I´m thinking about a story when Clark finally becomes superman and joins to the JLA, my idea is gonna be an animation in flash
this is the cast I want to the Justice League of America based on smallville

By onio - Apr 11, 2010 07:04 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Source: smallville JLA

Even he doesn´t wear THE CLASICAL CUSTOME and he prefers that copy of punisher suit, Tom Welling is the true heir of Christopher reeves´Superman

LUCY GRIFFITHS as Wonder woman
LEEE777 gives me the idea, I hope he likes her!!!!

I only want a face, specially a popular face, Megan fox is a good option and I like her in my animation
Visually she would be a hot Wonder woman, she is hot, I am not thinking about her performance as an actress, I just need her face

Nolan says his Batman never be part of superman universe, but I disagree with him, if somebody´s got a good story, maybe it can work
Cristhian Bale is Batman,
but for me, Michael Keaton is the best Batman.

I have made a mixture between Kyle Gallner´s custome of smallville Impulse and the TV series flash.

The Aquaman from Smallville is Aquaman

Justin played a good Green Arrow, but he is a mixture between Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen, he must become the real vigilante green arrow

The black Canary of smallville looks like a drag queen, I don´t know what are they thinking about that time, it is a shame. The actress is a beautiful woman, we need to see her face, not to hide her

I think Martian manhunter doesn´t need to wear that ridiculous boots and other dress, he just need the cross in his chest and the cape and he must look strong and not an androgynous been

Hakman is perfect, I like the actor

Even Warner chose Ryan for Green Lantern, I think Jim Caviezel is the best actor for Hal Jordan
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superbatspiderman - 4/11/2010, 7:19 PM
Megan Fox is a crappy actress and should never touch Wonder Woman or anything comic related for that matter. Bale would never be on a show like Smallville it is not his thing and he is too old Smallville is about young super heroes. the rest is not very original but good cast I love Smallville.
Ryden - 4/11/2010, 7:27 PM
Sorry this is horrible. First off Smallville should NEVER get a full on Justice League cuz the show sucks.

Megan Fox can't act to save herself and she has stated before that she wouldn't play Wonder Woman.

Hell no to Bale, because IMO he's an awful Batman but not only that he'd never ever ever in a million years do a TV show version of the Justice League...hell he wouldn't even do a normal Justice League movie!
THEHAWK - 4/11/2010, 7:33 PM
Sorry, but this is pointless.

1. Megan Fox is one of the worse actresses alive.

2. Why did you just post teh characters from Smallville? it is pointless, there is no reason behind it.

These are photomanips that I have seen on a half dozen other sites, all you did was take the background out of them.

Oh and I disagreee "Hakman" is a terrible choice, one of the worst Smallville has made.

HAWK out
THEHAWK - 4/11/2010, 7:36 PM
Shit like this is ruining all of the good work on here.

Anil Rickly and BatmanKnight wrote amazing stories and are being pushde down by this crap.
DDD - 4/11/2010, 8:09 PM
No Kidding Hawk!

This kind of crap needs to go!

WTF! This is one of the worst
I've seen on here! Get rid of

If this was done seriously for
a spin-off of a young beginning
JL that would be OK but this is
just thrown together trash! I'm
not trying to be mean here but
this stuff in fanfic needs to GO!!!

Fanfic is for serious, well-thought
out fancasts, good stories like
Hawk's@ & Anil's@, and artwork. Not
good stuff being pushed right off
the days page before anybody can read
it or even see it!

Where's the editor??? Come on!!!
airbeyonder18 - 4/11/2010, 8:45 PM
@onionido: It's okay, but I do agree with Superman cast. I think Tom should definitely play any Superman/JLA film.
Vafrous - 4/11/2010, 8:46 PM
soperman - 4/11/2010, 10:52 PM
@zach- wtf
ecksmanfan - 4/12/2010, 12:17 AM
Awwww HELL NO!!!
onio - 4/12/2010, 1:16 AM
ok if your prefers sandra bullock for wonder woman, linda carter gave her blessing, no problem
if they mention bruce wayne and wonder woman, so they are part of smallville universe
if an actor represents a Dc superheroe why Do I recast Batman again, I join the bale batman with the tom welling superman, is it logic or not?
Hey, it is my point of view, I would like Monica Bellucci for wonder woman but she is too old, so I chose megan fox because she is an POPULAR actress.

yes you are right I use the other fanpictures from others artist because I am tired of fan cast when they just use the photo of the actor with the comic character
I can make my own pictures but it´s gonna last more time

ok, you don´t like my cast, well
let warner decide for you
warner "knows" what is better for comic fans
I am sure about it
onio - 4/12/2010, 1:18 AM
Smallville was good until gough and millar left the series
Scarface - 4/12/2010, 2:59 AM
Ryden - 4/12/2010, 8:36 AM
@onionido- What the hell are you talking about? Warner Bros aren't going to make your cast a reality!!

"Is it logic or not?"

