Knights of Justice: Chapter 2

Knights of Justice: Chapter 2

The next chapter in the origin of King Kal-El and his Knights of Justice. Kal-El and Bruce Wayne meet.

By TheRedRobin - Apr 08, 2016 12:04 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Knights of Justice

Chapter 2
"How many?" asked King Kal-El sternly.
"Seventeen," Bruce answered. Bruce Wayne, Lord of Gotham, stood across from King Kal-El. He wore golden robes, standard clothes of many Lords, that draped across his chiseled frame. He was nearly as tall as King Kal-El. Bruce, unlike Kal-El, was clean shaven. A sword hung at Bruce's hip. 
"Seventeen?" Jimmy asked Kal-El. 
"You should leave Jimmy. I am afraid our guest does not make visits to discuss matters that can be shared," King Kal-El said. Jimmy glanced towards Bruce again before bowing and leaving. The door slammed shut behind him. Kal-El spoke again, "Where have you taken seventeen of my citizens?"
"Criminals, I have taken seventeen of your criminals where I took them last time." Bruce said. He turned his attention to the map that laid on the table between the two.
"Do you know how much trouble is caused when seventeen citizens disappear?" Kal-El gritted.
"I run a city, too," answered Bruce, now turning the map around. "Gotham has seen much greater problems. If Gotham can survive, Metropoland can too."
"That is unfortunately the understatement of my reign," Kale-El sighed. "You haven't sent a Robin in quite some time," said Kal.
"I am short one these days," Bruce answered as his face went from pink to pale. 
"I meant the birds. Not your sons," the King softly commented. "What brought you to Metropoland Bruce? I am assuming Gotham has enough criminals for you that you do not need mine. What has brought the Dark Knight to Metropoland?"
"This," said Bruce pulling a note from his garments. He laid it out on the table in front of the King. Kal-El leaned in and read,
Dusk has reached thy door.
You had a chance to set my people free
The First
"Where did you get this?" asked Kal-El.
"It was left on the body of a slave owner in Bloodhaven. His head was missing when I arrived," said Bruce.
"I assume you have tried to find whoever did this," Kal said. Bruce grimaced and nodded. "Is it that bad?"
"We are dealing with something we have never seen before," said Bruce.
Princess Diana rested her hand on the hilt of her blade. The mist of sea water danced across her face. She stood gazing at the blue waves crashing against the hull of the ship she stood upon. The ship was named the Minotaur. Ares stood at the helm guiding the ship. 
"Where are we going?" asked Diana.  
"We are going where your father won't find you," answered Ares. He stood large and proud commanding the small ship. "Once we reach our destination I will return to Olympus to convince our King it would be unwise to marry you to Hercules. In the meantime, you will stay with a friend." 
"A friend? Who?" questioned Diana. Ares looked down and slight smile spread on his face.
"Friend may be to kind. I am not the type to make friends," he said with slyness fit for a fox.
"No one will question that, Ares. You still haven't said who yet," chimed Diana. She stared into his unnerving face. He turned away without answering. At last she sighed, "I guess I will have to wait then." With that, Diana marched to the cabin below and slept.
Diana woke to a series of thuds from above. She shook off her hair that had stuck to her sweaty face. More thudding came from above.
"Come up here Diana," shouted Ares. She moved across the small cabin and opened the door immediately being blinded by sunshine. Ares spoke again, "Look around Diana. Your world is about to start anew." Diana slowly came into focus. They were sailing into a channel. Surrounding the Minotaur stood large greenish buildings. The sunlight dazzled through stained glass windows and flags a beautiful colors. The city hummed with excitement as music could be heard coming from all directions. Diana saw children peering out doors on either side. She gave them a soft smile. They returned it with toothless smiles of their own.
"Where are we?" asked the bewildered Princess.
"This is Atlantis," answered Ares.
King Kal-El grimaced. He stood overlooking his capital city from the balcony of his room. Bruce Wayne stood next to him, eyes closed, and breathed in the air.
"This all could have been yours, Bruce," said the King. "Your parents death left you the throne over the largest Kingdom known. And instead, you disappeared."
"I did indeed. A ten year old is not right to rule Action. I left Metropoland by my choice. You were chosen to take the throne. It is yours." said Bruce.
"I was eighteen. What your advisor saw in me I do not know."
