The rough outline for the second movie in my Batman reboot series ideas.

The rough outline for the second movie in my Batman reboot series ideas.

I wrote and posted a very rough outline for a Batman reboot idea I came up with that I called "Batman: Shadow of the Bat". Theres only a couple comments but they were both good and I did set it up for a second one. So here it is "Batman: Crusader". I am sorry it's so much longer than my other one but I put a little more detail. As i said with the first one I'm no where near a pro writer nor do I plan on this bein made, it's just for fun. I hope you guys like it.

By trytan - Jan 16, 2011 05:01 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

If you'd like to read the first one I wrote, here's the link:

Batman: Crusader

The film would take place about six months after the first. Black Mask’s anger and paranoia have driven him mad. He is killing his men for failing to bring him the Batman. He has a few men inside the police force and Harvey’s assistant that leak information to him. He also has a new right-hand man whose Society name is “Dagger”.
The first scene of Dent for this one would have his assistant, Mike Garcia, standing in front of Dent’s desk with Harvey standing behind it with his right towards the camera and his left not visible. The two talk about the upcoming trial of Deadshot and that more former mob men and Society members are being caught daily. Dent’s assistant asks if Dent thinks the new cyber robberies are connected to Black Mask in any way and Dent turns to face him saying that Black Mask is his primary concern and none other will come first. Dent’s methods of dealing with the criminals changes drastically as he is disgusted by the plea agreements that let the mob off when the previous DA was in charge. He says that none of them deserves to walk among the innocent citizens of Gotham due to their murderous ways. In plea agreement meeting with them he tells them he will give them a chance if they give him useful information that could help capture Black Mask. When they do he hold up a coin and say that if it lands on heads then there is no agreement, tails he will make one. The coin is heads only so it always lands on heads.
Gordon is in a bank talking to a member of the GPD bomb squad who is telling Gordon there is no threat of a bomb in the computers. “It’s the same as all the others, a strange riddle.” The man says to Gordon. “Solve the Riddle, save the money. Guess wrong and the money is transferred to an offshore account and the whole system crashes making it untraceable.” Gordon says and the bomb squad member corrects him by saying the hacker only claims the money isn’t transferred, but since they have never gotten one right yet they don’t know if the person is a man of their word or not. “All we do know is this person is very good with computers, the riddles take a great deal of thought to make, and we can only call him by his screen name he leaves before the computers crash.” The screen name left is “The_Riddl3r?”. Gordon has the police make one final perimeter search outside of the bank and he will think more on the riddle inside. After the last officer exits he continues to stare at the screen and says “it’s just you and me now” and Batman walks out from behind an open vault door. The two talk about how this has happened three times before and two other banks and one corporate investment office. Every time is the same thing, all the computers in the same building show the same riddle. Four buildings, four riddles but each time there is only one chance to type in the answer. The past 3 times they have guessed wrong and a green question mark appeared with a smiley face as the dot and a bar below it said “transferring funds” and once it was complete the smiley face winked and all of the computers crashed at once. Gordon says all they do know is when the system was restored that the funds were all sent to an offshore account registered to a “Mr. E. Nygma” which was yet another alias of the hacker and the funds were inaccessible to retrieve. Batman writes the riddle down on a piece of paper and explains that even if they guess the riddle wrong he will compare it to the other three back at his cave to see if there is any other recurring pattern. Gordon reads the riddle to Batman:
“Washington’s wife went to wash in the washer. How many w’s in all?”
After Batman writes the riddle down Gordon begins to count on the screen. He says the answer is 5, unless the w used in asking how many is counted too, which would make 6. Batman continues to attempt to decipher the riddle silently. Gordon says he is going to put in 5 and types in “five” just as he hits the enter key Batman says “wait” and the screen shows a bar filling that reads “transferring funds” followed by the computer crashing. “Six, it must have been six.” Gordon says and Batman says six would have had the same effect as five. The answer was 0, and when Gordon asks why Batman explains; “It asks how many w’s in ALL, not in the line.” Batman says that he feels it somehow has a clue about where he will rob next and he is going to look into it more. Gordon turns around to ask how 0 is a clue and Batman is gone.
