The continuation for my THE ULTIMATE TV SERIES SEASON 1, Just like the other series during the year it take a pause between the hollydays. Get ready to see The Ultimates like you never seen before with the participation of RDJ and Gwyneth Paltrow. No, they are not Tony and Pepper. Check it out!

By comics56 - Feb 17, 2011 10:02 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

EPISODE 12 : Captain America and Wasp have to travel to a space station , in there they have a meeting with General Carol Danvers. Thor leaves the Ultimates and becomes an activist and decide to go against S.H.I.E.L.D. and he met a girl named Jannaine Foster, who is an activist and nurse. Tony starts to date a model named Ophelia Sarkissian while Natasha and Clint are having trouble in their relationship because of their work on S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury is reporting terrible threats all around the world, they are all terrorist-like. He suspects that a terrorist is putting a team together and call an unknow agent to start investigate. Hank Pym comes back on town and watch Janet and Steve leave the space-ship together. The information that Bruce Banner is the Hulk is leaked.

EPISODE 13 : Bruce Banner is being suwed by the people of New Yourk, their representative is Leonard Samson II. Fury hires a blind lawyer named Matt Murdock to representate Bruce since he need Banner alive in S.H.I.E.L.D. custody to use the Hulk as a weapon. Steve and Janet are the only representative of the Ultimates in the trial. bruce watches the trial from his cell in the S.H.I.E.L.D. prision facility. Natasha isn´t sure about her relationship with Clint and go to Stark Industries to talk with Tony ,when she arrive there they are locked out. A big red robot attack them, Natasha is injured. Tony use his prototipe armor Silver Centurion to defeat the robot, the armor malfunction and explodes. Tony is saved by V.1, one of Hank Pym´s robots that he brought there to show them to Stark. Banner loose in the trial and is death-sentenced. Fury arrives at Banner´s cell with a bottom of wine and tells that he won the trial since the sentence wasn´t shown on TV.

EPISODE 14 : Nick have a meeting with the team to talk about the possibility of Thor have told the journals about the Hulk´s true indentity. Clint and Natasha travel to an island called Krakkoa, there´s where Bruce will be killed, they travel with two new black-ops member called Pietro and Wanda Maxmoff. Natasha and Clint travel the whole way imagining that they were married because of the whole climax between them. Fury informs Hank that his robots might help in some way, but he need to see the last prototipe. Janet ignores Hank but knows that she still have feelings for him, Steve is jealous and woreried about Janet. He tells Hank to don´t come even near from Janet in any way. Tony have another date with Ophelia Sarkissian while Steve travels to Affeghanistan to fight a mysterious menance that killed Fury´s S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Thor is in Europe making protests and is attacked by a creature Hulk-like that aclaims that was sent by Nick Fury. Natasha, Clint, Wanda and Pietro have to fight robots called Crimson Dynamos and when they destroy the last robot they fly away, the island explodes.

EPISODE 15 : Thor was sent to the hospital by the creature that called himself Abomination., Jannaine is sitting in his bed stand when a black heired young man enters the room and walks to Thor. He aclaims that he is his younger brother Luka. Thor open his eyes and have a break down, he attacks the whole room and tries to kill Luka, he hurts Jannaine in the attack. Nick Fury travel to Europe and meet Luka in the hospital with Tony and Janet. Luka tells Fury the history that Thor told him about his powers and tell that he didn´t believe him. The hammer was made from the most rare metal in the Universe and his father ,Odin , have sent him Earth to protect humans from extiction. Fury takes Thor in S.H.I.E.L.D. custody and the last thing Thor sees before being taken in is Jannaine looking sadly to him. Steve is fighting a prague of killer insects that eat human flesh, the manage to find the person who did this , a scientist called Petra. Steve kill Petra with a shot in her head, but when the head is hit she is turned into a thousand insects that fly away.

EPISODE 16 : Natasha breaks up with Clint and think that Tony is now ready for a serious relationship, when she arrives at his mansion she finds him in a bed woth Ophelia. Clint and Steve have an assignment to stop a vigilante called Daredevil ,Natasha do it in her on way. But she is saved by Daredevil from the Enforcers, they hit it off and she decides to spend her night studying him. Janet decides to talk to Hank about their divorce, the meet at a caffe during the day. Luka becomes envolved with S.H.I.E.L.D. bussynesss about Thor. Fury trusts a lot in Luka without knowing his true intentions and where he get his informations. Clint and Steve talks about their relationships and Clint reveals that he was cheating on Natasha with another S.H.I.E.L.D. agent called Barbara. Janet reluctantly kisses Hank and he tells her that he felt nothing and there´s no chance of remain married. Clint and Steve fight Daredevil and Natasha who is now with a new outfit that hides her face. Natasha almost kill Clint for save Daredevil, they run away from there. Hank tell Luka that he did what he asked him to and Luka tells his mission is not yet donne.

