continuing on from
The next morning, Peter wakes up to find Aunt May happy and holding a wad of cash. She says it came in the post this morning and had a note attatched. It's from Norman Osborn, saying Harry told him about the situation and thought he should help. Aunt May told Peter she'd remove the curfew for tonight so he can go around to the Osborns and thank him personally. Peter nods and leaves. He heads to Gwens and they kiss. He explains what's going on and they come to the descison that Peter should lure Osborn out as the goblin and then SHEILD will finally be able to intervene.
Meanwhile Harry walks into Normans office to talk to him and is chased out by his father, who has looks human apart from getting taller, sharper teeth, horns on his forehead and ridges down his back. Harry traumatised, runs away out of the apartment. Norman opens up a glass case of Oz vials and injects them into him one after the other.
Later on Spider-man arrives at the Osborns penthouse to witness Osborn mutate into a larger goblin. He cackles and laughs getting incresingly violent. Peter asks why he sent money to Aunt May to pay for Flash Thompsons bill and Osborn says "I'll look after you as long as you do what I say!"
Peter tells him he hasn't killed Gargan and never will to which Osborn goes beserk and grabs Peter and smashes him out the window. They both topple towards the ground. Spidey fires a web upwards and springs out of the goblins grip. Osborn grabs at the wall of the building and digs his claws in, slowly coming to a stop. He and Spidey then have an allout brawl across the rooftops of NYC. SHEILD helicopters fly in, determinted to help Spider-man but Gobling takes them down one by one. The chase ends at Brooklynn bridge where Goblin grabs Spidey by the throw and crushes one of his web shooters. He rips off Peters mask and tells him he's going to die and after he's gone, Aunt May and Gwen are next along with anyone else he wants to kill.

Peter, enraged by this breaks free of the goblins grip and starts to deliver a beatdown on his ass, using the likes of uppercuts and flying kicks to give powerful blows. Finally he kicks Goblin off the bridge and watches as he tumbles to the water. At the last minute, Peter acknowledges that no matter what Norman has done, he can't kill him because he's not a killer. He fires a web line with his web shooter and saves the goblin at the last mintue. Suddenly SHEILD arrive with more copters and Nick Fury steps out. He tells Peter that he didn't need SHEILDS help at all and just took down his very first supervillan. Peter watches as they load Osborn/Goblin into a portable prison, designed to contain the likes of the Hulk and take him to prison. Peter swings by the Osborn penthouse to find Harry but he's missing.
Later, Peter arrives at Gwens and they kiss passionatly and they celebrate the goblins custody. But then Peter hears a police siren and Gwen tells him to go and kick another bad guys ass. He swings off after the police cars.
The final scene features Mac Gagan coming home from work. He's raving about the fight between Spider-man and Green Goblin but it's horrified to find his wife and kids brutally murdered. He's hurt and doesn't know what to do. He finds a letter addressed to him from Norman Osborn. Norman says Spider-man and the Goblin both killed his family and were also sent to kill himself and by the time Gargan reads this, he'll be dead. Gargan loses it, trashes the place, covers his familys bodies and then goes out looking for revenge on Spider-man...
So ends my first Spider-man movie..........
As you can see I managed to squeeze in 3 'villians'
Shocker just a little more than a petty criminal near the start
The proper big bad being the Goblin and Mac Gargan as he sets out to become the Scorpion.
I have a feeling I can do this for my next two spidey movies....introduce 3 in one movie while only one serves as a proper 'big bad'...