A computer screen shows Gordon standing alone in the bank through the surveillance camera. A green jacket sleeve and purple glove worn by someone are all that is visible of the person watching the screen. The glove waves as someone speaks in a light voice using a creepy tone. “Hello Jim. Lose something?”
In the bat cave Batman is spreading the riddles out and examining them closely as Alfred enters. The two talks about how the riddles vary from riddles that have childish answers to moderate brain teasers, but all of them contain a lot of thought. Alfred reads the newest one for a moment and looks to the screens of the bat computers. “Zero” he says as Batman removes his cowl nodding. Alfred asks if the recent string of cyber crimes could be connected to the Society. Bruce says no, that he thinks it’s someone testing him. When Alfred asks why that is, Bruce points out hidden clues within the riddles themselves, not the answers. “Look here, the first one found, if John’s rooster laid a Brown egg and a white egg, what kind of chicks would hatch? ” Alfred looks to Bruce and says roosters don’t lay eggs. Bruce smirks and says “Exactly, but the bank robbed after that had a manager by the name of John Brown.” Alfred looks to the second one, which is full of rhymes, as Bruce points to a line that reads LEE drives a W73”. Bruce writes “LEE W73” on a piece of paper and hands it to Alfred. Who looks to Bruce waiting to see how that was a clue. Bruce tells him to turn it upside down and when Alfred does he sees it makes “ELM 337” and reads it aloud. Bruce says that there is a fund raiser for Gotham University being held the next night in a Gotham suburb. The address where it would be held was 337 Elm street and for Alfred to have his suit ready. Alfred says that when Bruce changes he will hang it in the cave and Bruce says “not the bat-suit, my tux. Bruce Wayne was invited to attend.”
In Black Mask’s new office he is setting at a desk taking to Dagger when a man enters wearing a green suit and bowler hat with a purple band around it, and large sunglasses with purple frames and gold lenses. The man is holding a green cane in his right hand and has a cigarette in his mouth. Black Mask stands up as Riddler takes his hat off. “Nashton, I hired you with the promise you would deliver Batman’s identity to me.” Black mask says as Riddler sets down exhaling smoke from his cigarette. Riddler says that solving a riddle of that size will not happen overnight. He has watched Batman on the surveillance cameras of the banks he has robbed and that with the equipment Batman has and the times he is out that Batman must have access to large funds, and if he has a job he must pick his own hours because he cannot have a standard 9am-5pm job being out every night until dawn. Black Mask tells Riddler to stop his rambling and get to the point when Riddler says he has narrowed it down to three possibilities. Black Mask says that he will give Riddler only 3 guesses then and if all 3 are wrong he will kill Riddler, but if he is right then he will get his payment and be under the protection of the Society for life. Riddler mocks thinking about the deal and says in a cocky tone that he is never wrong. He says the first possibility is the police commissioner because he has unlimited access to his wife’s inheritance, has been known to show up late to work or even not at all, and the drop in crime not only makes Dent look good, but makes him seem like an effective police commissioner. Black Mask orders his men to kill the commissioner and Dagger leaves. Idler puts his hat back on and tells Black Mask that he must go finish his preparation on his next venture.
The next night Jim Gordon enters the Gotham University fundraiser wearing a tux and accompanied by his wife. The two place their cash entry into a large glass bowl filled with cash. Harvey and Bruce are seen talking with Mike Garcia when the dean of Gotham University, who is the man throwing the fund raiser, walks up to them. He explains that he decided to throw the fund raiser in the suburbs because the Society seems to only operate within the city. After a brief discussion the dean says “Ah Professor Nashton” and introduces Bruce and Dent to Professor Edward Nashton and tells them he is the brightest professor employed by the university. As the fundraiser goes Bruce looks around and notices there is no computer.
Dagger and two other Society have the police commissioner tied up and gagged in his home. They tell him that no other commissioner in Gotham history, including former commissioner Loeb, had the balls to do what he has. Dagger holds a gun to the commissioner’s head and says “bye bye, Batman” and pulls the trigger. The commissioner falls over dead and Dagger calls Black Mask to tell him.
