PART 7 of my take on the Spider-Man mythos. The final battle takes place...

By jacobat - Jun 27, 2012 11:06 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

RECAP: Alan has escaped captivity, but only to have to chase and find Rattner, who Anderson had injected with the serum and transformed into a rat-like creature. Rattner followed Alan's scent and went after TJ and Jess. Alan arrived just in time to save his best friend and girlfriend, as well as fight Rattner to keep him occupied. The police who arrive turn out to be Anderson's thugs, and they kidnap TJ and Jess, as well as opening fire on Alan and Rattner. Alan's spider sense warns him of the oncoming barrage, and he escapes and survives. Rattner... not so much. Alan takes out the "police" and rushes outside, only to find that one of the cars and it's officers have kidnapped Jess and TJ. He hears over a radio that TJ and Jess are being held hostage atop Willis Tower, and he is off for the final battle...

Willis Tower (Otherwise known as Sears Tower....)

PART 7: At Willis Tower, we see that Dr. Anderson and some thugs, in masks, are holding TJ and Jess hostage off of the top of the tower. (Two thugs dangle TJ over the ledge, while two dangle Jess.) A black copter hovers beside the roof, for an easy escape if needed. Police cruisers arrive and surround the building. (Don't worry, they're real ones this time.) News vans and concerned citizens surround the building as well. Anderson is glad to see such a large audience, so they can see Spider-Man fail. (He feels that since Alan has cost him so much, they should see him fail.) Police choppers come onto the scene, flying up to the roof. Anderson says that if the police don't leave, he will drop a hostage. The police do not listen, saying that if he doesn't return the hostages they will shoot. Anderson responds by having his thugs drop TJ. The crowd looks on in horror. TJ is a mere 20 feet above the ground when Spidey swings in and saves him. He swings over into the ground and puts TJ down. He asks if he is okay, but TJ just yells for him to go save Jess. He's off, and the press gather around TJ. Alan swings up towards the roof, but he is suddenly tackled when he reaches the ledge. He's locked in fisticuffs until they crash through a window. Glass flies everywhere and they struggle to stand back up. He looks up to see that it is Ratt, the scorpion monster. 
There is an epic slugfest between the two. They crash through walls, and fight on the ceiling and the walls. Alan is flung out the window and he saves himself by shooting a web onto a nearby window. He wall runs around to the skydeck and leaps on top of the it. He turns and waits for Ratt, but he's nowhere to be found. Suddenly, his spider sense goes off and Ratt comes flying through the wall, crashing through the skydeck and grabbing Alan. They free fall towards the ground, slugging each other in the process. Alan sees that they're getting closer and closer to the ground. Then he remembers something: his fangs. He takes his mask off and protrudes his fangs. Then, he bites Ratt right on the neck, the poison paralyzing him. Then, all in one movement, he turns Ratt so that he's facing the ground, and he flips off of him and uses his webs to slingshot himself up to the skydeck. He lands on top of the skydeck and looks down to see Rattner plummet into the concrete. He now lays dead in a crater in the ground. He puts his mask back on, then climbs up to the rooftop, roughed up and beaten. He catches his breath, but before he can do anything, Anderson's thugs attack him. He's too pumped full of adrenaline to lose, and he simply throws them over the ledge, but has a webline attached to each shoulder so they hang from the ledge. (Don't worry, the cops will get them via helicopter.) Alan regains his breath, but Anderson holds a gun to his head before he can do anything.

I thought it'd be funny to suddenly see them crash through a wall and wreck an office as nice as this...