EPISODE 17 : Hank visit a abandoned apartment and finds a group of vigilantes. They are called Defenders and different from the Ultimates they have no powers except for the one called Son Of Satan, their leader is a young blond lady that calls herself Valkyrie. Hank fells chemstry with her, but the other team members don´t seem to like Hank , specially the one named Nighthawk. Steve and Clint still on the run for capture Daredevil, Clint is worried about Natasha since she doesn´t anwer him for days. Janet is working in her free-time as Nick Fury assistant, they have a meeting with Luka where he tells that the search for Thor substitute is going well. Natasha betrays Daredevil after finding out that he is Matt Murdock. Natasha delivers him to Clint and Steve without talking to Clint, the Defenders fight Steve and Clint with the help of Giant-Man. The Defenders capture Daredevil and take him to their apartment ,after he is in there he calls the Defenders a "pathetics boys and girls that think they are super heroes" and run away. Hank consoles Valkyrie by telling that he wouldn´t join the team if they were pathetic and the only thing they need it´s more marketting, she kisses him and they have sex during the night. Natasha doesn´t inform Fury that she knows Daredevil´s true indentity. Clint goes home and finds Barbara Morse in there, they kiss passionatly. Tony proposes to Ophelia. Steve confronts Janet about her date with Hank, she asks for a break.

EPISODE 18 : Steve fells bad after breaking up with Janet and then he visit his old friend Bucky from the war. Hank leaves the Defenders during the night without saying good-bye to any of them, after he leaves a light shines from inside. Natasha talks to Tony about her true fellings and he shoots her down telling that he is marrying the woman he loves. Janet is searching for an answer and she travels to Paris, Fury sends Wanda and Pietro to take care of her. Luka talks with Thor about Thor´s mental illness and tell that he will be sent to a place where people will take care of him. Egghead is set free by an unkow spy and invades Stark´s Hall of Armors. He gain control of all the armors and attacks S.H.I.E.L.D.´s base, Thor is set free but hitted by a bolt that came from Luka´s hand. Clint have a meeting with Natasha to talk to her about their fellings, she tells that she may never loved him and he tells that he cheated on her with Barbara. Clint goes home and finds Barbara killed with one of his arrows in her neck.

EPISODE 19 : Tony manages to defeat Egghead gaining control of all of his armors. Fury activate the Giant-Man army propose. Steve talks to Thor about all of his lies, Thor ask Steve to trust him and Steve tells Thor that he does. Thor tells Steve the biggest secrets of his homeland Asgard. Wanda and Pietro enjoy their travel to Paris to make it a romantic thing out of it.Clint talks to Fury about the murderer of his girlfriend, Fury asks for the video tapes from his house. Natasha confronts Tony´s fiancé Ophelia and tells her that she won´t let go of Tony that easy. Ophelia tells Natasha that she doesn´t know half of the history behind her and Tony, Nataha leaves with a tear comming down her eye. Fury sees in the tape brought by Clint that Steve Rogers killed Barbara , he sends his best men to capture Steve. Janet finds Wanda and Pietro in a restaurant and tells that there must be trouble back in U.S.A., the travel back there inspite the fact that Pietro wants to enjoy time with his sister. S.H.I.E.L.D.. agents capture Steve in the cemmitery with his friend Bucky.

EPISODE 20 : Luka reveals himself to be Loki, steph-brother of Thor. He is member of an elite made by other nations´ super soldiers. Petra, the woman that was killing soldiers in Affeghanistan with flesh eating insects, is a member of this team with the Abomination that fought Thor in Europe. An ex sovietic military that worked in S.H.I.E.L.D. for a while is also a member of this team and seem to be involved with Petra called Perun. Hurricane and Ophelia also are member , one is from North Korea and the other from Norway. The last member and leader is Colonel Abdul al-Rahman from Iran, he is a red-Iranic version of Captain America full of hate. They also hgave three armies : one of Crimson Dynamos , other of Giant-Men and one of Ultrons, new robots designed by Hank Pym. They call themselves Liberators and have a mission : destroy the U.S.A. government because they are making super soldiers. Janet´s plane is explosed but Wanda saves the three of them using her powers. Tony is in bed with Ophelia until the moment the invasion starts, she shoots one of his employers when he is delivering their lunch in the room. Hank seems to be working with them, an army of Crimson Dynamos take over the S.H.I.E.L.D. base and destroies it. Perun gets Thor´s hammer and attacks the Central Park with it. It is revealed that Bruce Banner was saved by Hank Pym from death, Pym warned him before he drank the wine with sonnifers and Banner was in city when the attack beggan.