At the fundraiser Nashton glances at his phone while no one is looking and texted “start game” and sends. Moments later two men enter holding guns and one of them grabs the glass bowl of money and says that as long as no one acts like a hero, then no one will get hurt. They put down a package with a large green question mark on it and say it’s a message from their boss and that if someone got it right then they will leave, but that if no one got it or guessed wrong then they would take the money raised and kill all who tried to follow them. Bruce looks at the men in confusion because he knew this was not how the Riddler worked in the past which means the two men are copy cats, or there is something more going on. He slips out un noticed as the people are panicking. Nashton has his hands up just as everyone else but looks around closely to everyone at the fundraiser to see if anyone is missing and notices the Dents and Garcia running out a back door. He backs into the crowd and sneaks a text in that reads “DENT!!” and sends it. Batman crashes through the window and fights the two men for a while before disarming them. Batman looks around after the men are rendered unconscious and realizes that now his hope to remain a myth is gone, but he had to do it to save the people. Gordon steps forward slowly and gives bats a look as though silently saying “what’s done is done” and the two open the question mark package. It’s a laptop computer and when opened a timer starts on the screen followed by a statement that says the computer is a bomb, if they riddle isn’t solved in time, is guess wrong, or the computer is moved in any way that the bomb would go off. A riddle then appears that reads:
“Sometimes I am feared, sometimes I am loved, sometimes you wish I was real, sometimes you are glad I left you, but no matter what I always come back, although I always change, you may remember me, but sometimes you don’t, you think you feel in me, but you don't, all you know, is that you saw me once, and you will see me again very soon. What am I?”
Gordon says that they have seen how good he is at guessing so he will leave it to Batman. The people start to get out and Nashton yells for everyone to stop because he doubts the two men worked alone. He says the odds are there are at least two more men standing armed outside waiting to shoot whoever attempts to leave and he does not want to chance it. He then turns to bats and says that he has faith in him. Batman turns back to the screen and tells Nashton there was no one else when he came in and the people will be safe outside. The people begin to leave and Nashton slips a small camera under a table pointed at Batman before following the crowd.
In Harvey’s limo he, his wife, and Garcia are in the back and Garcia is saying he had to get Dent out first. Dent says he should have been more concerned with the other people, but the window separating the front and the back of the car rolls down and Dagger turns around smiling. Garcia says “No, I had to get you out of there, and in here.” Dent goes for the door but the back doors are locked and Dagger holds a gun to Dent’s wife and says that he strongly suggests they remain calm to make it through this.
Back inside Gordon and bats are still looking at the screen and Batman says that this riddle is a diversion. Gordon asks bats what he means and bats tells him the answer is “a dream”, but all of the other riddles had to do with funds being taken electronically and the answers to every other riddle was in some way or another “nothing” and he says the riddles and answers aloud to Gordon: “if John’s rooster laid a brown egg and a white egg, what kind of chicks would hatch? None because roosters do not lay eggs. Lee drives a W73,his household rooms have no windows to see, he walks on the ceiling an while gently kneeling, what view can the man see? Nothing because there is no windows. What does the rich man want, the poor man have, the blind man see, the deaf man hear, the wise man say and the fool already know? Nothing. And Washington’s wife went to was in the washer. How many w’s in all? None.” He says that this one had another purpose because there was no threat of any kind. He picks up the computer and throws is before telling Gordon there never was a bomb and that Riddler set him up.
Dent is in Black Mask’s office tied to a chair screaming at Black Mask to tell him where his wife is. Black Mask says that Dent pretends to be a man of fairness but uses tricks to send criminals away, tricks such as his double headed coin. He takes a knife and stabs the coin several times and holds it up to reveal one side is scarred while the other is still unmarked. Dagger watches with his arms crossed as Black Mask tells Dent that the people will see him for what he really is, a two faced bastard. Riddler enters and tells Black Mask that Batman solved the riddle at the fundraiser and thus is not Dent. Black Mask gets angry and says that makes two wrong guesses and Riddler is down to his final chance. Riddler smirks and says he now has no doubt who Batman is and rather than simply tell him, Riddler plans to show Black Mask who Batman is. Black Mask agrees but says he never leaves jobs unfinished and will finish what he started with Dent. Dagger pulls a tarp off of a table that has a jar containing acid, many knives, and a mirror on it. Black Mask takes a knife and dips the blade into the acid and presses it to Dent’s left cheek. Dent screams in pain as Black mask tells him that everything he does is wrong. Riddler closes his eyes as Dent’s painful screams can be heard and Dagger smiles sadistically.
Batman is driving in the batmobile and presses a button. Alfred’s voice is heard over the speakers and bats tells him to find out anything he can on Edward Nashton’s history as quick as possible. Alfred says he will get right on it.
