice League. In Brad Meltzer's Justice League of America #0, it retconned back both Superman and Batman as founding members as well. No official changes in continuity for Hawkman, Hawkgirl, or Black Canary's involvement with the team has been confirmed.


The original story of Superman relates that he was born Kal-El on the planet Krypton, before being rocketed to Earth as an infant by his scientist father Jor-El, moments before Krypton's destruction. Discovered and adopted by a Kansas farmer and his wife, the child is raised as Clark Kent and imbued with a strong moral compass. Very early he started to display superhuman abilities. Upon reaching maturity he resolved to use said abilities for the benefit of humanity.

While referred to less than flatteringly as "the big blue Boy Scout" by some of his fellow superheroes, Superman is hailed as "The Man of Steel," "The Man of Tomorrow," and "The Last Son of Krypton" by the general public. As Clark Kent, Superman lives among humans as a "mild-mannered reporter" for the Metropolis newspaper Daily Planet (Daily Star in the earliest stories). There he works alongside reporter Lois Lane, with whom he is romantically linked.

Michael Trucco as SUPERMAN (Clark Kent): Michael Trucco best know to most as Samuel Anders in Battlestar Galactica LEEE777 had it. Michael fit perfectly for role he has right age and proper look and stands for 6’3”.he is act Is convincing and I love his character in castle very close to superman personality. Glasses and suit and his sups

Batman's secret identity is Bruce Wayne, a billionaire playboy, industrialist, and philanthropist. Having witnessed the murder of his parents as a child, he swore revenge on crime, an oath tempered with the greater ideal of justice. Bruce trains himself both physically and intellectually and dons a bat-themed costume in order to fight crime. Batman operates in Gotham City.

Gedeon Burkhard as Batman (Bruce Wayne): is a German film and television actor. Although he has appeared in numerous films and TV series in both Europe and the US, He has proper look to bruce wayne and very deep voice It's so deep and smokey sounding and what batman voice should be Plus he fine actor and probably little bit short but I don’t care because he is perfect for role

Wonder Woman is a member of an all-female tribe of Amazons (based on the Amazons of Greek mythology), created by Marston as a "distinctly feminist role model whose mission was to bring the Amazon ideals of love, peace, and sexual equality to 'a world torn by the hatred of men.'" Her powers include super strength, super speed, stamina, and flight. She is highly proficient in hand-to-hand combat and in the art of tactical warfare. She also possesses an animal-like cunning and a natural rapport with animals, which has in the past been presented as an actual ability to communicate with the animal kingdom. She uses her Magic Lasso (which forces those bound by it to tell the truth), and a pair of indestructible bracelets.

All versions of Diana depict her as a masterful athlete, acrobat, fighter and strategist, trained and experienced in many ancient and modern forms of armed and unarmed combat, including exclusively Amazonian martial arts. In some versions, her mother trained her, as Wonder Girl, for a future career as Wonder Woman. From the beginning, she is portrayed as highly skilled in using her Amazon bracelets to stop bullets and in wielding her golden lasso. She is a superior warrior who has beaten Batman, Big Barda, and Black Canary in sparring matches. The modern version of the character differs from her compatriots in that she is willing to use deadly force when she deems it necessary.

Rebecca Neuenswander as Wonder Woman (Diana of Themyscira):


Rebecca Neuenswander was born in Jefferson City, Missouri, in 1980. She launched her acting career with "Rigged" (2008) in a role that closely mirrors her own life experiences. A born fighter, she trained in Tae Kwon Do throughout her teenage and young adult years. At the age of 20, she captured the title at the American Taekwondo Association's World Championships. Neuenswander won the world title while competing in the Women's Second Degree Black Belt 20-29 year-old division. The event was held June 16-18 in Little Rock, Ark. Neuenswander began competing in taekwondo in 1995 and trained in Columbia,Kansas City and Chicago.. In her martial arts career, she took it to 17 victories and 29 defeats. Rebecca has worked extensively has a model and commercial actress

She says that her life’s greatest accomplishment thus far has been the creation of the not-for-profit organization H.A.L.O. (Helping Art Liberate Orphans). Rebecca’s work with H.A.L.O takes her around the globe as she conducts art workshops for orphans and delivers aid generated by her fundraising efforts in the U.S.

