In this article you get to choose what DC character you would want to play in a DC movie... Oh and a quick note, other people called other characters on another article, but I kind of forgot who. So just tell me who you picked and I will add you as your character. You can thank THEHAWK for reminding me of this. Pick a role...
Taken Roles:
Batman: Joshw24
Rorschach: Rorschach01
Superman: TheAnswer
Krypto the Superdog: Superdog
V (V for Vendetta): TheCritic17
Martian Manhunter: InTylerWeTrust82
Ozymandias: Ozymandias
Writer/Director: DDD and InTylerWeTrust82
To Be Determined Roles (TBD Roles):
Wonder Woman: THEPHONIEX
Hal Jordan: sanfordpunk
Wally West: InTylerWeTrust82
Guy Garnder
Booster Gold
The Blue Beetle
Darkseid: THEHAWK
The Joker: Ozymandias
Two-Face: TheProgram
Poison Ivy
Harley Quinn
Lex Luthor
Braniac: spock
Lois Lane
Vicki Vale
Nite-Owl II: Joshw24
Silk Spectre II
The Comedian: Ozymandias
Swamp-Thing: DDD
Bart Allen: KidFreshofKrypton
Jay Garrick
Barry Allen: Watchtower31
Doctor Manhattan: SabertoothTiger
Dr. Light
Green Arrow: Watchtower31
John Stewart
Kyle Raymer: NewAvenger4
The Penguin
Mr. Freeze
Black Canary
Nightwing: NewAvenger4
Jason Todd
Robin (Tim Drake): flames809
Comissioner James Gordon
Doomsday: DDD
Plastic Man: mounted08
Elongated Man
Deathstroke: THEHAWK
Aquaman: valeriesghost
Captain Marvel: RumbleBeast
General Zod: KEROSENE
Lobo: SabertoothTiger
The Question: Geekautomaton
Superboy: flames809
Kilojog: Tubittica
Aqualad: ledger20
I know I forgot quite a lot of characters. I'm not as big a fan of DC as I am of Marvel. So, just tell me who I forgot and I will add them in. Also tell me who you want to play and every 10 or so comments asking who you want to play, then I will update the list. Picking a character is on a strictly first-come first-serve basis. So if your role is taken, then sorry because your SOL. I did not steal this idea from Kratos06, I originally had the idea in the first place (well after The Answer suggested it to me). Also remember to post pictures of your characters again like in the Marvel one. Around 300-500 comments I will pick a winner for best whatever you posted up about your character. Have fun and happy picking!!!!