"It was not Alfred that choose you. My father always had contingencies. He choose you before he died," Bruce told the King. "And after fifteen years I would say he choose wisely." 
"Why did your father choose me?"
"Most would say because at eighteen you already were the wisest warrior in his army," Bruce said.
"What would you say was the reason?" asked Kal-El.
"An abandoned child, brought up by a farmer," said Bruce, "A King must know those men that stand below them, for when war knocks on his door, those men will be the ones behind him." With this Bruce laid a hand on the King's shoulder. "Darkness is coming Kal."
"Do you really think we are dealing with a wizard?" asked the King.
"I do," Bruce answered as assured as Kal-El had ever heard. The King inhaled slow and steady.
"I will send two thousand men," the King said. "They will search for this wizard."
"Thank you, Kal-El," Bruce said turning to leave. 
"And Bruce," Kal-El said, stopping Bruce at the door, "Next time you come to Gotham, leave the Dark Knight at home."
  "Do not speak. Stay behind me and do not make eye contact," Ares said as they walked through the teal hallways of the Atlantean castle. Diana was in awe their entire trek through the city. Ares had enough connections to get them a meeting with the King here. Princess Diana had never left Olympus until this journey. She only knew of other cities through stories told by the Olympians that had. Ares was one of these lucky Olympians that had traveled often. She had heard many war stories of how Ares had led the Olympians in a war shortly after her birth.
They entered the giant throne room. It's floors were made of glass allowing the ocean to be seen. Diana saw a small school of fish dance from one side of the room to the other. The wall at the end had two thrones, one gold and monstrous, the other silver and elegant. In the gold throne sat a large man with blonde hair and a beard that reminded her of her father's. He wore golden armor as if he were about to go war. In his right hand was a golden trident. In the silver throne sat a beautiful woman. She wore a dress yet it somehow felt like she too was ready for war. Her face had prominent cheek bones and her gaze seemed to be dissecting the very way Diana breathed. To either side of the thrones stood several men in full battle armor.
"So the war monger returns," said the King. 
Ares spoke unhesitatingly, "I have indeed King Arthur." With this Ares bowed and Diana did the same. While bowing, Diana glanced back at the woman. She was still staring at Diana.
"Rise Ares. We both know you serve no King on this earth. Why have you come to my kingdom?" stated King Arthur.
"I need a favor," said Ares, standing once again.
"A favor? Has the war monger grown soft?" asked Arthur chuckling. 
"You must take this girl to Action," Ares said. Diana looked at him shock, taken aback by his request. "Deliver her to Lord Wayne of Gotham," he continued.
"And you wouldn't be joining us?" asked Arthur still seemingly amused. "Come on Ares? We both know you don't listen to rules."
"I can't walk into Metropoland with out loosing my head. You must deliver her, but that doesn't mean I will not be seeing this journey to the end," answered Ares. Diana was startled from the conversation going on between the amused King and Ares. She glanced again at the Queen, who had finally broke her gaze away from Diana. The Queen leaned towards King Arthur and whispered in his ear.
"Alright, I will take you to Action if you can beat me in a duel," the King said at last.
"You think it wise to challenge me to a duel," said Ares. Now he was the one amused.
"No, I challenge the daughter of Zeus, Princess of Olympus."
An archer stood along the walls of Gotham. He overlooked the woods that surrounded the city. Off to the left, he could see Bloodhaven. It was small, like a smudge on the landscape, from this distance. Past Bloodhaven was  the small glint of gold that was Metropoland. A road stretched towards the two cities. The archer saw a horse riding towards the gates. He moved down the wall to the men standing at the gate.
Once he made it to the gate he saw the two men he was looking for. "There is a man wrapped in robes riding to the the gate," he told the two. The two men got up and moved down to the entrance with the archer.
"State ya reasons for comin' to Gotham," said one of the three through the gate. The man on the horse was looking down with black robes wrapping his entire body. "State your reasons for coming to Gotham," the man asked again, this time more stern and forceful. The man draped in black looked up. He was bald and his eyes glowed gold. 
"I am the First," he said as the three men burned before him.
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