Power Ranges was cheesy and corny with terrible acting. But it was also fun and full of craptastic awesomeness. Up until Zordon’s death I never missed an episode and I saw both movies in theaters with my brothers and mom. Naturally I was excited to hear they were rebooting the movie franchise. I was really intrigued when I read Dean Israelite (Director) and Ashley Miller (Writer) were at the helm. Rumors and reports about the basis of the movie surfaced recently which inspired this fan cast. According to Screen Rant and other sources the cast would be mostly unknowns, which is why this fan cast won’t feature any big names. Warning! We do have a more than a few Disney alumni featured here.
According to rumors Zordon would appear as the original Red Ranger leading a group of Power Rangers against the evil forces of Rita and Goldar during the Cretaceous Age. Scorpina who hasn’t been rumored for this movie should be a part of it. Reports suggest Zordon would create a black hole to defeat Rita. Jason and Billy investigate a T-Rex fossil on a military base and discover five gold coins that belonged to the original Power Rangers. After a devastating metior shower Zordon appears and is met by Alpha 5 who informs him that he has been transported to the future through the black hole he created.. He learns that Rita has also awakened. I will give a brief synopsis of what I would like to see in the 1st movie.
Rita, Goldar, and Scorpina setting their sights on world domination. After getting word that Rita was alive Zordon recruits the rangers to help fight against evil. Jason who is the popular kid spends his time practicing MMA, at the mechanic shop (where he works), his girlfriend Kimberley who is a perfectionist, his best friend Billy who is a genius, Trini who is a free spirit and a bit of loner, and Zach the athletically gifted student who spends too much time playing games. Zack and Trini are forced to wok with the former for the first time when Zordon recruits them. Afters some initial bumps and hiccups the rangers make easy work of Rita and her minions. When the Power Rangers prove to be too much Rita searches for the ancient Dragon Zord power source. Once in her possession she needs a host for the power. She uses a loner (Tommy) who recently moved to Angel Grove as her host and gives him the power of the legendary Green Ranger.
When he arrives Rita immediately puts him under her spell.. Tommy along with Bulk and Skull torment and bully Billy (Jason’s friend). Jason is resentful when Tommy arrives as part time worker at Hart Automotive (where Jason is rumored to be hanging out). Jason and Tommy battle it out throughout the movie, but neither of them knows each other’s secret. Zordon eventually finds out who the inhibitor of the Green Ranger powers is and encourages Jason to help Tommy. Tommy isn’t receptive and continuously torments Billy and does Rita’s dirty work. Jason feeling the pressure quits and leaves the rangers to fend for themselves. It’s not until the other rangers are destroyed in battle against Goldar, Scorpina, and Tommy that Jason decides to come back. In the end the Power Rangers win, and Zordon is able to break Tommy free of Rita’s grip. Tommy’s power is limited, but he does join the team of good guys. In the end there is a ship shown with Lord Zed arriving to Earth upset that Rita failed to once again defeat Zordon. This would make way for the second movie.
Here we Go:
Tyler James Williams as Zack
You know him from: Everybody Hates Chris, Walking Dead, Let It Shine, Dear White People. He is more known than most of the cast, but still fairly unknown. He works here because he’s a talented actor who would bring out the best in Zack. He will have to learn to fight in order to pull off some action sequence dialogue.
Olivia Holt as Kimberly
You know her from: Kickin It, I Didn’t Do It, Girl vs. Monster. She works as Kimberley because she has the ability to play the tough, feminine, firce, do it all girl that is required for Kimberley plus on Kickin It she showed she could perform the fight scenes.
Nathan Kress as Billy
You know him from: iCarly, Into the Storm. Kress has the looks and decent acting chops to play the geeky, underdog and best friend to the hero Billy needs to be. Kress played a similar, but less geeky role as Freddie on iCarly.
Selina Lo as Trini
You kow her from: Scorpion King 3, Blut Force Chances are you probably never heard of or don’t know Selina Lo. She is a British actress with some serious fighting skills check her out “Dohard Short Film” on Youtube. She fits the build perfectly as she could perform fight scenes and play the holistic sweet heart that could kick butt.
Spencer Boldman as Jason
You know him from: Lab Rats, How to BUild a Better Boy. Tommy is the unquestioned leader of the rangers and in this movie he is the boyfriend of Kimberly and a bestfriend to Billy. Boldman oozes star power and at 6'2 with good looks he fits the build of what you want Tommy to be. Bpldman is smooth and chrasmatic and already plays a hero. He will bring out the best in Jason and would not b overshadowed by Tommy.
Bad Guys:
Michael Jai White as Goldar
You know him from: Spawn, Mortal Kombat (web series), Never Back Down 2. If you saw him in action you would know why he’s perfect for Goldar. The dude can fight, he has the acting ability to play a man in costume or CGI. He has the intimidating voice to match.
Rila Fukushima as Scorpina
You know her from: The Wolverine, Arrow. Scorpina may not be in the film, but for this fan cast we added her. Fukushima is a legit fighter and proved she can hold her own in action scenes. She showed her acting chops on Arrow as Katana so I have no doubt she would fit ideally as Scorpina.
Lucy LIu as Rita
No intro needed its Lucy Lu. Rita will see some action in this version of Power Rangers and there is no one better to go tow to toe with Rangers than Lucy Lu.
Leo Howard as Tommy
You know him from: Kickin It, GI Joe. If you’ve seen “Kickin It” Leo Howard jumped off the screen. His potential is through the roof and PR would be smart to grab him up before DC Marvel or any other franchise swoops in. He hep to teach some of the cast martial arts and was seen frequently pulling off some pretty cool moves. As Tommy he is the perfect fit.
Richard Harmon as Skull
You know him from: The 100, Easily could pull of a bully which is what essenially Skull will be to Billy.
Riley Griffiths
You know him from: Super8 Bulk should be exactly what he was on the show expect modern and a little more edgy. I have no doubt Griffith can pull that off.
Mark String as Zordon
Zordon won't be a floating head according to some sources. So Marl Strong can pull off being the original Red Ranger turned voice and mentor behind the Rangers.
Jason David Frank as MMA Instructor and Autoshop Owner
JDF should be in this movie and with the kids not having a hangout spot I would imagine he would be the Ërnie"of the movie, but with a cooler role.
Finally at the end of the movie paving the way for PR2 we will see...
Wesley Snipes as Lord Zed With a cliche and popular staple oif Marvel the bad guy for the second movie would be shown at the end heding towards Earth.
There you have it, PR Fan Cast and synopsis from The Ultimate Fan POV. We went a little TV heavy, but I think it would be wise to capitalize off of actors who have some sort of following. Hope you enjoyed it, please leave your comments good or bad and tell us what ou think.