The mean reason s I choose her because she can kick ass and she is 30 not that old and generous and kind woman she helps the orphan around the world and she is really good actress and fight night is oky movie and stands for 5’8’’

He is DC Comics second Green Lantern and the first human ever inducted into the Green Lantern Corps and founding member of the Justice League of America. Bearer of a Green Lantern ring, he patrols and fights for justice on Earth and outer space for all of Mankind.

Ryan Reynolds as Green lantern (Hal Jordan): he already got the role

Barry Allen is a police scientist (his job title was changed to a forensic scientist in The Flash: Iron Heights one-shot) with a reputation for being very slow, deliberate, and frequently late, which frustrates his fiancee, Iris West. One night, as he is preparing to leave work, a lightning bolt shatters a case full of chemicals and spills them all over Allen. As a result, Allen finds that he can run extremely fast and has matching reflexes. He dons a set of red tights sporting a lightning bolt, dubs himself the Flash (after his childhood comic book hero, Jay Garrick), and becomes Central City's resident costumed crimefighter. Central City University professor Ira West (Iris' adoptive father) designed Allen's costume (reminiscent of the original Fawcett Captain Marvel) and the ring which stores it while Allen is in his civilian identity. The ring can eject the compressed clothing when Allen needs it and suck it back in with the aid of a special gas that shrinks the suit. In addition, Allen invented the cosmic treadmill, a device that allowed for precise time travel and was used in many stories. Allen was so well liked that nearly all speedsters that come after him are constantly compared to him. Batman once said "Barry is the kind of man that I would've hoped to become if my parents hadn't been murdered."

MARK VALLEY as BARY ALLEN the flash: Mark is hilarious comedian and respectful actor best known for his role as Brad Chase on the TV drama Boston Legal. He is currently the star of Fox's action drama Human Target. And I want some one old and has proper look for barry and mark does have it

While awaiting transport to Miami, Florida, a young man named Arthur Joseph Curry is washed out to sea when a storm ruptures the tank he is in. This Arthur Curry, whose origin closely resembles that of the Golden Age Aquaman as well as that of Neptune Perkins, is the son of oceanobiologist Dr. Phillip Curry. Arthur's mother, Elaine, died in childbirth and Dr. Curry was forced to use a mutagenic serum on his son when he was born three months premature. Arthur has lived his whole life in the main tank of his father's research facility at Avalon Cay, his only window to the outside world being television.

Shortly after his arrival in the sea, Arthur is mentally contacted by the mysterious "Dweller of the Depths," a deformed humanoid with tentacles instead of hair and a left hand made of water. The Dweller urges him to help King Shark, who still bears scars from a previous battle with Aquaman during the recent Crisis. The Dweller, confusing Arthur for Aquaman and calling him his "charge," tells Arthur and King Shark of a prophecy regarding Arthur's future, a prophecy which seems to be a distorted version of the original Aquaman's history. The Dweller reveals that the original Aquaman was "transformed into one akin to a great and terrible enemy of your people and became the vessel of power strange, ancient and terrible."

Arthur's first trip causes him to meet many of Aquaman's supporting characters including Mera, the Sea Devils, Vulko, and eventually Ocean Master. During this adventure, the Dweller progressively realizes that he himself is the original Aquaman, despite having no memory of his former life.

Philip Winchester as AQUAMAN: Philip Is good actor was cast as Robinson Crusoe in the NBC action series Crusoe. he has the proper look and height acting to play Arthur.

The character is a green-skinned extraterrestrial humanoid from the planet Mars, — "Ma'aleca'andra" in his native tongue, who is pulled to earth by an experimental teleportation beam (originally presented as an attempted communication device) constructed by Dr. Erdel. The shock of the encounter kills Dr. Erdel and leaves J'onn with no method of returning home. The character decides to fight crime while waiting for Martian technology to advance to a stage that will enable his rescue. To that end, he adopts the identity of John Jones, a detective in the fictional Apex City (later retconned as Chicago).