EPISODE 21 : Janet breaks Steve out of his prision and kill two guards that were allied to the Liberators. Wanda run to Nick´s direction and finds himself being attacked by two Crimson Dymano robots and other thousands attacking civilians. Wanda concentrates her whole power to make the robots mal-function. Steve runs out of the prision with Janet to set Thor free, but Steve finds al-Abdul in the way. Janet flies away under Steve´s orders but she finds Fury and Wanda being attacked by Giant-Men and Crimson Dynamos. Hank is supervisioning the Ultrons taking care of the civilians. Janet kills the Giant-Men by passing their skull in a huge speed ,Petra appears and eat (in her insect form) the Giant-Men flesh. Janet grows and hit 8 feets and steps in Petra. Pietro is trying to stop Huricane from killing the president ,they have a race trough the whole city. Pietro reach Mach 8 and destroies Huricane´s body in the ground. Hurincane´s remains are dust. Hulk is in a battle with Abomination in the Central Park, Hulk throws Abomination in Perun and his hammer flies away. Abomination have more inteligence than Hulk, but Hulk uses his muscles to destroy Abomination. Hulk pulls Abomination´s tale and breaks him in half. Steve defeats Abdul in a fight even when Abdul uses his light saber. Steve kills Abdul with this same saber in the middle of his face. Thor´s prision is destroyed and he gets his hammer back. Loki makes Thor blieve this is all an illusion but Thor destroies the illusion and attacks Loki with his hammer. Loki turns into fog and a dragon attacks Thor. The sky becomes dark and then a rainbow bridge appears in the middle of Central Park.

EPISODE 22 : Demons and Frost Giants walk down by the bridge ,an army of trolls does as well. Fury manages to estabilize the S.H.I.E.L.D. facility again and sends his agents to the middle of the war. Natasha finds Tony in a nearly coma state on his apartment, Fury tells Clint that who killed his girlfriend was Ophelia Sarkissian and that Barbara was the agent he called to investigate the terrorist attacks over the globe. Clint steals one prototipe of a plane and flies to Russia to find Ophelia that ran away from the war. Hank is making the Ultrons protect the civilians from trolls and other asgardian forces. Thor manages to kill the dragon by smashing its head with his hammer. Steve, Janet ,Wanda and Pietro are fighting the forces, Steve is trying to get to Thor but he is attacked by a demon. Tony arrives at Russia with his armor ad finds Clint near dead in a forest, Tony search for Ophelia and finds her close from Clint in stealth mode inside her armor. Thor is in a battle with Loki in the skies, Loki is using an energy spear to fight Thor´s hammer, he push his spear in Thor´s chest. Thor falls and he hammer falls away from him. Pietro is taking the weapons from the trolls´ hands and Janet is killing them with her stings. Wanda is managing to close the rainbow bridge with her powers but is shot by a magic blast made by Loki. General Carol Danvers is commanding the aereal attacks and watching the Hulk killing the creatures and trying to get Loki. A lighting falls in the middle of the Central Park and thousands of others follow it. After the lighting stom stops many Asgardian Warriors stand with their shinning armors and they run with their swords on their hands to attack the trolls. The war is almoast ending and we focus on Thor, Steve and the Hulk , they face the Hulk. Thor has a new hammer that shines into some kind of blue energy. Loki blast beams on them but Thor protects himself with his hammer and Steve uses his shield. Loki mentions that he made the Hulk who he is before he can explain the Hulk punches Loki´s face and he is throwed away. 3 months after the war , The Ultimate make a meeting and is reveled that Tont killed Ophelia by destroying her armor and saved Clint. Fury explains that the Liberators were a terrosit team not related to their respective governments. Thor mentions that Loki is in an distant island in the Nine Realms where he can´t leave for a big time. When the meetting ends Steve goes out in a mission with an agent whose Fury refers himself to as 13. Janet goes to Hank´s cell, it is the same cell that Bruce and Thor were before, she tanks him and tells that he ,despite everything ,was a noble man. Bruce is locked in a cell located in a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility called P.E.G.A.S.U.S. , this facility´s director is Carol Danvers. Clint is trainning on the exercise room, his targets are holograms of Ophelia. Natasha and Tony are on her appartment in the bath when she is called for a mission, he asks to go with her but she tells that they shouldn´t mix the things that much. Thor meet with Jannaine in a coffe shop and tells her that he loves her but he don´t want to keep putting her in danger, he walks away and asks her not to call him. In somewhere over Norway, the Defenders clothes are find in a montain by military agents and we hear Loki laughing.



In this part of the season he gets more of a history and is promoted to regular as the others.

I want him to appear in every part of the season as a main guest. I want to quote one line from his episode :"Thir suit fits perfect in me. I should be Iron Man."


I would love to see the Ultimate Carol Danvers in the small-screeen and if someday I will I want Paltrow to portray her. She looks like the part more than she looks like Pepper Potts.

