My story :
The story should begin in the Skrull nation; and after the Skrull throneworld is destroyed by Galactus, the princess Princess Veranke was a strong believer of the Skrull prophetsThe skrulls exiles the princess ….. her people start to despite their princess ….. the princess hide years after years try to cover her mistake and run from shame and despite after years princess come back with plan to invade the earth and she call it skrull new home Veranke plans Surprised skrull nation and emperor she became Empress by lineage queen and the headmaster of invasion she landing armed with the knowledge of superhumans gained from having studied the the avengers. With the avengers defending the earth Veranke kidnap the heroine spider woman and shape shift her power and among other heroes like ant-man Elektra and others in her earth base (will be in story)………at the same time skrull Elektra work as agent in shield try to discover the earth and tactic later …leader of shield nick fury noticed a strange behavior from skrull Elektra later she was killed by him in eventually Elektra was discovered as a skrull agent. And the mega event begun avengers start to worry about the earth …the queen make a meeting with shapeshifter to destabilizes the superhuman community as simultaneous strikes disable the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier and orbiting base the Peak,………..the ant man shapeshifter the brain the avengers kept the avengers plan in hold at the same time the wasp janet pym has noticed changes in her husband….janet follow her husband plan and try to discover what he up to tell she discover that he is a skrull…janet informed the avengers they start to act normally with the skrull ant man try to follow he is contact with the skrull the avengers finally locate the base of skrull in the earth the first fight was brutal with skrull……the hostage finally released the real ant-man manages to develop a device that can detect the aliens……princess back home disappointing super skrull was mad from his queen and she was killed by him so he regroup an army of skrull and finish what his queen couldn’t finish in the final battle the avengers battle the army of skrulls
I think my story sucked I am not anil ricky or thehawk

let’s start with baddies
NATALIE DORMER as Queen Veranke :
Queen Veranke is a skrull a true believer of prophecy after the Skrull throneworld is destroyed by Galactus, Devourer of Worlds. The next prophecy fulfilled, the Skrulls elevate Veranke, still on the prison world, to the throne of the Skrull Empire. As Queen
Veranke invade the earth as spider woman figure later she was killed
Shapeshifting: Like all members of her race, could shapeshift and perfectly replicate a creature's entire appearance down to it's retinal patterns.
Superhuman Strength: Enables her to lift about 7 tons.
Superhuman Speed
Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Durability
Superhuman Agility
Superhuman Reflexes
Superhuman Flexibility
Superhuman Hearing
I choose Natalie Dorma she is evil and eeky and I believe the part wrote for her and she is better know from her role in the tudors playing king henry wife and she used to playing queen and princess she is very good actress and has enough talent to pull off a queen Natalie Dormer is by far THE best Anne that has ever been.
Frank Vincent as Dorrek VII
Dorrek VII was a Skrull Emperor who came to power by slaying the previous Emperor and marrying his daughter
He is the one who exiles princess to the prison
Frank Vincent is underrated actor been is a lot of tv show and movie He plays a good mobster and is a great actor. Yeah and something about him made feel his one to play evil emperor
Eric bana as super skrull
The Skrull who became known as the Super-Skrull was born with the name Kl’rt on Tarnax IV. Kl’rt volunteered to be artificially augmented at the command of Emperor Dorrek who had vowed revenge after an invasion of Earth was foiled by the Fantastic Four.
The Super-Skrull has all the abilities of the original Fantastic Four, Mr. Fantastic's elasticity, Invisible Woman's invisibility and force fields, Human Torch's flight and pyrokinetics and the Thing's strength and rocky hide. All of these abilities are amplified.
Kl’rt also retains his Skrullian shape-shifting abilities and also has naturally strong hypnotic skills and a healing factor.
His strength level was estimated to being able to lift c. 5 tons in his early appearances, about the same as the Thing very early in his career. Since then it has gradually increased, currently estimated to being able to lift c. 85. The skrulls live longer than humans, average age of death being 210 years.
Eric bana was hulk I’ve seen this pic in
eyesofhorus cast and I loved it he is perfect villain check him out in star trek and since marvel used human torch as cap why doesn’t use the hulk as super skrull thought he is little bit taller for super skrull but he got the right shape and IMHO for role
the avengers: guys I am not going to mention the member already cast it would be waste of time
zoe tapper as spider woman
Jessica Miriam Drew, daughter of Jonathan and Merriam Drew, was born in London, England. At a young age, Jessica was lethally poisoned by radiation while living near Mount Wundagore in Transia. In an attempt to save her life, her father injected her with an experimental serum based on irradiated spiders' blood. Because the serum did not have any apparent effect on her, the man who would come to be known as the High Evolutionary (Herbert Wyndham) placed her in a genetic accelerator. While in the accelerator, she aged at a decelerated rate. When she was finally released, decades later, Drew was only seventeen years old.
