Hanna Barbera created the original Justice League, but, the characters that they created were never used in comics again. The Hanna Barbera were barely ever re-introduced and if so, they were cameos. .It's been 36 years since the Super Friends ended and even if they were to be reintroduced, the concepts, story, and powers are very childish. Even the name sounds like it was created for a two year old. That is why I bring you...
The Superhuman Force
The DMA (The Department of Metahuman Affairs) is responsible for the Metahumans across the globe. They are responsible for keeping them in order and for arresting and trying them for their crimes. Since the appearance of superhumans like Superman, it has become increasingly difficult for them to arrest the rogue superhumans. Federal Agent Wendy Harris is put to the task of putting together a group of rogue superhumans. They are relieved of all their charges if they cooperate. Other "heroes" were chosen for their abilities and for good publicity.
The first person recruited is Metropolis PD Detective Marvin White. They were good friends in high school and college and then went separate ways. White has no powers but he has a great shot and has been the top detective, often known for taking his work home and is also in top shape. She contacts Rima Robertson, a zoologist that fled to Venezuela and has 26 charges of destroying building sites, destroying logging sites and assaulting construction workers and loggers in the Amazon Jungle. She is said to be able to talk to and control animals. Four superhumans had been assigned to their force for publicity and to improve their reputation. They were all young and the U.S government put them there to keep them in line. They were Virgil Hawkis (Static), who has the power to control electricity, Sam Toshio Eto (Wind), who has the power to shoot himself forward like a huge gust of wind or to create a tornado, Eduardo Dorado (Mirage), who has the ability to teleport, and Tye Longshadow (Shadow),who has the ability to create a construct over his body that can grow to immense sizes. The Wonder Twins, superhuman twins from the planet Exxor, joined to improve their reputation as they are known for making a mess and being over-the-top. Zan has the ability to control water and turn into any form of it and Jayna can turn into any animal. They have a pet named gleek who is a 10-foot-tall bluish-green gorilla. Their Headquarters is in the Hall of Justice, a United Nations building in Metropolis. Lucas Carr is assigned as the Liaison to the team and also works as a hacker and computer operator for the team as well as making gadgets and stuff for them. He designs Marvin a robotic dog that can protect him and can also attack. He calls it W.N.D.R Dog (Weaponized Neutrally Defensive Robotic Dog). They are also given a ship for transportation and 500 soldiers from across the globe to fight alongside them. They are the Super Police of the globe.They are the Superhuman Force.
Original look Wendy, Marvin, and Wonder Dog

New Looks
Instead of the classic "M" on the shirt, he would wear a black t-shirt With a large M in the right peck with "PD" under it.
Original look Rima
New Look
Original look Samurai, Apache Chief, El Dorado, Black Vulcan
New Looks
Static (Black Vulcan)
Shadow (Apache Chief)
Wind (Samurai)
Mirage (El Dorado)
Original Look Wonder Twins
New Look