Yes it seems even JAWS found his way from the big screen into comics. However there is no comparison to the excitement Steven Spielberg brought us with the original treatment. While many shark movies have come and gone, The JAWS franchise has not swam back onto the big screen since 1987's "JAWS:Revenge" which started sinking from opening day. Of course that is what happens when you put Mario Van Peebles in your movies. While the original was shocking and captivating for its day, todays audience is a bit smarter and desensitzed. It has to be BIGGER, MEANER and TRULY TERRIFYING! Therefore I give you... JAWS:MEGALODON!

Megalodon is a prehistoric shark that had teeth seven inches long, was approximatly sixty foot in length and hunted giant whales for its food. Tooth fossils of the giant predators have been found all over the world, and while it is widely believed that they have been extinct since the ice age, many belive they still dwell deep in the oceans depths. However there is no evidence to prove this. Here is a comparison of Megalodon to our current Great White shark, which is Megalodons closest living relative.
To bring our JAWS to the screen we will leave Spielbergs old, dilapidated "Bruce" at Universal Studios in Orlando. We will use the wonderful people at ILM to bring Megalodon to life for us. In our opening scene we will be inside a U.S. nuclear submarine in the North Atlantic on a routine training mission when it is slammed hard from the side with no warning! Massive hull breaches flood the ship with all hands plunging to the icy depths.
Spielbergs "Bruce"
Next we open to Amity Island summer resort town....
With Chief Brody. Originally played by Roy Scheider, now played by Adrian Brody.
This Chief Brody will originate from Phoenix, Arizona where he served as a Deputy Sheriff who jumped at the oppurtunity to be the Chief of Police for the little resort town. Having never been on the ocean before in his life. Adrian can bring the "Human" element to the character that is needed for this movie.
Next will be Matt Hooper originally played by Richard Dreyfuss now played by T.J.Thyne(Bones).
This Hooper will be a Government Marine Biology Specialist in Genetics who will have a very special interest in this shark case after it sinks a luxury yacht. Thyne not only looks the part of Hooper but has the sharp wit and humor needed for the role.
Lastly is Quint, originally played by Robert Shaw, now played by Liam Neeson.
Our Quint will be a former Navy Seal and later underwater demolition specialist as a civilian contractor who lost his liscense due to bouts with alcoholism. Now he hunts sharks for money. He looks at this as an oppurtunity to mend his broken life, and redeem himself. Robert Shaw was incredible in the original. That being said, Liam Neeson can do just about anything.
The horrors of the deep become known to the people of Amity when debris from ships wash ashore, as well as a large great white shark carcass that has been bitten in two! Later we find that Hooper is a government geneticist who's work was used by the government to create a monster they could point at other nations fleets.
Other than having Dreyfuss cameo as Amitys greedy, egocentric mayor, I did not cast the supporting roles as this is about our three Heroes, Megalodon and the Struggle between them. Hope you enjoyed it.