Okay, here I go with another one of these "Fancast". This one is simple, it's not a single film I'm casting for but several films/Characters that I just, really want to see happen and the actors I would love to see take the role. Not gonna cast the whole damn movie but definitely the leads!
Savage Dragon - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson or Vin Diesel
Dragon is a Green skinned, Super-Powered, Alien with Amnesia, that decides to fight crime and becomes a Chicago Cop after being found in a burning field by Police Lieutenant. There is more to his story but it would have to be taken on in sequels and these are the basics to his character. He is Super Strong able to lift over 35 tons, has bullet proof skin, and a healing factor that rivals Wolverines. He is also fire/burn proof and speedr/more agile then the normal human. He has an attitude and his character is very much inspired by the throwback 90's action heroes (Bruce Willis - John McClane).

Dwayne Johnson has the Charisma and talent to handle badass but somewhat cheesy characters. He could be perfect casting for this role and it would be a superhero that he could own and the Hero not own him. He has the height, the build and the skill. With some kick ass fights like "The Rundown" and "Blade II" and super powered freaks running around like the X-Men Franchise. DJ could be at home in a movie that should feel like a well written, Pro Directed and well acted Wrestling Event!
As for Vin Diesel, he has the physique, the attitude, the voice, and the action/stunt savvy. At 44-45 he is old enough to have the gruff mature look, yet young enough to carry a franchise.
Rapture - Gabrielle Union
Rapture is Savage Dragons Girlfriend, she is also a Reformed Prostitute with Electric Powers and an attitude that can put the Dragon in his place.
Overall, Gabrielle Union has this natural beauty and sexiness all while still being assertive and *Powerful*. She comes equipped with the *ass*ets that are required to bring Rapture to Life. ;)
For Director I choose Guillermo Del Torro. What he did with "Blade 2" & "Hellboy" 1&2 is exactly what a "Savage Dragon" Movie needs to feel real, fun & entertaining. I say a solid R Rating, DJ or Vin & Gaby, and Del Torro would be enough to get asses in the seats for a wild superhero action flick.
Green Arrow(Oliver Queen) - Brad Pitt
Oliver Queen is a Billionaire Left-Wing Mayor. In his youth he was a bit of a free spirit and a Hippie. He gets stranded in an island at one point and learns to survive. His money has been inherited through family as have his heroics. It is said he may be a decedent of the original Jade Archer, Robin Hood! Much like Robin Hood he fights for the Poor and stands as somewhat of a political opposite of Batman, as Wayne Enterprises is the type of company he would investigate for corruption. He eventually is stripped of all his money and his role as Mayor and left to become a streetwise Vagabond.
A smartass that can generally back his ego, Pitt has this role down. I also want an actor that is aged but still young at Heart. I wouldn't make this an origin but I would have a series of flash backs to tell his tale. With movies like "Curious Case of Benjamin Button", "Legend of the Fall", "Troy", & "Fight Club", I think Pitts a Know brainer. He knows how to play a character we like, no matter how unlikable they may be and that is exactly what Oliver Queen is. I would also like this story to flash to his previous venture yet maintain the principal story with him being an aging Hero, already broke and living in the streets.
Moonday-Sandra Hawke - Victoria Rowell or Alicia Keys
Moonday-Sandra Hawke is a Half Black, Half Korean Liberal-Hippie! She was one of Olies First flings and has his Child who will take the mantle of Green Arrow. She grew into a strong independent women after having to raise her child alone.
Victoria Rowell is another Beautiful Multiracial Actress. She has the talent as well as the age and maintained beauty.
Alicia Keys is gorgeous and did a great job in the few films she has starred in. I know she could tackle this role of strong , independent, & free willed Activist. Only problem I would have with her is age, a tad young for the role of Olies College fling.
Black Canary(Dinah Lance) - Alice Eve
Dinah Lance AKA Black Canary is a tough as nails Superheroine. She was a born the daughter of a police officer & the original Black Canary, a member of the classic hero team, the Justice Society of America. Much like her mother and father, she upholds traditional Hero values and can pack a mean punch, or kick, or choke-hold. She is one of the best female Hand 2 Hand combatants in Comics and was born with a metagene that allows her to let off a super sonic shout. Real Sexy and Real Badass doesn't even begin to describe her.
Alice Eve is my only choice for this Role. I want a woman that's old enough to be an experienced Hero but young enough to still be a "noob" to an experienced and somewhat more seasoned Green Arrow. I also want to see a woman that is incredibly beautiful as well as can look like she can hand some Ass.
I would love to see David Fincher take on an Urban hero with his style. He and Pitt have shown that they can work together quite well and he has the ability to tell not one but many tales in a single film. If not, I would try and get Jerry Bruckheimer on board to Direct. He has proven he can deliver a Smart and Fun Swashbuckling Epic. I Would love to see him take his talents into the Urban jungle that is Star City.
Last but not Least....
Thunderbird(John Proudstar) - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
Warpath(James Proudstar) - Jason Momoa
These 2 are Brothers in the Comics. James is the younger of the two and has always looked up to his brother John. John ends up joining the X-Men while James is a misguided villain for a while as a Hellion. He eventually joins the X-Men for a while to later join X-Force. They have similar powers of super strength, speed, agility, coordination, and all other human abilities. Warpath can fly but he rarely does and has a mental cap on his powers that don't let him supersede his brothers. They were both born on an Apache reserve and are highly trained hunters/warriors. Warpath has a Pair of Vibranium Daggers that he uses as his weapon of choice. Thunderbird dies on a mission with the X-Men which was a partial cause for resentment towards them by his younger brother.
I really don't think much explanation needs to go into these choices. There Badasses being played by badasses. They can look like brothers and have both played the Warrior types with "Conan" & "The Scorpion King". Both standing 6'4 and stacked with Muscle and Moves, I can see them being the best part of the X-Men Film Franchise.
Since the film Continuity is shit, they may as well just make them both Hellions and have the team created by Emma to kind of take control of both the Brotherhood & the X-Men. They could be the lead warriors and carry a very silent yet violent purpose with a good guy turn in the end. They would, hopefully, add the quality action these films are missing.
Soooo here are the Boobs....
Anyhow, I Hope you all enjoy and leave me some feed back. Only good feed back, none of that constructive Criticism crap! You don't like, F*ck off! Go read a recycled Batman Fancast.....douchebag!