Somerhalder looks perfect for Quicksilver and looks like Quicksilver. The character´s part in this season isn´t too big but If a second season be made he will have a major role. Credits for LEEE777, thanks a lot!

She is smoking hot and can act, I´ve watched her in White Collar. Alexandra is the perfect Ultimate Scarlet Witch. Same as Quicksilver for the character here.

A really really small role and I need someone real pretty for the part.

I want a Jane Foster-like character but with a more human part. As Kenneth said , Jane Foster have not much history and development in the comics. I want her to think with her mind and heart.

He have not much more than two or three small appearences and I think Cahrles Durning looks like the part. Look to the picture.

He appears first in the EPISODE 13 as the lawyer hired by S.HI.E.L.D. and in later episodes he is shown as Daredevil. If everything goes well he´ll be back.


In her appearances during these season she doesn´t get much history but I fell Morris is the right actress for this part.

A good actor that can be a father-figure for the team. I want him to really goes against everything Hank says and to fell that he is bad news. He ctually had a son wth cancer who died. In the end he sees Barbara and Hank talking and agrees that they need more marketing.

Strahovski can be a really bad-ass woman as she shows us in "Chuck". I want Hellcat do seem like a crazy for action girl and she flerts with Power Man during the whole episode.

Isaiah want to be Luke Cage? I ´m not sure if he can because the character´s true indentity wasn´t shown in the Ultimate Comics yet. He just need to bulk up a bit,he needs to have a lot of muscles but not seem like a wall yet. In the next season he might have to wear a suit tha makes he seem to have bigger muscles.

Not the bigger role, but this is the only member of the team that have powers. Not big powers but he can cast spells of fire beams and create illusions.

This is the character that I most look foward to see more because he have no more than 10 lines, I want to give him a back history and Paul Wesley seems great for the part.


I need an Iranian-like actor that looks like Jason Lewis´ Captain America. He have a big role but only appears in two or three episodes.

Not many lines, she only appears a lot and shows anger for her adversaries. Thought she seems to be dating Abomination ,she only thniks on him as a pet.

Not many lines and no actually acting requirred. Don´t get me wrong, I think Graham is a great actress.

I have to explain? Although he is a movie actor I think he would be a great Ultimate Perun on tv.

I don´t think this character have much history. She is only a manipulative b***h and model. Kreuk seems pretty to be a model and looks like tha character. She also can act.

The most complicated character in this season. I am a big fan of Matthew Bomer as Loki and think he would be amazing in the part.

--If you want to see a second season of THE ULTIMATES comment bellow saying so. I think the second can be really better.
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pirooks - 2/17/2011, 5:18 PM
i like it!
Cap82 - 2/17/2011, 9:40 PM
Although I disagree with your Carol Danver, I dig the rest! Bring on season 2!!!!
LEEE777 - 2/18/2011, 9:51 AM
Very sweet @ COMICS56 buddy thumbs up from me!

Yeah I'll take Jason Lewis as the TV CAP in this... of course he was born for the role!

Rather it be AVENGERS than ULTIMATES tho, I hate the ULTIMATE Universe, even tho I did an ULTIMATE casting haha! : P

Very cool dude, I'd watch this every week, got a lot spot on!

FILLION of couse is a perfect Hank Pym and Ackles as HAWKEYE!

Loving your WASP pic for THE ULTIMATES!

I got SOMERHALDER for 616 QUICKSILVER, suppose he can do the Ultimate one too easy, cool!

Gr8 stuff!
comics56 - 2/19/2011, 5:04 AM
@pirooks - Thanks a lot.

@Cap82 - Thanks a lot, but why you don´t like Paltrow as Danver ,in the comics (Ultimate) Carol looks more like Paltrow than Pepper Potts.

@LEEE777 - I am glad you liked. I am more proud of my Cap choice because the guy is Captain America. I am crediting you for Somehalder ,I knew I´ve seen this choice somewhere. Stay tuned for Season 2, now with promos.
Cap82 - 2/19/2011, 9:54 PM
@comics56 I like paltrow, she's a great actress but she just doesn't seem strong enough for danver. I don't remember carol in any of the ultimates books (if she appeared I didn't knowtice) but the 616 version I see sort of like wonder woman as the strong female type. Paltro just seems more vulnerable than strong, I could belive her as the person stark let's run his buisness but not as a woman fighting skrulls ya know. The rest are awesome though! Really hoping for season 2!
comics56 - 2/20/2011, 9:28 AM
@cap82 - I see what you mean, but the Ultimate Carol has no powers and is kind of a Maria Hill. She doesn´t get much of action.
Cap82 - 2/20/2011, 7:00 PM
@comics56 where did she make an appearance in the ultimates? I can't remember for nothing lol
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