Jessica grew up on Mount Wundagore under the care of Lady Bova, one of the High Evolutionary's New Men. She was cared for and received the equivalent of a high school education. She eventually left when she did not appear to fit in. Her first few years were confusing as she adjusted to life among other humans. Eventually, HYDRA, under the control of Count Otto Vermis, found and recruited her as a HYDRA agent.
Through brainwashing and manipulation, she was convinced she was not human but actually an evolved spider. During this time, she went by the alias of Arachne. As a HYDRA agent, she battled Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D., until Jessica learned HYDRA's true nature. She quit HYDRA and turned on them, and was responsible for the fatal crash of HYDRA head Otto Vermis.
Zoe tapper was born in Zoe Tapper (born 1981 in Bromley, South East London) is a British actress who first came to prominence playing Nell Gwynne in Richard Eyre's award-winning film Stage Beauty in 2004. She is known for portraying Anya Raczynski in Survivors and Mina Harker in Demons.i originally was going to cast michelle ryan for spider woman but suddenly I saw zoe in british tv show called demon she was so hot and talented I check her other project and she can easily convince she can be bad gal and good gal she play vampire and lady thought she is too short but who cares she is perfect talent and underrated
Patrick Wilson as ant-man (henry pym)
After discovering a size-altering chemical substance, biophysicist and nanotechnology expert Dr. Henry "Hank" Pym decided to become a superhero. Armed with a helmet that could control ants, Pym would shrink down to the size of an insect to become the unconventionally heroic Ant-Man. He soon shared his discovery with his girlfriend, Janet Van Dyne, who became his crime-fighting partner as the Wasp. The duo would become founding members of the Avengers, and found recurring enemies in the villainous Egghead and Pym's own robotic creation, Ultron.
Pym has adopted other aliases over the years, largely based around the properties of his size-altering "Pym Particles". These include Giant-Man, Goliath, Yellowjacket, and the Wasp.
He is hot pic here in CBM so why not he is look like the character and he was awesome in watchman he is typical and genius geek persona plus he looks hot in tie suit LOL! So I think pym’s has big roll in invasion
Jason Carter as doctor starnge
Dr Strange, once a gifted but egotistic surgeon who sought the The Ancient One to heal his wounded hands. Instead he became Master of the Mystic Arts and the first Sorcerer Supreme.
Yeah, yeah , I didn’t cast depp and WTF he is to high pay actor for franchise like this on thoer hand Jason is great actor I catch him in "Babylon 5" played Marcus Cole and what wonderful actor He is absolutely freaking brilliant in Babylon 5. Funny, charming, believeable, and genuine. I'm extremely surprised he hasn't "broken through" to the bigtimes.i think he would make a great unknown Stephen and yes Stephen strange one of fighter to kill invasion
Olivia wild as wasp
Janet Van Dyne was born in Cresskill, New Jersey. She was initially a shallow, self-centered, flighty heiress and debutante, daughter of wealthy scientist Vernon Van Dyne. During an experiment, however, an alien monster was unleashed from an alternate dimension and Dr. Van Dyne was killed. Her father's associate, Dr. Henry "Hank" Pym, had created a substance called "Pym particles," which allowed the user to grow or shrink in size, and had become the superhero Ant-Man. When Janet's father died, she convinced Pym to help her. He gave her a supply of "Pym particles" and subjected her to a biochemical procedure which granted her the ability to, upon shrinking, grow wings and fire blasts of energy, which she called her "wasp's stings." As Ant-Man and The Wasp, they defeated the monster, sent it to its own dimension, and had several more adventures together.
HANDS DOWN Olivia would be perfect thanx to unknown nmember for suggest a great actress I had jewel staite thought some member didn’t like her so I find replacement and replacement was olivie watch house great show and she can play scientific and she has great range
The character debuts in the title Marvel Super-Heroes as an officer in the United States Air Force and Security Chief of a restricted military base, where Danvers meets "Dr. Walter Lawson," the human alias of alien Kree hero Captain Marvel.[
Carol Danvers was subjected to a Kree psyche-magnitron which caused her DNA to resemble a Kree, and she became Ms. Marvel.
