Since the famous video game series, 'Uncharted', is being claimed to make its appearance on the big screen soon, I figured it would be interesting to share my take. I HAVE played all three Uncharted games on the PS3 and they are some of my favorite games. Although many people have certain actors who they want to play the lead roles, I have different actors and I hope you enjoy my picks!
*The pictures with the Uncharted Logo are ones I made, the rest are ones I found scattered on Google*
Good Guys:
(This Nathan Drake picture is a photo I made almost a full year ago. I originally uploaded it on Flickr)
Nathan Drake played by Zachary Levi:

I chose Zachary Levi because I believe he is a talented young actor that has the skills to pull off the sarcastic, witty, arrogant characteristics of Nathan Drake. Zachary Levi is also known to be a huge gamer and even hosted the 2011 Game of the Year Awards in which Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception was a contender. I believe even in the compilation picture I posted he actually looks like Nathan Drake. Many people suggest Nathan Fillion as the main character, but I feel he is too old to pull off such an athletic role as this.
Others I Considered:
Bradley Cooper
Matt Bomer
Shia LaBeouf (I am just kidding but knowing Hollywood he will be ND)
Elena Fisher played by Yvonne Strahovski:
I chose Yvonne as Elena because of numerous reasons. If I were to start with reasons why because of the game, I would say, Nathan and Elena have an extreme chemistry, that of which Zach and Yvonne have because they were partners and husband and wife on the show, 'Chuck', and they both kicked a LOT of ass! Yvonne is also very headstrong, just like Elena.
Others I Considered:
Emily Rose (Actual Motion Capture and Voice behind Elena in the Uncharted games)
Maggie Grace (Another top pick)
Victor 'Sully' Sullivan played by Robert DeNiro
I chose Robert because he is the father figure type and seems like he could play off Zachary very well. He also starred with Yvonne in the movie Killer Elite. Robert is known to be a good action star and I think he would make a great Sully.
Others I Considered:
Jeff Bridges
Chloe Frazer played by Olivia Wilde:
I chose Olivia to play Chloe because they both are strong independent women who are prone to kicking ass. Both Olivia and Chloe have that, 'mystery girl' look to them and I think her acting could come off very well.
Others I Considered:
Rose Byrne
Charlie Cutter played by Jason Statham
Jason Statham is THE man! He has the action, the humor (when given), the badass-ness, and the balls to play such a fun character. I think Jason as Cutter would be one of the best on screen picks.
Others I Considered:
Salim played by Oded Fehr
This one is short, he basically played the character in the first two Mummy movies.
Others I Considered:
Jeff Mayhre played by David Schwimmer
Jeff is the joking assistant to Elena until his unfortunate fate by the hands of Zoran Lazaraveic. He had a joking sense of humor but also had a brother/sister relationship with Elena. I think David could promote a great Jeff. He also looks like him too.
Others I Considered:
Joel David Moore (I have seen his name thrown around for this character, I too think he would be good.)
Kärl Schafer played by Martin Sheen
Although his role may not be huge (but it is pivotal) I believe Martin could give the character a great feel and have that emotional tie to Nathan as he used to be like him when he was younger.
Others I Considered:
Tenzin played by Jason Mamoa
Tenzin is Nathans Tibetan friend. Although they can't understand each other...the somehow do! I think having somebody that could play off that language barrier would be great. Although there aren't many Tibetan actors I think if Jason Mamoa could possibly learn it and be awesome. Tenzin in the game had a small role, but for what it was worth he had a lot of action.
Others I Considered:
Bad Guys:
Gabriel Roman played by Terrence Stamp
Terrance Stamp has a sinister look to him, just like Gabriel. I think he could give a strong villain feel to the character and make the character even more scary and demented than he already is. He played a great spooky/eerie character in Wanted.
Others I Considered:
Jeremy Irons
Atoq Navarro played by Dominic West
Dominic West not only looks like Navarro but has that sort of evil, killer attitude to him. I think he would be able to play the character to perfection.
Others I Considered:
Oded Fehr
Luke Evans
Katherine Marlowe played by Helen Mirren:
I am 90% sure the creators of Uncharted based the likeness of Marlowe off of Mirren. I also believe that Mirren could play the totally twisted Marlowe just amazingly. If you played the game, you PICTURE Mirren.
Others I Considered:
Talbot played by Jason Isaccs
Talbot is the complete opposite of Nathan, and even though Bradley was one of my other choices for Nathan Drake, I think if he just switched those characteristics around, we have a great Talbot.
Others I Considered:
Harry Flynn played by Bradley Cooper
Harry Flynn used to be Nathans great friend but turned criminal after a while. Even though Bradley was a top pick for Nathan, I think he would be just as good as Harry Flynn. He's got the charisma and skills to play a duplicate of Drake.
Others I Considered:
Edward Norton
Zoran Lazaraveic played by Ray Stevenson
Ray can play a GREAT evil character who is ready to kill and that is what Zoran is. He is a ruthless war 'hero' and is ready to take on the adventure and ready to kill.
Others I Considered:
Eddie Raja played by Reggie Lee
Reggie and Eddie seem to have the 'annoying, yet powerful' characteristic. Reggie stars in the show Grimm and sometimes he has to work the gun. Eddie and Nathan used to be good friends, and he also has a comedic sense of humor, and I think Reggie could pull that off.
Others I Considered: