Who Can Beat Goku?

Who Can Beat Goku? Who Can Beat Goku?

With A Twist

Feature Opinion
By SillySteve181191 - Aug 13, 2011 06:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

So now I come with Goku, Who can beat him? In a straight up fight who would be bringing Goku down. Who could really put the hurt on Goku and even make him want to stop fighting, which I dont think would ever happen. He loves it too much. Who is his Equal? Does he even have an equal? We know Goku is a master in Martial Arts. Some would say he is maybe the best.

Now For The Twist.

It can be anyone from any universe. This is H2H only. They can only use their skills, power & speed, for example Superman could not use his heat vision, Goku could not use his Ki blasts, Darkseid could not use his OB. Now remember Goku is a Martial Arts master, you can put him up against someone stronger than him but it may not make a difference with his skill.


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CrossOver - 8/13/2011, 6:50 PM
Haha @ Jduke

I think... a good fight would be... yeah, Superman. Since he was taught by Batman in fighting techniques.
APCrazy - 8/13/2011, 9:02 PM
Although the Hulk is big and strong, he's not really all that fast and he's not a trained fighter. If he were really fast and well-trained, guys like Wolverine wouldn't give him the trouble that they do. Goku is a much better trained fighter and super fast. Goku would win that fight hands down.
superbatspiderman - 8/13/2011, 9:09 PM
Superman, Captain Marvel, Sentry, Hulk, and Martian Manhunter are all good threats against Goku.
Shadowelfz - 8/13/2011, 9:16 PM
SwingsetKnight - 8/13/2011, 9:25 PM
Alucard. No way, physically, for Goku to kill or even seriously harm him. Not sure how many of Alucard's abilities are restricted, but intangibility and instantaneous healing is enough to be going on with.

Thor. More experience, very strong. Has a badass weapon, and in a straight bruiser fight, the guy with his hands on an instrument of war gets a definite advantage.

Of course, if we eliminated the prohibition against non-physical powers, there are any number of people.

Rand al'Thor, for example, could just balefire the spiky-haired dork out of existence.

luffycapri - 8/13/2011, 10:18 PM

BlackWindThaAstonishing - 8/14/2011, 5:05 AM
We're talking who can beat Goku in hand to hand combat, meaning strength speed and skill vs strength speed and skill. Superman and the sentry definitely have the strength and speed but I'm not sure if skill-wise they can keep up with Goku. Thor probably has the skills so I'd say he can do it. maybe Darksied as well.
JDUKE25 - 8/14/2011, 11:27 AM
Ok...can anyone tell me why my comments from the past week have been deleted???
JDUKE25 - 8/14/2011, 12:21 PM
@SillySteve181191 Oh I know, i was just wondering if anyone knew why they were all gone. Not just on here but on a lot of other articles.
kong - 8/15/2011, 7:14 AM
In Dragonball goku uses only martial arts for a period of time.
MoonDoggyX - 8/16/2011, 10:58 AM
Superman or Darkseid might actually win this because they are FASTER and stronger tha goku. Thor would put up a hell of a fight, hes definitely stronger than Goku, but doesn't have the speed to win. No matter how strong or skilled anyone else is(looking at you Hulk, Silver surfer and Lobo... lol) if you don't have super fast reflexes and speed, don't even bother puting your name in the hat...
SwingsetKnight - 8/20/2011, 11:53 PM
@ MoonDoggyX: Why does everyone underestimate Thor's speed?

Thor using Mjolnir to clear light speed:


Thor moving "faster than the eye can follow":


Thor catching a shell from a tank:


Thor pwning the Greek God of Speed:


...none of this took me long to find. Just a Google search. Yet no one ever thinks to check concerning poor ol' Thor for some reason...
Thunderkutfo - 10/2/2011, 5:40 PM
I agree with you SwingsetKnight! Everyone underestimates Thor!
pander - 5/21/2012, 12:12 AM
Amazing everyone here always just picks guys who would win.

I'll tell you who would win.

Wonder Woman would kick Goku's butt.

She's got 3000 years of fighting experience.
She's beaten Superman when he was blood-lusted.
She's beaten Batman. Think about that. She beat a prepped Batman (read the Hiketeia if you disagree)
Batman, Black Canary, and most Martial Artists in the DC world agree she's probably the single best hand to hand combatant in the world.
Her REACTION TIME is faster than Superman (even though her raw speed isnt) - Batman said it best 'who is faster, Ossain Bolt or Bruce Lee?'

So yes, Wonder Woman would beat Goku.
KeaneSpark - 11/1/2012, 3:33 PM
again nobody takes in account the dragon balls goku can just wish to be stronger and please guys in power strength and skill has any of you seen a Spirit bomb? Or a Kamehameha x 10? he can destroy worlds PLEASE!!!!!!!!
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