Tarbett is what I call struggling actress in Hollywood I didn’t heard think about her since legend of seeker but she is amazing actress I had the chance to watch the clinic an truly amazing movie thought she can be any thing just cara but I was totally wrong she can be a loving good mother like she did in clinic or cold woman in legend of seeker tabrett definitely can do it and she is funny thought CARA RCOKS
Jaime king as mockingbird
Recently, it was revealed that Bobbi had been replaced by a Skrull, it was in fact the Skrull that had died not Mockingbird. At the end of the Skrull war, Iron Man brought a Skrull ship down to Earth that contained the prisoners the Skrulls had replaced. Among the prisoners was Mockingbird. Upon seeing Clint, she asked him what he was wearing (since he had the Ronin suit on). They kissed and all seemed well. She later attends a group meeting to help Skrull abductees deal with their experiences.
Bobbi then starts using a new costume and starts up the 'World Counter-terrorism Agency' (the W.C.A, in homage to West Coast Avengers), which is a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who were kidnapped by Skrulls. Together, her and Ronin take down A.I.M's Supreme scientist Monica Rappacini, who was trying to recruit Bobbi. Bobbi and Clint decide to re-start their romance but decide to remain un-married and they become a part of the New Avengers together. As a part of the team Bobbi helps fight Hood's super criminal gang and Dormammu. She also learns of Spider-Man's true identity. Whilst fighting the Wrecking Crew in Times Square, the other members of the team are taken out by Jonas Harrow's power inhibitor device. The only
one left standing, Bobbi has to fight the deadly team alone, and puts up a good fight for a while but is then ultimately beaten, but is saved by Norman Osborn and his Dark Avengers. Later she arrives with a Quinjet to rescue her colleagues.
After the Utopia storyline, which resulted in Mutants having to call an artificial island home, Clint becomes angered and vows to kill Norman Osborn but the other Avengers object, so Clint goes alone, resulting in his capture. Mockingbird then leads a rescue mission with the New Avengers women, herself, Spider-Woman, Jewel and Ms.Marvel. Who rescue him. She then takes part in the rescue mission during Norman Osborn's Siege on Asgard.
Jeremy now is hawkeye and he is little bit old for the park I was going with laura but she looks way too young than him in other hand Jaime is perfect she is 5”9 just like mockingbird she shows shows some range in sin city and she can be funny thought
henry simmons as luke cage and SHUAN GUTTRIDGE as IRON FIRST:
After Captain America was assassinated, Jessica returned with the baby and Luke Cage and Spider-Man got together with a group of unregistered heroes, many of which had been on the anti-registration side. From here the continued The New Avengers. The team at this point included Iron Fist, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Spider-Woman ( she was secretly the Skrull Queen ), and Doctor Strange. There base was Doctor Strange's Sanctum. Cage's Avengers and the Mighty Avengers fought many times in the ensuing months over registration. Luke often had trouble trusting Clint Barton due to his past of criminal activities, however Cage was later proved wrong when Clint Barton had proved himself by taking out a group of ninjas single handed.
The Avengers would later rescue Echo in Japan and found out that Elektra was a Skrull impostor, Cage became very worried about the Skrulls powers to copy a person . Luke also had a theory there were more Skrulls on Earth, many of the Avengers were not sure they could trust anyone and The Team was betrayed by Spider- Woman as it was The Skrull Queen. Later The Sanctum would be raided by The Hood and his gang. Cage moved to a new location with the team and thought Jessica had abandoned him with the child. Luke and his wife Jessica got into an argument and had many disagreement's. Luke sent the New Avengers to check out a Skrull Ship crashing landing in The Savage Land, Luke ripped open the ship and noticed many versions of heroes . The Avengers later fought The Skrulls in Central Park. Jessica helped in the effort to fight and admitted Luke was right about the Skrulls. Jarvis Skrull took Danielle Cage and vanished leaving Jessica and Luke upset.
for henry simmons is hot pic in cbm he is perfect with no word….on other hands you guys obviously don’t how SHUAN GUTTRIDGE Shaun Guttridge is also a Professional Mixed Martial Arts Fighter. been in few series just star his currier he is in thor I spotted him in true blood episode called Night on the Sun and criminals mind and since we got big project like these they should go with unknown so he is perfect unknown actor out their to play him
for cameo:
alexa davalos as Elektra: she is greek and has great fighting skill and would awesome in outfit