No it's not, Smallville is not canon with the Nolanverse or the upcoming DC Film Universe so you can't muddle them up. And as I've said Bale would never ever play Batman in Smallville, as much as I dislike Bale's portrayal of Batman he's still an A-List star who is actually a good actor..why on Earth would he do Smallville?

And it doesn't matter if Megan Fox is popular it doesn't make her a good choice to play Wonder Woman, I mean the Jonas Brothers are popular but it doesn't make them good musicians does it?

This is a BAD fan-cast.
Vafrous - 4/12/2010, 8:41 AM
Wow...Bale as Batman and Tom Welling as Superman....Why didnt I think of that : o....Gough and Millar = average...If you didnt notice,the ratings went up...And we got Metallo
peterparker420 - 4/12/2010, 9:12 AM
NO MEGAN FOX!!! she can't act!!
Brandonwlobo - 4/12/2010, 9:14 AM
Your not American right? god I hope so that's the only way to excuse all the grammar mistakes, "An Popular" have you no grasp of the English language, I'm glad my L4D cast got pushed down due to stuff like this.
onio - 4/12/2010, 10:57 AM
It is my point of view, If I make a COMPLETE smallville JLA, this is the cast for me, I dont´cast a new actor for Batman, Cristian Bale is batman and megan fox is wonder woman, THIS is my cast, I can make a history with those actor if I want, people will like and another wont.
everybody has a point of view, nobody has to agree with you all the time, I see wonderful cast in this site but I am not always agree with them

I am not thinking, warner is gonna chose my cast.
Brandonwlobo, Whatever actor or actress you chose for JLA, it doesn´t matter... FINALLY WARNER WILL DECIDE, warner doesn´t care about your choices not even mine.

Batman is a character, it doesn´t matter if cristian bale was or not in smallville. There is A BRUCE WAYNE in smallville universe, In my reality I can use cristian bale´batman because right now there is a face for bruce wayne and this face is Bale

AND if GambitAceOfSpades thinks clark kent wears a black suit as the punisher or he doesn´t fly yet when all the rest can, make ratings went up, it doesn mean the series is good, it means people accepts crap.
onio - 4/12/2010, 11:01 AM
Nolan is not agree with his Batman belongs to superman reality, but it doesn´t stop many fanpic with bale´s batman and brandon´superman...yes or not?
Vafrous - 4/12/2010, 11:20 AM
Dude...the only thing I miss in Smallville is Michael Rosenbaum...Ian Somerhalder would make a good Smallville Batman (He was Adam Knight in season 3)
SuperManFan01 - 4/12/2010, 12:21 PM
Welling, Ritchson, Gallner, Huffman, Shanks, Hartley and Morris have already been cast. I hated Bale as Batman and Fox sucks. Caviezel is too old and he should be Jor-El.
Ryden - 4/12/2010, 12:46 PM
@onio nido- No you're still mixing two Universes together that shouldn't be mixed, plus you've only got two original choices on here and both of them suck. Megan Fox can't act and said she would never play WW so that's out. And Jim Cav is a good actor but IMO he doesn't fit the standards for Hal.

Bale is the Nolanverse Batman, that is it. Why don't you come up with a Smallville version of Batman? At least then your cast would be a bit more original. You can't cast big hollywood actors in a crappy superhero tv show because they would never do it.

Plus Smallville is a bad show anyway.
SHHH - 4/12/2010, 2:45 PM
onio - 4/12/2010, 2:56 PM
ok, lets gonna do something, I don´t want to change my cast, but I can create a new cast
EVERYBODY TELL ME THE PERFECT ACTRESS FOR WONDER WOMAN AND BATMAN in Smallville universe and everybody happy...I guess

any change, tell me and I accept as long as everybody is agree

Ryden, I am agree with you about smallville, now the serie is a crap,
in the past it was the best adaptation of superman universe, they respect the christopher reeves´superman and the comic book to their way.

I can´t cast a new actor for Batman because I hate the change of different actors, I hate when marvel decided to change Terence Howard for Don Cheadle in iron man 2. if bale is batman, why do I have to recast for smallville, I don´t need that
and it is not the fault of smallville to be a bad show, it is the fault of production

I think if somebody make a good story between smallville and nolan´s batman, everybody would like, everything depends of how somebody can mix them very well
Scarface - 4/12/2010, 3:26 PM
sift sift huh
sift sift what
sift sift crap
Scarface - 4/12/2010, 3:41 PM
Dude you really would pay to see this cast in a cbm?
Man if I had a pile of shit and a the silver screen in front of me was showing this car wreck I would not throw my pile shit at it because this is not good enough to throw shit at.
Your just regeritating cast people for the most part and Megan Fox does not have the chops to carry any movie jenifers body no didn't see it I guess, definitely not enough to play Wonder Woman.
Ryden hit that nail on the head popular yes
good actress no. jonas bros lol ggod one Ry.
Your only original good pic is Caviezel is just to old to fit in with the rest of your cast.
DaenerysTargaryen - 4/12/2010, 4:03 PM
wow this is soo unoriginal. I just hate these fancasts where majority of the people they put in it have already been cast (like Christian Bale as Batman, Brandon Routh as Superman yadda yadda yadda).
Ryden - 4/12/2010, 4:04 PM
"I can´t cast a new actor for Batman because I hate the change of different actors, I hate when marvel decided to change Terence Howard for Don Cheadle in iron man 2. if bale is batman, why do I have to recast for smallville"

It's not the same AT ALL. The problem with re-casting Terrance Howard with Don Cheadle was continuity....that doesn't apply here because Bale's Batman is not part of the Smallville Universe!!! They're two completley different worlds. You're atually messing around with continuity by putting Bale as Batman in a Smallvile Justice League.