Back and Black Mask’s office Black Mask is holding a bloody knife and nods to Dagger who grabs the mirror and holds it to Dent’s face. Dent’s face is not seen on camera and only his screams can be heard as Dagger laughs. Black Mask has Dagger move the mirror away and tells Dent that the world will now see him for what he truly is. That society will no longer accept him because he does not fit their idea of perfection anymore and that everything he has done for them means little. As “proof” Dent’s wife is brought in and upon seeing Dent’s face she screams hysterically and Dent becomes filled with rage. His face is still not revealed. Black mask shoots Mrs. Dent and says her screams were getting annoying. Dagger unties Dent and flips his coin back to him and escorts him out. Riddler says that while Black Mask used the method of altering Dent’s personality using pain was effective, he questioned the necessity. Black Mask says he wanted to do it for a while anyway and Riddler leaves saying that if bats is as smart as he is given credit for then he would be on his way to Gotham University.
In the batmobile bats is told by Alfred that Nashton is known for creating and solving many puzzles and has even won awards for his works in both mathematics and psychology.
Garcia enters Dent’s office and drops a folder of papers upon seeing Dent standing behind his desk just as he was in the first scene. Right side facing Garcia, left side to the widow. Dent welcomes Garcia to his “trial” and says that politics and the court system is too flawed and that he is going to have his own trials from now on. Dent says he will be the judge and decide who goes on trial, he holds up his coin and say it is the jury deciding guilty or innocent. He flips his coin and shows that it landed on the scarred side and says “guilty”. He holds up his gun and says “this…” and turns to reveal his full face which is covered with acid burns and the left side of his head was scalped and his left eye lid cut off. He aims the gun at Garcia before saying “is the executioner” and shoots him.
The batmobile pulls up to Gotham University and Batman enters going to Nashton’s classroom. Nashton is setting at the desk with his feet propped up. Batman says “It’s over Nashton, no more riddles. I know who you are and I’m bringing you in.” Riddler laughs and says it doesn’t matter because bats has to keep him out of prison. The reason is because he has solved the greatest riddle ever and calls bats Bruce. Batman is shocked and Riddler explains the way he discovered Batman’s identity. “It wasn’t hard. You have the funds and access to equipment no one else does. Fox runs your company so you don’t have to have a day life. If you lock me up, every criminal you have captured will know who you are, and they will tell their friends who will tell their friends. You won’t be safe, but more importantly no one you love will be either.” A slow clap is heard from the classroom door and bats turns to see Black Mask. “Well done Nashton.” Riddler stands up and tips his hat to Black Mask as he walks out the door. He stops and tells bats that he is going to send Gordon a present, because if Gordon can catch him without Batman’s help then Batman’s secret is safe, pauses and then says “that is, if you make it through this” and leaves. Black Mask runs to the roof access and batman follows. Dagger is waiting on the roof and a fight between bat and Dagger ensues. Dagger holds bats in a choke as Black Mask says he plans to throw Batman from the roof and let the world see the face behind the mask. Black mask looks down to the street to see Dent walking in the main entrance and says that killing Batman can wait until the final party guest arrives. After a few moments Dent joins them and bats yells at Black Mask asking what he did to him. Dent says “he opened my eyes” and bat tries to talk to Dent “Harvey, I can help you” but Dent interrupts him by screaming that Harvey Dent is dead and there is only Two Face. Two Face says the trial will begin and flips his coin, after staring at it for a while he says that the jury finds the defendant guilty, for the murders of Grace and Harvey Dent and shoots Black Mask. Dagger throws Batman down and tackles Two Face and the two fight over the gun. Batman grabs Dagger with his grapple and throws him off the roof. Dagger hangs on the side of the university as bats turns around and Two Face holds the gun to Batman’s head. “Now it’s your turn” he says and explains to bats that everyone in Gotham will be placed on trial now. Bats says that no one else will die and that he will do whatever it takes to stop Two Face and his offer of help still stands. Two Face shoves bats down and points the gun at Dagger who is climbing back up onto the roof using the grapple rope. Batman throws his batarang at Two Face which sticks in his gut causing him to stagger back and fall through the auditorium skylight. Batman screams “HARVEY” but can’t catch him in time. Batman kicks Dagger knock out.
In Gordon’s office a police officer delivers Gordon a letter. “your mail Lt. Gordon.” Gordon thanks him and opens the letter to show a piece of paper that reads:

I HOPE YOU ARE SAFe. Sorry for sending this 2 you but I want to lay it all out on the table. the answer to this riddle contains my location, if you can solve it without help from a certain nocturnal rodent, then you deserve the credit of capturing me.
I never lead a country, yet am more valued that any president. Who am I?”
Gordon thinks for a moment before saying “Ben Franklin” an pulls out a map of Gotham to look for Franklin avenue. “He’s no there” Batman says entering Gordon’s office through the window. Gordon asks how he knew and bats tells him that all of the riddles contained clues within the riddles themselves, not the answers which is why the first four had nothing as an answer. He reads the riddle and says that it’s a wild goose chase, and explains that the line, lay it all out on the table is a reference to the table of elements. The first 3 words are all capital but the 4th word isn’t on the first one, and it’s for a reason. “Capital ‘f’ and a lower case ‘e’ is Iron. Now look here, the ‘s’ on sorry is capital, but he proved with his other riddles he ignores the rules of writing so it was capitalized for a reason. Capital‘s’ is sulfur, the letter 2 is used instead of the word. 1 part Iron, 2 parts sulfur makes Iron Sulfide, fool’s gold.” Gordon comments on how annoying the riddles are and asks why Riddler even gave a location. Batman takes the map and a handful of thumb tack and places a tack on each spot the Riddler robbed, the university, and a place on Franklin Avenue. Then holds up the last one and says it goes on the suburb location where the fundraiser was thrown. The tacks make out a question mark and the last one was the dot at the bottom. Gordon asks how much longer until Riddler is able to be caught and bats tells him that he has a feeling they won’t be seeing Nashton again anytime soon. “Wait, Nashton?” Gordon asks and bats explains that he discovered Edward Nashton is the Riddler, and he knew the table of elements clue because in Nashton’s room there is a periodic table, but Nashton teaches mathematics. The camera would slowly back out of Gordon’s office window into a rainy Gotham City as the screen fades to black.
Hidden Scene would have Dagger waking upon the roof of Gotham University and a man standing in front of him. Only the man’s purple pants are show and a voice is heard that says “Sleeping on the job. Tisk tisk, and people tell me I clown around.HAHAHAHA.”

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RunDTC - 1/16/2011, 6:08 PM
Shouldn't this be listed as a fancast?
trytan - 1/16/2011, 6:13 PM
yeah, sorry I thought I set it as that but I guess it didn't Stupid computer.
CuteAsian - 1/17/2011, 2:19 AM
you have great ideas but you might want to do something about your presentation.

structure your story with coherent passages and your fan-fic will be well received.

RunDTC - 1/17/2011, 1:51 PM
good story though.
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