There are many speculations to who will be the villain in the first Avenger movie. It is a tug of war between those who believe and would like it to be The God of Mischief Loki(Step Brother to one of the team core heroes Thor) and The Hulk under his spell or influence. The Other speculated villains would be the Skrulls, an Alien Race of Shape Shifters that have lived for millions of years. The Skrulls came to be after cosmic beings known as the Celestials performed experiments on a reptilian species that inhabited the planet the Skrulls come from. the result split the species into three branches one of which being the Skrulls. These Alien invaders being the villains would take from the alternate universe of marvel The Ultimates story line, in which the Skrulls were known as the Chitari and funded many evils that have gone on in humanity over the years to conquer the planet from Within.
Lets have a run down of the films and the possibilities that each bring to the table. Both Plausible and Both would be quite entertaining.
First Off!
Loki and The Hulk Vs. The Avengers:
Many fans of the classic continuity are hoping for the original story of Loki taking control of Hulk and pitting him against the Avengers(Thor, Iron Man, Ant Man & Wasp). In hope of the Hulk being able to destroy Thor, Loki creates an Illusion the causes him to destroy a Rail Road. Thor hears the distress call but unbeknownst to Loki so does Ant Man, Wasp, and Iron Man. Thus a battle begins eventually Hulk breaking out of the illusion and Loki being Defeated. Lets not forget the film will be slightly different since they will have an early inclusion of Captain America who joined the team four issues later when he is thawed from an iceberg while the team does battle with Namor The Submariner.
If Loki and Hulk are the Villains we are looking at maybe 4 action Beats and 3 Battles. This is the minimum for a decent action film. Mind you the Bourne movies have more Action beats then this and those are plot/character driven films.
*(I find it unlikely but the film could start with a battle between Hulk and Namor if he is included as one of the invaders in Captain America:TFA)*
1. Captain Waking up, Beating up shield agents and escaping while the team tries to pursue.(action Beat)
2. The Hulk going all......Hulk somewhere.(action beat)
3. The Avengers Trying to Catch The Hulk with little to no success.(battle)
4. A Team Squabble.(action beat)
5. The Hulk encountering Loki.(battle)
6. The Hulk under control of Loki encountering the Avengers.(battle)
7. The Finale were Hulk is broken free and Helps them.(action beat)
Role Credits.
Agent Culson turns to a Skrull!(if they decide to save the green men for a Sequel). OR! A robot that was being worked on by Ant Man is stolen!
Last but Not Least!
The Skrull Invasion:
If this were to be the plot you wouldn't have to imagine much, just pick up the animated Ultimate Avenger film. With The Ultimates story line already having an animated rendition and bringing in a new fan base it is very possible that they take some plot points form this continuity(though still making a hybrid story line IMHO). This film would leave us with many twist and turns and would make for a great change from the previous marvel movies to come about. In this story line Col. Nick Fury leader of S.H.I.E.L.D, banded a team of super heroes together to stop an alien invasion that had been foreseen by him and the agency of super spies. Eventually this calls for the need of The Incredible Hulks Assistance. Hulk being as powerful as he is uncontrollable may still cause for him to be the final test of Might for the Avengers.
This Movie plot would probably push well over 2&1/2 hours, if it is to be done correctly. There is less personal conflict with these villains thus not dwelling on there motive much, allowing for the plot focus to be the Avengers chemistry/conflict. This cause a few traders to appear and for some great battle Sequences. There could be More action beats in this film as well with the greater scale of villainy.
*(I find it unlikely but the film could start with a battle between Hulk and Namor if he is included as one of the invaders in Captain America:TFA)*
1. Captain Waking up, Beating up shield agents and escaping while the team tries to pursue.(action Beat)
2. After they band together the team is called to handle a strange event causing the team to have some friction and fail there first assignment.(action beat)
3. The Hulk going all......Hulk somewhere.(action beat)
4. The Avengers Trying to Catch The Hulk and succeeding by a thin chance.(battle)
5. A Skrull being revealed(Agent Colson lol) and attacking the Avengers.(battle)
6. The plot unfolds and the team manages to foil it by working together.(action beat)
7. With there new level of unity and trust they do battle with the Skrull army who has begun a full assault on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Hover Carrier and eventually the Capital or New York City.(epic battle)
8. They gain victory with the Hulks assistance but the calm after the storm was really only the eye and now they must take down the beast that was the deciding factor in there victory over the Skrulls.(even MORE epic Battle)
Team Wins Somehow,
Role Credits
Red Skull is Awaken by Arnim Zola with the Assistance of Skrull tech and Loki Magic! OR! A robot that was being worked on by Ant Man is stolen!
Sweet Sweet Possibilities.
Well this is my analogy of how the movies can turn out. I believe either story would make for a great film. What are your thoughts?
This is my First Feature and I hope you all enjoyed. Please share your opinions and give me your insight on the article. Criticism is more then welcomed here!