Bale is the Nolanverse MOVIE Batman....there is no Smallville Batman so you should choose an actor to BE the Smallville Batman.

Like Ian Somerhalder, Milo Ventimigilia or something.

onio - 4/12/2010, 4:34 PM
one thing I have heard about making a movie: never complain everybody, because your movie is gonna be a failure,
my cast is not for a movie, because it would be only a dream which never happpens
I want to make an animation based on smallville, and I propose that clark kent becomes superman and he finally joins to the justice league of his reality, I like the bale batman and megan fox in my animation, that´s all I want, I JUST NEED A GOOD WRITER
I have made some examples in youtube, you can see them

sorry my animation is in spanish because I am latinoamerican
I just want somebody who can help me with my idea.

Scarface - 4/12/2010, 4:59 PM
if its an animation why do you cast actors, voice actors would do fine.
Your losing this battle my friend. I,m sure not one of your chosen actors would do this
onio - 4/12/2010, 5:20 PM
I want their faces, not their voices
I never surrender, I never give up
Scarface - 4/12/2010, 5:58 PM
you just sound creepy now
onio - 4/12/2010, 6:17 PM
palos y piedras romperan mis huesos pero las palabras se las lleva el viento
Scarface - 4/13/2010, 2:37 AM
o no sticks and stones your gonna make me cry
LEEE777 - 4/13/2010, 8:33 AM
ONIO @ Lol, not read all the comments but great work on the PICS man, but not good choices at all lol! : P

Can't have BALE in this and lets forget FOX (Lucy Griffiths perfect SMALLVILLE WONDER WOMAN heh heh)

As for JIM CAV, wasted as SMALLVILLES HAL JORDON, too old for that anyway, need someone WELLINGS age!

Perfect CAPTAIN ATOM dude, not in SMALLVILLE though for JIM CAV!

Anyways i for one can see this did take you a long time to do with all that photoshop work so kudos for that!

P.S. I was gonna do a JUSTICE SMALLVILLE cast lol, oh well.

I like how you did the FLASH costume man!

Brandonwlobo - 4/13/2010, 9:15 AM
Take some grammar classes, my god. Rhyiden is correct I don't think your understanding what he wrote (surprise there) he's saying that a show like Smallville is going to have a smaller cast, not a million dollar movie cast with Megan Fox and Christian Bale, if those are your choices that's fine, but be realistic that's a huge problem with some people on here no movie is gonna pay for 2 of the biggest names in Hollywood, especially a TV show.
THEHAWK - 4/13/2010, 10:14 PM
@LEEE. He said earlier that he didn't make the pics.
onio - 4/13/2010, 11:37 PM

THEHAWK: no, no, no, I make the pic, but not all, If you have doubts about me, just give me your e-mail and I send the photoshop work, I HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE, they are my work
I didn´t just put a picture of an actor and besides the picture of the Dc character, anybody can do it, I made something different and many of you just watch the choice but not my work, it was very hard to make this pictures

Brandonwlobo, fine my english sucks, but are you able to make this picture better? I challenge you to improve my pictures, not my english, I am not from USA, but I admire your gringos superheroes, I just wanted to respect your superheroes but many of you only see the bad things,
you must see efforts and not only mistakes

-I replaced brandon rough´head for tom in superman,
-I put legs in megan fox´wonder woman,
-I put the cape in batman
-black cannary is totally my pic, I made her in photoshop,
-I made a mixture between smallville impulse and tv flash
-I use a statue and I put legs in martian manhunter
-I put legs to smallville aquaman from a aquaman cosplayer
-I made the smallville green arrow more equal to the comick book, because I like the customes, I hate when hollywood changes suits.
-Jim caviezel is my designe too, I use a figure action, a green lantern cosplayer and photoshop tools

do you think it is easy to make this pic, ok
show me something better and I erase this smallvile justice league
I can change the actors but This is my smallville JLA
onio - 4/13/2010, 11:42 PM
Ryden: I gonna use Milo Ventimigilia for Batman, what custome do you want for him?
NOBODY has told me who actor do you want for Green lantern?
onio - 4/13/2010, 11:46 PM
LEEE777. good luck for your JUSTICE SMALLVILLE cast, I hope everybody can congratulate for your idea
soperman - 4/14/2010, 11:38 AM
your aquaman looks like he peed himself :)
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