Lance Riddick as Martian Manhunter: Lance Reddick (born December 31, 1969) is an American theater, film and TV actor and musician born in Baltimore, Maryland. He starred in The Wire as Cedric Daniels, appeared in Oz as Detective Johnny Basil and appeared in the fourth and fifth seasons of Lost. He now has a prominent role in Fringe. Previously Reddick also starred in two episodes of Law & Order. He appeared in the 2003 Jay-Z/Beyoncé "'03 Bonnie & Clyde" video as the lead police officer. I pick him because he has voice for role and he act is very wise and look like he is from other planet

later members

Green Arrow, Hawkgirl, Hawkman, Black Canary, Zatanna

Dressed like Robin Hood, Green Arrow is an archer, who invents trick arrows with various special functions, such as a glue arrow, a net arrow, explosive arrow, time bomb arrow, grappling arrow, fire extinguishing arrow, flash arrow, tear gas arrow, cryonic arrow, a boxing-glove arrow, and even a kryptonite arrow. Green Arrow patrols the streets in Star City

ewan mcgregor as GREEN ARROW: green arrow is OLD and rich and funny guy more like iron man but little bit different and Ewan is one of candidate up for green arrow I pick because he has the edge to the character and play many roles resemblance to character

Black Canary possesses a "Canary Cry" – a high-pitched, sonic scream which she can deploy to shatter objects and incapacitate her opponents. Analyzing her capabilities, Doctor Mid-Nite found that she can reach ultrasonic frequencies outside the audible spectrum which render human beings unconscious. However, the cry has been shown to be completely useless when Dinah's mouth is covered with a gag, piece of tape, or any other means of forcing her mouth closed, but still she's a good fighter!

Katheryn Winnick as BLACK CANARY: This woman's name is Katheryn Winnick not only is she an upcoming actress but she is a third degree black belt in Taekwondo, and a licensed Bodyguard.

Several incarnations of Hawkman have appeared in DC Comics, all of them characterized by the use of archaic weaponry and by large, artificial wings, attached to a harness made from the special Nth metal that allows flight. Most incarnations of Hawkman work closely with a partner/romantic interest named Hawkgirl or Hawkwoman.

The Justice League Hawkman is Carter Hall, an archeologist who was the reincarnation of an ancient Egyptian prince, Khufu. He and Hawkgirl used the same tools displayed in his museum to fight crime.

Charles Mesure as Hawk man (CARTER HALL)

Kendra joined the newly formed JLA and ended up in a relationship with Red Arrow. This relationship was rocky and did not last long. Shortly after, Shiera's soul left Kendra's body to seek out the afterlife and avoid the reincarnation process.


Zatanna is the daughter of magician Giovanni Zatara (who appeared in Golden Age comic books) and Sindella, a member of the mystical “Homo magi” race. Zatanna is a direct descendant of the alchemist Nicholas Flamel (who was a famous alchemist in the 14th and 15th centuries), and Nostradamus[citation needed]. Her younger cousin, the teenager Zachary Zatara, is also a magician in the DCU.

Taylor cole as Zatanna : she is more zatanna than wonder woman to me sorry DDD

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TANKGIRL - 1/14/2011, 9:44 AM
TANKGIRL - 1/14/2011, 9:47 AM
SORRY for intro leee7777
Xandera - 1/14/2011, 10:48 AM
Some very interesting choices here Tank... I like em though...

Check out the Fifth Sub-chapter of WHITE FIRE... Darkness Strikes! This sub-chapter contains the first encounter with Darkness!

White Fire

WaylonJones - 1/14/2011, 11:03 AM
I really enjoyed reading this. Nice write up!

Old Man Gusto would like it cuz you cast the girl he would never have a shot at as Hawkgirl.

LEEE777 - 1/14/2011, 11:18 AM
Why you sorry for the intro @ TANK lol???

Excellent stuff!!!

Liking it a lot and cheers for da nod, hmm interesting BATMAN you have there, can he do an American accent as he's German? He certainly looks the part, gr8 stuff and Wonder Woman's a win too!

Not one I don't like AQUAMAN's great though I thought it was Ryan McPartlin for a second... boy do they look alike!

I see NICHOL's is becoming a fan-favorite for HAWK GIRL... I can see it big time!!

If VALLEY wasn't already a major DC character (HUMAN TARGET) he'd be a great older Barry Allen!