Now all eyes are on Anderson and Spider-Man as they simply talk.
Anderson comments that he honestly didn't think that he would survive a second encounter with Ratt, but he proved him wrong. Finally, he says that in order for Jess to be let go, he must unmask himself in front of everyone or he will shoot her. Alan refuses, and Anderson makes a comment on how beautiful Jess is, and maybe they should just keep her for their own personal doings. Jess spits in his face, and Anderson throws her over the ledge. Alan looks at Anderson, who waves goodbye as Alan hurls himself over the ledge and uses his webs to slingshot himself down to Jess. He catches her before she has the chance to hit the ground, and he swings her over to the paramedics below. (They're on the scene to treat hostages for shock.) She can't believe what just happened. Alan wishes he could stay longer, but he has a crazed scientist to catch. He leaps off of the ambulance and swings up to the roof and flings himself onto an antenna. Dr. Anderson is gone, but he sees the black helicopter from earlier flying off in the far distance. He sighs, angry that he let him get away. But hey, you can't always win...
Later, Alan arrives at the hospital to check on his father. He finds out that he has been released, and was taken home via cab. Alan would swing home, but he's frankly too exhausted. He soon arrives home, where he finds his father checking out the damage, on the phone with the insurance company. The call ends after he sets a date for the house to be examined. Alan and Steven talk. Steven says that he saw what he did on the news. Alan assumes that he is mad, but Steven says that it was the bravest thing he'd ever seen. (We now realize that Steven finally respects his son, as well as now having a large sense of pride in him.) Steven says that Alan's mother was right to see Spider-Man as a hero, and he encourages him to continue doing what he is doing. He ends the conversation by saying that they will sell the house when the insurance company helps with reconstruction, and they will find an apartment closer to his school. He also says they will be staying with family for the next week or so, and that he should pack his things. Alan goes up to his room and starts packing, and he finds that TJ dropped off the backpack with his clothes and phone in it. He takes out his phone and calls TJ, saying that he's sorry for what has happened. TJ forgives him, saying that it wasn't his fault and that he was only doing the right thing. He tells him he had better call Jess because she didn't even know where he was for the past day. Alan calls Jess, who has been worried sick about him. He arranges for them to meet, to which she complies. 

I imagined the damaged house to look like this...

They meet at Grant Park, (Their Central Park) where Alan tells her everything: his secret identity, why he does what he does, all of it. She's surprised, to say the least. He expects her to slap him, but she does the opposite. She kisses him passionately. He acts confused, to which she explains that half of the men in the world wouldn't have done what he had to save her. The fact that he saves people's lives because he wants to makes him an even better person. He reminds her that being his girlfriend makes her vulnerable to being put in harm's way, but he will always be there to save her. They kiss once more, and she asks him something. Alan takes her swinging through the city, which is an entirely different spectacle in itself. 

I imagined it to be somewhat like this, but will Jess instead of MJ and Alan's suit instead of this one...

The story ends where we find out that Anderson has used his private jet to fly to Australia, Biotech's headquarters. He meets with the head of the entire Biotech corporation, Nelson Cash. They discuss a new project, which they ominously call "Genesis", and we end with Anderson giving Cash a vial of the serum to start it all off.

The Vial...

Well, I hope you liked my story. The fancast I created especially for this story is now up and I hope you'll check it out ! As always, constructive critcism is welcome, as well as encouraged. Thanks!
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MovieGuy2178 - 6/27/2012, 12:06 PM
Great job, Man. This is really good!!!
However was Alan facing Ratt or Dr. Rattner, because I thought Rattner got killed off?
But anyways, Awesome Job, Man!!!
jacobat - 6/27/2012, 12:53 PM
@MovieGuy2178: I think I referred to the scorpion creature as Ratt, and I called Rattner by his name/Ratt II. But I can see why it's confusing. Probably should've picked a different name...
CaptainAmerica31 - 6/27/2012, 2:14 PM
Great job man, you have made the best fan fic series(or story) on CBM. Please make a sequel!!! I wanna see cash turn into a super villian, like a big boss. Anyways great job and you have just earned yourself a fan, like I said please make a sequel.
jacobat - 6/27/2012, 2:49 PM
@Spidey31: I'm glad you think so! Don't worry, I definitely plan on making a sequel. Also, I made a fancast so please check it out!
superherofan21 - 6/27/2012, 3:53 PM
Wow. That was a much better ending then I expected. It brings things to a close with Alan's conflicts with Steven and Jess and it leaves things open for a sequel. I can't wait to see what the Genesis serum does and why it was made. You are a talented writer. Have you ever published anything? Because you should.
jacobat - 6/27/2012, 4:41 PM
@superherofan21: Wow... Thanks! I really appreciate the compliment! But no, i haven't published anything. This is pretty much my first fully written story besides one original zombie script that my friends and I are probably making a movie. I don't think marvel would like it too much if I published a story based on their staple chracter and took credit.
superherofan21 - 6/27/2012, 5:34 PM
@casualguy I know this can't be published, but maybe you could publish an original story? You could write a book or you could write short stories to send in to a magazine. Either way, I'm sure there will be plenty of people who will like your work.
jacobat - 6/27/2012, 6:04 PM
@superherofan21: I have considered that. I'm constantly trying to come up with original stories. It's just difficult because of all of the ideas I have going on in my head. I don't know... Maybe one day...
MercMatt - 6/27/2012, 11:03 PM
Dude! Read every part of your story, back to back. Enjoyed your vision. Great work.
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