OK let's put some things in perspective here. We are all very excited for the Guardians of the Galaxy coming this August (or July if you're in the UK). I do think though that some people are setting themselves up for a little disappointed and aren't looking at the big picture. So there are some points I'd like to touch upon:
This movie is going to be the next Star Wars or Green Lantern
If you frequently visit this site you would have heard this before. I also think those comparisions just aren't called for quite yet. As of this moment the second trailer for guardians has not come out. So we can't make these grand assumptions about these things even know it tends to happen. People said things in the same vein about The Amazing Spider man 2 because of the villain issue. People would say "This is either going to be as bad as Spiderman 3 or as good as Spiderman 2". In the end it just fell in between, in my opinion. No one knows how good the movie is going to be but we ALL hope it succeeds so companies Like WB and Fox take risks with their properties as well. And we get more Guardians or at least more superhero's on the big screen.
Bradley Cooper as Rocket
I have wanted to write about this for a while, but know I've heard him due to the teaser before the trailer that comes out in a few days i can know give a somewhat honest opinion on it. Rocket is a Raccoon. Raccoon don't speak English. Plus it's a comic book character, which unless I'm reading the wrong comics doesn't have sound. I understand all the people have a preconceived idea on what he should sound like, whether it's through the games or the television series, this is a different medium and vision. Most of the people on this site have loved everything James Gunn has brought us. So let's have faith in his ability to cast the people he wants in HIS movie. This is a new take on the character so as long as Cooper keeps the spirit of the character there is nothing to worry about.
For those saying this is going to be a billion dollar movie. Slow down a bit, I know we're all very excited for the trailer and any knew piece of news but we need to be a little realistic here. Going by the history of these Marvel movies we can assume that Guardians is going to cost around the $170 million Dollar mark. So to break even and make even a little bit of money it needs to make around $400 million, agreed? My personal expectations are to get over that hump. I think it will do similar to the first Thor numbers ($450 million approx.). And that is fair for a movie no one in the general public no about and won't start hearing about it until the reviews come thick and fast. Also the only competition is TMNT. As much as we have doubts about this film, not everyone does. Guardians success will come from:
1. If the movie is good or not
2. How good will TMNT be?
There isn't a lot for guardians to compete against, but it's starting behind the eight ball. By having Marvel attached will cause audiences to not think this is some kids film that adults won't want to go to. But the Marvel brand can't make up the budget on its own. So will it make a billion, I doubt it. But thats not a bad thing. Let's just hope it breaks that $400 and let it roll on!
Thank you all for reading! If you'd like to ask me any questions to and have a conversation email below. Plus check out my channel I'm trying to start!
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P.S I know, shameless plug