Damn, big thumbs up @ TANK... fantastic casting! :)
TANKGIRL - 1/14/2011, 11:33 AM
Antidote @ thanks

thenewscore @ yeah that would be cool too i totally can see it

Xandera @ thanks i i will check it RIGHT NOW

LEEE777 @ i kind stole your intro of justice league tv show thanx buddy

geadon did a American accent in inglorious basterds.
he has the voice that i dream of batman supposed to have deep and smokin sexy

Wonder woman was difficult choice i stay all weekend looking for right Actress until i pumped in video youtube of movie called rigged and i found her MY WONDER WOMAN PICK

Ryan McPartlin Is awesome and yeah never notice and i also like Kevin for aquaman


human target is awesome show @=)
TANKGIRL - 1/14/2011, 11:36 AM
DAMN i never was into DC COMIC but i think i did good job in this cast not great but good
Lewis25 - 1/14/2011, 11:43 AM
I like all of them. I really like your superman and Green Arrow picks.
TANKGIRL - 1/14/2011, 11:53 AM
Gusto@ yeah Rachel is great actress and tough she suit for superhero roles like a glove thanx again

Lewis25 @) thanx buddy glad you liked them
Exiles - 1/14/2011, 12:03 PM
Not really sure about your batman and WW pick but the rest of the cast is really good, I really like it
TANKGIRL - 1/14/2011, 12:06 PM
TANKGIRL - 1/14/2011, 12:30 PM
SuperDude001 @ THANX happy you like it
BigG - 1/14/2011, 12:59 PM
A few hits and misses for me, but overall nice cast! Cole as Zatanna is awesome!
Still TANKGIRL, if u got the chance check out my X-Men Fan Cast, peace!
TANKGIRL - 1/14/2011, 1:14 PM
ABZ @ i'll checit out right now and thanx again
MikeZ - 1/14/2011, 3:00 PM
Damn, TANKGIRL, where were you? I've been posting fancasts upon fancasts, and haven't heard from you lately. Here is what I've done since.

Fantastic Four
Marvel Knights
X-Men: Days of Future Past

Now, let me study your cast:

- I think I heard Michael's name dropped for Superman before, but I'm not entirely sold right now. He's not a brick shit-house. Tahmoh Penikett would've rocked.
- I'm holding out hope that Christian Bale gets his head out of his butt to play Batman. Though Gedeon Burkhard is a good actor.
- Nice idea casting actresses who know their way around martial arts for Wonder Woman and Black Canary.
- That shot-by-shot comparison of Mark Valley and Barry Allen seems convincing.
- Never watched Phillip Winchester in anything, so I can't comment there.
- Lance Reddick does have the voice for J'onn J'onzz. Great pick.
- Ewan might be a good choice for Green Arrow.
- I just caught Charles Mesure in "V", and I'm scrambling to find a great role for him in one of my Marvel fan casts (possibly Joey Chapman for an "MI-13" fan cast), but he would definitely kill as Hawkman.
- Rachel Nichols. So hot and boobalicious. And a perfect Hawkgirl, by the way.
- Yeah, I could see Taylor as Zatanna. Serinda's ship has sailed since she's ALREADY playing Zatanna on "Smallville".

Great cast. Now, once again, check out my fancasts that I've listed above. And welcome back.
TANKGIRL - 1/14/2011, 3:13 PM
RoadDogXXIV @ i weren't here lately sorry for not commenting your casting

thanx i am glad you like all my pick i will comment yu casting
emilyella - 1/14/2011, 3:15 PM
ooooh i like black canary casting thats way good!
i dont see taylor as zatanna, shes too tanned and looks too foreign for my liking.
i also still see josh holloway as green arrow.
i like charles as hawkman tho, thats cool as.
im not sure about wonder woman either :S
whose this winchester guy? i love aqauman and so he better be good!
i like that its a different cats to wat ive seen though
TANKGIRL - 1/14/2011, 3:28 PM
EmilyElla @ thank you very much. i can't change your opinion about my zatanna pick

don't wory philip is decent actor and would be sweet aquaman why you aren't sure about my WW

AverageCitizen99 - 1/14/2011, 3:48 PM
Another good cast! Really like your picks, most of them look spot on. :)
emilyella - 1/14/2011, 3:49 PM
hmmm im not sure, i think she doesn't look quite right, but i could be won over if i saw her in action. i guess i dont no enough about her to make a fair comment really.
TANKGIRL - 1/14/2011, 3:51 PM

EmilyElla @ THE PICTURE IS BAD AND NOT PHOTOSHOPED THIS IS WAY BUT SHE IS A A born fighter, she trained in Tae Kwon Do throughout her teenage and young adult years. At the age of 20, she captured the title at the American Taekwondo Association's World Championships. Neuenswander won the world title while competing in the Women's Second Degree Black Belt 20-29 year-old division. The event was held June 16-18 in Little Rock, Ark. Neuenswander began competing in taekwondo in 1995 and trained in Columbia,Kansas City and Chicago.. In her martial arts career, she took it to 17 victories and 29 defeats. Rebecca has worked extensively has a model and commercial actress

LEEE777 - 1/14/2011, 4:07 PM
TANK @ What happened to your NO BOOB PICS RULE? : P

TEABAG would be proud!

Yeah you deff need to read more DC comics, some are just as good as Marvel, heck some are better!

JLA being one!

Oh yeah... I know who your BATMAN pick is now, cool!
TANKGIRL - 1/14/2011, 4:10 PM


Ranger14 - 1/14/2011, 4:18 PM
Not bad. The only pick I don't like is Wonder Woman. Neuenswander has the build and is a decent actress, but I think her facial features are somewhat "off" for WW. Can't put my finger on it, but she just isn't as striking as I picture WW being.
TANKGIRL - 1/14/2011, 4:21 PM
Ranger14 @ being while it okay if you don't like pic i mean it's your opinion and i told it just a bad picture no airbrush or photoshop maybe that why
DDD - 1/14/2011, 5:35 PM
Nice cast TG@!

Don't worry I don't care that you put
Wonder Woman for Zatanna! LOL

Your Wonder Woman pick is a nice person
and all but I just don't see her as WW.
She's a little plain for the role.

On the other hand I think that Taylor
Cole is ideal for WW. She has a regal
air about her and she's as beautiful as
all get out!
Plus she is a seasoned and excellent actress
where as your choice is a little green and
not so accomplished in the acting department.

Also Taylor Cole is an athlete and martial
arts practitioner and she's almost 5'9" tall.
She's very tall for a woman. She was an
Olympic Volley Ball player.

But it's the acting experience of your pick
and her not quite stellar looks that make me
not see her for WONDER WOMAN. Sorry TANK@!


Hey, you got my choice for HAWK GIRL! Man
Rachel Nichols is just drop-dead gorgeous!

The rest of this cast is excellent!

Other than your Wonder Woman this casting is
just wicked & wonderful, TANK GIRL@!

DDD - 1/14/2011, 5:37 PM
BTW, TG@ Kudos for originality, sweet girl!

Also Winchester as Aquaman is a unique and
excellent choice! Just excellent!
DDD - 1/14/2011, 5:43 PM
Say, what has happened to TEABAG@!

I haven't seen him much on here lately!
TheSoulEater - 1/14/2011, 6:54 PM
Great cast!!
Vafrous - 1/14/2011, 7:15 PM
@Tank, Brilliant cast, Reddick is the ONLY actor that I can picture as the Manhunter. Your Batman pick is interesting...
TANKGIRL - 1/15/2011, 12:48 AM
DDD@ thanx buddy

tayllor cole fit for wonder woman but i feel she is more zatanna for me

i will keep rebecca for wonder woman despite i didn't understand little plain

taylo cole needs to bulk up and eat sandwich she little bit skinny after that she can play Diana

TheSoulEater @ thanks

deadshot @ me too he fits for part like glove

rebbeca is pretty the pictue i got sucks she didn't done any photoshop or something she natural looking

emilyella - 1/15/2011, 9:40 AM
@DDD yes julia voth is a good choice as zatanna.
DDD - 1/17/2011, 2:01 AM
What I meant by a LITTLE PLAIN is she's
not drop dead pretty enough to play
Wonder Woman and she's quite small in
the chest area! LOL

I was trying to be kind! LOL

I prefer Wonder Woman as slim and powerful
not big and muscular. Her power doesn't mainly
come from her muscles. She's a kind of goddess!
So in my mind Taylor Cole is perfect! LOL

Here is an official illustration of Wonder Woman
and Taylor Cole beside her. Taylor looks exactly
like Wonder Woman here! Linda Carter looks the
same here! Slim and tall!


DDD - 1/17/2011, 2:20 AM
BTW, that picture of Taylor there does not
perfectly show her breast size. Here's one
that's better.

Ranger14 - 1/17/2011, 2:11 PM
DDD explained it well enough for me. I have looked at numerous photos of Rebecca and airbrushed or not, she just isn't that "hot". Taylor is hot even without being airbrushed! WW should be hot.
TANKGIRL - 1/25/2011, 2:30 PM
Ranger and ddd @ oky buddy like i said i cant change your opinion
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